I bought an R1....now what??


Professional test dummy
Nov 16, 2011
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kennesaw, Ga
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I came home yesterday with a slightly banged up R1....
but once I get plastics and a battery it shouldnt take more than a day to get it back to perfect.

so excited!!! :D

im already trolling ebay for:
headlight assembly
gauge case
my brother is looking to sell his 09 R1 with 2300 and now I am thinking if I should be getting rid of my fz and getting his R1
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Looks like a highside. I'd look into getting a new tank as well. Tanks that bend like that can rust on the inside, or develop leaks later in life. So, it's not like a "right this now" issue, but at some point in the foreseeable future.

Was it checked out by anyone to see if the frame is still straight? Swingarm still straight? Just make sure you go over everything with a fine toothed comb. While not common, drops and wrecks can cause damage beyond what's visible.

Oh, and torque everything back to spec.
Looks like a highside. I'd look into getting a new tank as well. Tanks that bend like that can rust on the inside, or develop leaks later in life. So, it's not like a "right this now" issue, but at some point in the foreseeable future.

Was it checked out by anyone to see if the frame is still straight? Swingarm still straight? Just make sure you go over everything with a fine toothed comb.

Oh, and torque everything back to spec.

A tank is definitely in the future I just want to get it on the road and figure out what else it needs....the forks and tree are straight .....the guy even gave me a contract guaranteeing the mechanics of the bike....I dont know how much weight it would hold in court but its great to know of his confidence in the bike....or his dedication to bullsh!t lol.

he went into grass avoiding a deer at supposedly ~30mph
Riiiight. And managed to flip the bike upside down and only hit the top... I do believe grass was involved (but not what he landed in, lol), and that those aren't stock fairings or the fairings weren't on while he was stunting.

I've gone down at 30 and my tank wasn't even dented. My handlebars were screwed, fairings busted, mirrors broke, but the tank didn't touch. I mean, I guess you could highside at 30, but I'm not sure it'd flip it like that.
i wasnt much for his story either.....or his knowledge of the bike....said the chain and everything is stock....its a gold DID 520 chain on a siedwinder sprocket set....I wouldnt think Yamaha would put such a small chain on a liter bike. :spank:
i like the older R1's good luck widdit. oh and i had a guy highside at about 10-15 mph right in front of me, freaked me out. not a full cartwheel but if he was doing 30 then maybe. I still dont buy the grass bit, more than likely the whole story is a load, but whatever right. i mean its yours now regardless, enjoy it.
my brother is looking to sell his 09 R1 with 2300 and now I am thinking if I should be getting rid of my fz and getting his R1
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I just got rid of my 10 R1 for an 09 FZ. Best choice in my life. The crossplane motor is such a chore to ride in any kind of city environment. Highways and twisties are great though but IMO I would not suggest getting rid of the FZ
I have been riding it around a little bit for the last week.....HOLYSWEETJEESUSMOTHEROFSKHGOWEIHNDSNASJHKGHLK!!!!
its fast.
it pulls SO hard in every gear....you really can feel that it has almost twice the torque.. needless to say I have yet to redline it...Its almost impossible to keep the front end on the ground anytime before 3rd or 4th gear....
It is going to be hard to sell it :'(
...Its almost impossible to keep the front end on the ground anytime before 3rd or 4th gear....
It is going to be hard to sell it :'(

Don't confuse the TWO!!!! lol
Or we'll be looking for you over the guardrail somewhere! :spank: :spank:

Looks like a great project - hopefully everything is true under neath. Have Fun!
just an update:
been ridin her for a few weeks now.....she looks acceptable but I have a new tank that just needs painting.

ITS FAST! but never, ever, ever, ever get caught in the rain...I broke the rear end loose in 4th at 45 and wagged the tail a few heart-stopping times...