I got my bike back from the shop today...



and it's going back in probably tomorrow. I'm so F-ing pissed off right now you don't even know!!! my pipes came in today they hadn't started to install them, so I decided to hang out at the shop and wait. almost three hours later it was done. so I was very stoked!!! the bike sounds awesome and looks good too. so I'm all happy, I pay the tab and off I go...
for about 15 miles then the bike stalls out while I'm doing 95MPH on the freeway. I'm like WTF, I would've turned around but I was closer to home then the dealer so I did the whole "maybe it was just a bump in the road, ya thats it, my bike is fixed" as I lied to myself hoping that I was imagineing the stall. so I'm riding on, I come up on a signal light, that is backed up with cars. I begin to split the cages while downshifting. as I downshift into 2nd and blip the throttle, releasing the clutch the bike stalls. this was just enough to lock the rear wheel. I clutched it before the bike got too sideways, and thumbed over the starter and the bike wouldn't start.
so now I've come to a complete stop between cars about 40ft. from the intersection, trying to start my bike. the light turns green and the cages are kinda afraid to go because I'm sitting there like an arse with a POS that won't start. finally it fires and I bang a few gears getting closer to home. now I have little faith that I'm going to make it without further incedent. and guess what I DON'T. having no trust in my bike now, instead of crossing the expressway when there is a space between traffic, I sit there like an arse for about 3 minutes waiting tell I can see no traffic just incase. ( if I had been on the Ninja I would have gone about 100 times by now.) and sure enough when the road was clear I started to go and the bike dies. it won't start so I get off it and push it across the expressway. once I'm across the road the bike starts up and I ride the rest of the way (1.5 miles) home with no more problems. if I didn't just spend that much money on tires and exhaust, I think I would have kicked the bike off its kickstand and stomped it into the ground.
so anyways, I pull it into the garage and called the dealer, they said they would talk to the tech who worked on it and call Yamaha and get back to me tomorrow. looks like I bought a new ignition switch for nothing. don't get me wrong I have no intension of letting this go, I plan on getting my money back for the switch and the diagnostic service if they don't make things right. but I'm going to give them the benifet of the doubt and see what they offer. they seem like really good people, so will see what happens.

I know what your thinking. "but sportrider, what about the ride on the 12th?" no worries, I'll be there if I'm on the Ninja(thats in the shop getting new pirellis as I type this), I'll be there!!! you may have to just slow down on the straights.

if I was a psycic I'd predict a new bike for me in the future, if they can't find the real problem.(God knows, I've checked everything I can think of. wires, connectors, hoses, plugs, battery) I'm not about to start the let try this game.

rant over:mad:
Just from the sounds of it I would say it is beyond connectors and such and possibly along the lines of a pick up coil. Me thinks the bike needs a good lap top and a dyno to duplicate the problem. I don't know who you were dealing with but the folks over at Malcolm Smith's on Indian in Riverside are awesome.
Can't really blame you for being frustrated, esp. when the bike is shutting down at 95 MPH. Just wanted to say glad you made it home safely and keep the faith. I hope it gets straightened out soon.
I know what your thinking. "but sportrider, what about the ride on the 12th?" no worries, I'll be there if I'm on the Ninja(thats in the shop getting new pirellis as I type this), I'll be there!!! you may have to just slow down on the straights.

Thats funny! Sorry to hear about your bike. I guess this is one instance it would have been nice to have purchased the extended warranty.
Dude that sucks!!! Sorry to hear about all your troubles; hope you get this sorted out before the FZ6 gets stomped.

Are you going to tow it back to the shop? Sounds dangerous how it cuts out at such inopportune times.

Good luck man.
Any chance that it's the "Vehicle down sensor?" I don't know if they are prone to malfunction but if they did, this would kill the ignition.... It's located under the left side rear quarter cover (on an '07). Maybe it's registering a tilt prematurely....
I messed with it some more,and I noticed the kill switch is not right. when the bike is running(idling in the garage) if you tap on the switch the engine will miss or stall. I'm going to try and bypass it and see if that fixes it.
I knew there was a reason I've never let anyone else touch my stuff before, and this is just a reminder why.(and I mean everything cars,bikes,ect.)

I checked the kickstand safety switch and it seems fine, I was able to recreate the problem with the bike in neutral, so that should rule out the switch. I also went in to diag mode and checked the TPS and with the throttle closed it was reading 16 and at WOT it was at 101. anyone else with a reading past 100 at WOT?
That totally 100% absolutely positively SUCKS! That's got to be the worst dealer/tech shop ever. I'd start calling Yamaha myself at this point.

Where's the next closest dealer?
They are human, but unless they can prove the ignition was defective as well, you do deserve a refund. Its only right.
Could you bypass the kickstand switch and try it?

Steve, is this switch closed or open in the stand up position? I have never checked to see which is which. The Sporty is dumb as it don't have one. The Roadstar does though.