I would just like to say...

:rof::rof: I feel for you Northern Hemispherians and your cold weather , i really do :D ....... It was a nice warm , sunny 32 degrees today with not a cloud in sight :thumbup: and it'll be like that till ohh i dont know March , April next year :D
:rof::rof: I feel for you Northern Hemispherians and your cold weather , i really do :D ....... It was a nice warm , sunny 32 degrees today with not a cloud in sight :thumbup: and it'll be like that till ohh i dont know March , April next year :D
You cheeky bastard...

Brrrr is right. It was 10F (-12C) on the way into work this morning. With the 20MPH wind it feels like 0F (-18C). I have a funny feeling that the bike is not going to be moving until April 2009.:(
Ya'll are crazy. :eek:

I guess I am not used to it being that cold......ever. When it gets into the upper 30's around here, I am done. That is Cold enough. Of course the 30's is usually the coldest it gets around here, maybe high 20's.

Adaption, what a mistery.
Ya'll are crazy. :eek:

I guess I am not used to it being that cold......ever. When it gets into the upper 30's around here, I am done. That is Cold enough. Of course the 30's is usually the coldest it gets around here, maybe high 20's.

Adaption, what a mistery.

I think Humperdinkel was talking about degrees in Celcius, not Fahrenheit. The weather is similar here too. During the day it's like 5-10 degrees at worst during the winter. Now it's over 20 C. Great weather for riding
I think Humperdinkel was talking about degrees in Celcius, not Fahrenheit. The weather is similar here too. During the day it's like 5-10 degrees at worst during the winter. Now it's over 20 C. Great weather for riding

I was talking about reiobard, and wolfc70. 10f and 18f would have my bells jingling. That is way too COOOOLD for me.
Brrrrr ...damn... brrrrr....OMG.... cold here in NJ to. Its about 33 Deg. out here today...Was going to ride in to work, but my bunz needed to be warm. So I took my car. Oh yeahh.... the bunz feel much better...yeahh...:spank:
how cold?

It got down to 15F last night when I got off work which is nothing compared to what comes later but still...

But anyhow... omw back from class this morning my brakes in my cage started to falter.

I've gotta go to another class (only about 10M away but still too far to hike and with the cage temporarily unsafe it's time to bust out the long underwear!
(I'd supply some pics but I can't seem to get any that isnt just my crotch :D)

It's actually looking like a nice day to ride and really warming up today here in Tinley Park though since the Sun is out.
Did someone say "Shiver"? ;)
:Flip: its 70 (F) out and sunny.... we have a cold front coming through this weekend and it might get down to 40 (F) oh noes! :Flip:
Yup - brrr here too!

Although, I did see 2 cycles (and one didn't have a helmet on - crazy Harley rider) on my way home today. I did a quick check on the temp on the car and it said 21f. Don't know if I could have braved it.