I'd love to ride this road


Riding the Big Honda
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Aug 25, 2008
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I was just searching for recommended riding roads in wales when i spotted this on the front page of one of the sites..this is in italy (not Wales :( )

don't forget about the guys on Top gear and their search for the perfect road!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFBudD4HG_U]YouTube - Top Gear Transfagarasan 1080p[/ame]
Hmmm. You know, those pics got me to wondering: are there a LOT of roads like this, but only when they're above the treeline do you see the whole thing, and get even more impressed? Hmmm. ;)

Scottsst, that video was scary! I can't imagine hanging the tail out, even in a cage, on those mountainous curves! One miscalculation and you're a splotch... :eek:
Hmmm. You know, those pics got me to wondering: are there a LOT of roads like this, but only when they're above the treeline do you see the whole thing, and get even more impressed? Hmmm. ;)

Scottsst, that video was scary! I can't imagine hanging the tail out, even in a cage, on those mountainous curves! One miscalculation and you're a splotch... :eek:

You have the road that takes you up to snow basin almost in you back yard.

I wish I had a bike when I lived in Layton. :(
Scottsst, that video was scary! I can't imagine hanging the tail out, even in a cage, on those mountainous curves! One miscalculation and you're a splotch... :eek:

The funny thing is on another Top Gear clip they are on a road just like that and Jeremy makes the comment " if you go off here you will have time to phone the insurance"
Thanks for that Frank.

For those who have never ridden anything like the Swiss Alps.
I did it for the first time this year and must admit to being a bit apprehensive. At the end of the day it turned out to be very easy. The swings come up so often you cannot get any real speed up. In all honesty, it gets a bit boring in the end. Another hairpin, another mountain, another fantastic view.

I cannot wait for summer, I might go up to Norway and try a few of their mountain roads.

I bicycled the Grossglockner Hochalpstrasse in 2007 from Heiligenblut to Bruck (as part of a longer ride from Bolsano/Bozen to Innsbruck via the Sella Ring, Cortina, Zell-am-See).

On the downhill into Fusch, from the Edelweisspitze to the Zoo, I kept up with a pair of BMW K bikes. That'll give you an idea of how steep it is (about 10-18% grade and easy to get to 50 mph).

My fastest downhill on the ride was the east side of the Fedaia pass, however, 64 mph on a bicycle, where lycra and a helmet is ATGATT.
I have ridden Grossglockner... watch out for all the bicycles!!

I couldn't believe how many bicycles there were on that pass!
Here a cool little road near us in San Diego. It's called South Grade Rd. on Palomar Mountain. It's a hotspot for riding bike with tight turns and hairpins. You have to be careful of bicycle riders especially on the weekends. It joins at the top with East Grade Rd. back down the mountain. We call South Grade, "The Tight Side" and East Grade, "The Fast Side" We call the mountain, "Pally"

Palomar Mountain

Here's a Honda RC51 (Psychobabble) headed up the mountain. I met this guy once on the mountain.

This is a fun ride and we have lots of great rides here in SoCal because of our terrain with changing elevations. People are really surprised when we take them out here and they always smile! :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7YY2e9QivE]YouTube - Palomar Mountain Tight SIde[/ame]
I'm not a huge fan of straight/harpin/straight/haripin/straight/harpin roads from a pure riding enjoyment perspectiv (I prefer roads that flow); however, from a touring/exploration perspective, that road looks cool.