Idiots on the road!

Man, now I need my concealed carry to go through, and a camera. I'm pretty sure that, that's assualt with a deadly weapon, or attempted manslaughter. At any rate, they would have had every right to resolve that through deadly force. While he was still driving anyway. Once he got out of the truck, they took the right course of action.
Well, the video would also incriminate the rider for passing on the double yellow so, not so sure that they would want to follow through with the complaint (but it might be worth it, anyway?).
I see a crazy redneck in a pickup (is the quad in the back not a strong clue?)

and 2 stupid riders that don't have the sense to get away from a bad driver,

they stop and confront the guy then bitch out and call the cops

this should be shown in safety courses as an example of what not to do
I'd say getting that guy off the road and potentially behind bars for a little while is worth the ticket you could potentially get, as he will most likely continue acting like that and could eventually kill someone.
I see a crazy redneck in a pickup (is the quad in the back not a strong clue?)

and 2 stupid riders that don't have the sense to get away from a bad driver,

they stop and confront the guy then bitch out and call the cops

this should be shown in safety courses as an example of what not to do

What would you do? The driver was following them and didn't seem to intend on stopping. You stop, he stops and gets out, how would you recommended getting away from someone like that that is insistent on following you? Going faster than the truck can keep up is not a smart option either.
Well, the video would also incriminate the rider for passing on the double yellow so, not so sure that they would want to follow through with the complaint (but it might be worth it, anyway?).

I would. It's a $240 ticket and traffic school. That guy left to his own wits will hurt or kill someone. From what I've read the DA's office is considering adding attempted murder which is what he tried to do. This would be added to the charges he already has. He could face 24 years in prison. If the truck driver shot at the bike with a gun, it would be attempted murder. :spank:

I think an important thing for us as riders to consider is how we might contribute to people like this. Not saying he even has the right to say anything to us. But...I see riders behaving rudely in traffic and that sets a mindset in peoples minds when they see a bike. The riders behaving rudely might be mad at how people are driving and reacting. Still we as riders must be superior mentally and emotionally. :rockon:
What would you do? The driver was following them and didn't seem to intend on stopping. You stop, he stops and gets out, how would you recommended getting away from someone like that that is insistent on following you? Going faster than the truck can keep up is not a smart option either.

so the guy in the truck was following the one behind him? neat trick :rolleyes:

first off, the redneck didn't get out until both riders had visited his
window and said...we don't know what, but it's obvious this further
provoked the idiot, but anyway, here's some scenarios:

play it out as these 2 did and luckily no one got hurt or killed,
then spend a couple of hours in a police station dealing with the BS...

again, play it like they did and one or both riders end up dead or injured

or, both riders signal to the right, slow down, stop, stay on the bikes and let
the whiskey tango MF drive away then laugh about it and carry on with
your day

personally I'd rather not waste my riding time in a police station
Well, the video would also incriminate the rider for passing on the double yellow so, not so sure that they would want to follow through with the complaint (but it might be worth it, anyway?).

Passing on the double yellow is at most a reckless driving ticket.

Trying to run someone off the road is at least felony reckless but with the right lawyer (and this video as evidence and him brandishing a tire iron, deadly weapon at the end there...) should be an attempted murder charge.

I'm not sure I would have handled this so civil if someone deliberately tried to kill me and showed no remorse 8 minutes later...and in fact would haved likely to bash my head in with a tire iron. I do believe he would have been looking down the wrong end of a .40 S&W.
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I think an important thing for us as riders to consider is how we might contribute to people like this. Not saying he even has the right to say anything to us. But...I see riders behaving rudely in traffic and that sets a mindset in peoples minds when they see a bike. The riders behaving rudely might be mad at how people are driving and reacting. Still we as riders must be superior mentally and emotionally. :rockon:

Well said.
ok, I'm big enough to admit I'm wrong :).....

I had FFWD the vid because it was boring as chit, missed the
pass and attempted run off the road...yep, that guy is a hazard
and needs to be held accountable, sorry dudes
In the comments section under that vid, the truck driver is getting nailed with a DUI among other things.

To me, the motorcycle passing over the double yellow is a big fat "who cares?". He passed him on a long straight, and didn't do anything silly. Yet the douche in the truck tries to kill the rider by forcing him off the road, and then pursues, takes blind corners going over the double yellow, and tries to get in a fight. What ticks me off over people(if you can even call them that) like that, is they don't like people going at what they perceive as "too fast", so what do they do? They try to harm that person, while usually doing the very thing they despise : going fast. :confused: I've had people do that crap to me when I'm in the car and on the bike. And it enrages me every time. I usually just ditch them(if possible). If I ever end up in a situation where I can't, well, then I'll explore other "options". :sinister:
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macem, I'm glad you watched the entire thing. Obviously you see what's got everyone so upset now. :thumbup:

As it turns out, the guy doing the recording I've ridden with on a couple of occasions (I'm not sure who the other guy that nearly got run off the road is at this point).

Yes, while he DID pass on a double yellow line, there's some conflicting information on how the law reads here in Kentucky. I haven't had a chance to look it up, but some have said the law allows for passes on a double yellow if the vehicle in front is moving considerably slower and you pass in an area with good visibility. I don't know if this is true or not, though.

This occurred on KY-22, one of the more popular motorcycling roads in the central/northern part of the state and a road I've been on many, many times. While I can appreciate the locals being frustrated with having so many bikes zipping along past their houses, it in no way is justification for this type of behavior.

I can't figure out what the idiot in the truck is thinking in the first place. Obviously he doesn't know the guy behind him has a video camera running, but when he stops at the stop sign, he has to realize they're going to get his plate number and make of truck and call him in. He'd have been better served to just move along.

I'd also question what he was doing when he arrived at the stop sign. It appeared to me that he started to roll towards the front bike, like he was going to ram him. IMO, the front rider decided to simply stop there and wait for his buddy...not the truck. The fact that the truck stopped just escalated the situation, not the riders approaching the truck.

The guy video taping (again, who I've met and ridden with before) is a level-headed fellow and a good rider (re: smart rider). While I'm not sure that I would've confronted the guy, from his perspective, the idiot just tried to run his friend off the road and then seemed to be thinking about running him over at the stop sign. Not to mention the other bikes he nearly hit going the other direction when he had crossed the double yellow line (for the 30th or 40th time). I can't judge either rider's reaction in this situation.

According to the guy that videotaped the incident, the local sheriff says he hasn't had time to review the tape. Whatever. He probably knows the guy and is covering for him. And if I'm the rider in front, I'm willing to take a ticket for passing on a double yellow to get this guy off the road.

There's also the idea that the truck driver is in the military. Some have suggested sending this tape to his CO, then he would get a whole other level of justice. I'm all for that. :thumbup:
Yes, while he DID pass on a double yellow line, there's some conflicting information on how the law reads here in Kentucky. I haven't had a chance to look it up, but some have said the law allows for passes on a double yellow if the vehicle in front is moving considerably slower and you pass in an area with good visibility. I don't know if this is true or not, though.

There's also the idea that the truck driver is in the military. Some have suggested sending this tape to his CO, then he would get a whole other level of justice. I'm all for that. :thumbup:

If passing on a double yellow is illegal then passing a slow moving piece of farm equipment on a double yellow (which we have likely all done at one time) would be just as illegal as passing a slow moving pickup truck.

If this dude is military I agree. He doesn't deserve to represent our country if he has this level of disregard for his fellow Americans.
I love that he had a quad in the back of his truck. You'd think he'd have some sense of solidarity - even if it has four wheels and is an offroad machine - with the motorcyclists.

Guys, please don't pull the "if I had my CCW I would have wasted the guy" card, even for this. As pissed as I would be - and believe me I would be PISSED - you can't shoot someone (even if it seems like they deserve it) over this.

I am not an anti-gun nut. I'm not even anti-CCW per se - there are times and places for them. But this kind of comment makes us Americans look like bloodthirsty gun-toting lunatics.

All of that aside, I have been confronted - on my bike and in my car - by people who used their vehicle as a weapon against me. Recently, even, I had a guy in a Jeep Liberty swerve violently at me, multiple times, on the freeway because (I think) he perceived that I should have not changed lanes "in front of him" on a very busy morning rush hour L.A. area freeway, where there was no room to run. This was after observing similar B.S. from him as he came charging up behind me.

Some people are just dangerous assh*les and I hope that they die of syphilis. :) More likely they will die of a rage-induced heart attack.

As much as the riders may or may not have been "in the right" you have to admit, they passed the guy on the double yellow. And, as big as a prick as the dude in the truck is, you also need to try to step away from the situation, and look at it from his perspective.

I am not saying in any way that this justifies his lunatic behavior, but imagine he lives on that road and is constantly being buzzed by guys on "crotch rockets" passing him over the DY. Add to that any number of other agitations in life - perhaps he's having employment issues, or a family member is terminally ill. Perhaps he sat on his balls this morning, who knows? The point is, the motorcyclists are not blameless in this altercation - they have greater than zero % blame, because they antagonized the idiot by passing on the double yellow.

Again, just saying. And hell yes I'd be pissed by that situation too. You have to try to be the one with the level head in these situations, if for no other reason than self-preservation, as you are inherently vulnerable on a bike as compared with a car/truck/cage.

Jails are filled with people who couldn't walk away from the beginning of a fight. LEOs, judges and especially jailors don't give a SH*T who started a fight, only the outcome which led you to court/jail.