Important: Election Day Change!


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Jan 12, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
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Important! Have you heard the announcement? Due to the expected heavy voter turnout Republicans are being asked to NOT vote on Tuesday, Nov 4. Instead, they are to vote on WEDNESDAY, November 5. Since this is a late notice everybody is asked to do his/her civic duty and help spread the word. Democrats will continue to cast their vote on Tuesday. This measure should help alleviate polling places being overwhelmed with too many voters at one time.
I saw this scam on the news. In Virgina there were official looking fliers with the state seal and everything, saying that Democrats should vote on the 5th. This kind of thing is downright unAmerican.
Important! Have you heard the announcement? Due to the expected heavy voter turnout Republicans are being asked to NOT vote on Tuesday, Nov 4. Instead, they are to vote on WEDNESDAY, November 5. Since this is a late notice everybody is asked to do his/her civic duty and help spread the word. Democrats will continue to cast their vote on Tuesday. This measure should help alleviate polling places being overwhelmed with too many voters at one time.

Ha, ha! Someone at work told me the very same thing the other day...
Hows about anyone dumb enough to fall for it shouldnt vote anyway????? LOL
Funny. What's even more amusing is the very same people who claimed they are not for McCain replied right away saying its juvenile and a lie.
Important! Have you heard the announcement? Due to the expected heavy voter turnout Republicans are being asked to NOT vote on Tuesday, Nov 4. Instead, they are to vote on WEDNESDAY, November 5. Since this is a late notice everybody is asked to do his/her civic duty and help spread the word. Democrats will continue to cast their vote on Tuesday. This measure should help alleviate polling places being overwhelmed with too many voters at one time.

PMSL Nice definitely brought a smile to my dial:rof:
Okay, the plan has been REVISED. Everybody, including ALL Republicans, will vote on Tueday, Nov 4 but with ONE EXCEPTION: Republicans, instead of reporting to the precinct that you normally go to, you must go to your local CARL'S JR restaurant to vote and you must use the DRIVE-UP window. Speak into the order box about who you want to win. Obtain your ballot from the Carl's Jr. employee on duty. Check it over for accuracy. You then hand it back to the Carl's Jr. employee. Please, everybody, do you civic duty and spread the word. And everybody: MAKE SURE THAT YOU VOTE!
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Did everyone get that? Republicans go to CARL'S JR. restaurant to cast their vote. Don't go to McDonald's, Dairy Queen or Burger King, etc. !

As everybody else, Republicans vote on Nov.4 but they don't go to the normal polling place. Instead they must go through the Carl's Jr. DRIVE-UP window. They then yell through the microphone their election choices. Carl's Jr. personnel will mark your ballot for you. When you get up to the window they hand you your ballot. CHECK FOR ACCURACY and then hand the ballot back to the employee! Republicans: Thanks for voting!