In case you needed one more reason to wear a helmet...

OUCH !!!!!! :eek: Poor birdy didnt know what hit it :D

I hit a flying fox (BIG Aussie fruit bat) early one morning while riding to work with my visor up , that was the last time I did that coz it was like getting hit by a freight train.. Instant black eye & swollen eye socket couldnt see a damn thing as well as having to fight the wobbly bike :(
Geez poor bird. Poor bloke. More importantly whats for dinner:D
I almost took a turkey when riding near Lake Hemmet about 2 years ago. I was able to get low enough on the tank to get passed him.

Check out the guys gear smoking as he's sliding! Epic! :rockon: Edit: That's prolly his bike smoking.... :tard:
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I got a pheasant once with a big truck. He came bustin' out of a corn field and stuck his head between the West-coast mirror and bracket and snapped his skinny bird neck! Wasn't even bruised, very tasty:rockon: and no shot to pick out:cheer:! Rich

I wonder though if the bird took him out of if he overreacted and locked up the wheels ? It looks like the bird strikes him the right shoulder..
there is no need for helmet laws, everyone will do the right thing without being forced to wear one

I was doing the safety inspection ride (last minute check for full road closure) for a cycle race. Was about 2/3 of the way on the course, the dawn was breaking to my right, on a wide highway, doing about 200km/h (was closed track).

Under a bridge, in the dark, i hit a "tarantaal", a local guinea fowl.

My front wheel hit it first, then it hit my engine, my boots got a decent covering, and splattered the rest of the bike. Telling you the bike "wobbled" is an understatement.

I had less than 15 minutes before the first cycles were released, so still being right side up, decided to leg it to the start finish line. It was at ground level, bit higher and it would have been ugly.

I can only thank God it wasn't a brick. (our locals think a brick in the road is a great idea to stop cars to rob them). All i can say is i didn't even see it.