Is it safe... RPM range?

I think the 2006 and older bikes rev lower. My 2007 hits 14k (every time i ride it!) The motor seems really solid. Sometimes it amazes me.
Re: RPM range...Is it safe...?

so I am new to motorcycles, am I dogging it if I am not get over 4 to 6 K in the revs?
It just seems like it wants to shift so fast and I don't have a 7th gear to give it. no matter what gear i am in it seems like always @ 4k-6k mostly 4k unless on the freeway
I know that I am still learning but i really love this bike.
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so I am new to motorcycles, am I dogging it if I am not get over 4 to 6 K in the revs?
It just seems like it wants to shift so fast and I don't have a 7th gear to give it. no matter what gear i am in it seems like always @ 4k-6k mostly 4k unless on the freeway
I know that I am still learning but i really love this bike.

It's not the best thing in the world for the motor to be run at low revs like that. In the short term the only thing you might notice is lowered mpg from lugging the engine but long term it possible could create more issues like big carbon buildups, oil not making it to all the necessary parts or just not enough oil (that's a big cause for the Mazda rotary engines giving up prematurely because people drive them like a normal car when they need there neck wrung on a regular basis to keep the engine running right) <to be honest I'm not sure if that is just a rotary thing or if the same applies to most higher rpm engines. But also it's not very safe to spend a lot of time down around 4k. In the situation where you need to "get out of there" you have no power to move. 6k is not that bad but 4k that's a little low for anything other that cruising.
to be honest i probably average around 3-4k on my commute to work, the engine doesn't feel like it's labouring, and I change down if i need some extra power
cruising (not accelerating) around that range wont hurt a thing but when you are shifting at those rpms it does no good, worse fuel mileage, the engine has to work more to accel, the clutch can be put under more strain, and like i mentioned before in a emergency situation your screwed, and unless someone can tell me im wrong im pretty sure it will do more damage in the long run (upwards of 60k) to the top end on the motor from lack of oil flow. On other lower reving bikes this isnt always the case becasue they make their power at a lower rpm but the fz6 makes under 20hp/30flbs at 3k and right about 30/30 at 5k so the engine is extremly inefficient below 5k

the more you ride the more you will figure out what the bike likes and doesnt like, its a learning process like everything else. I actually find that i get the best mileage when i cruise around 6-7k and shift about 10k, but my bike left stock many many miles ago so a fairly stock bike with better tq than mine might run better at 5-6k and shifting at 9k but thats just a guess because ive never spent more than 20miles on a stock fz6.

either way i can promise you that as long as you have decent oil in your bike it will turn 14.5k with a smile on its face! Gotta remember these engines are based off and contain 99% of the same parts as a very high reving "race" engine that was ment to have the snot beat out of it. A Redline A Day Will Keep The Mechanic Away lol <<<maybe?<<<
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I normally shift between 4-6,000 RPM's, regular riding...The bike is very comfy in that zone.

Been to 14,000 a couple of times but not often, 12,000 is about my max unless drag racing (I know, a NO NO) then to red line until I see my victim in my mirrors..

IF I shifted at 10,000+, I'm doing over 80 MPH in 2nd gear, fun, but constant 80+ MPH runs, with open Scorps, sounds awesome but everyone knows including the local PD..
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In my experiance. It seems to like being pushed.

These are all hitting the rev limited. Not speedo healed, but you get the picture.

1st- 65mph
2nd- 95 mph
3rd- 115mph

If you really need 5th and 6th, well.... ;)

Just a guide for me lol. These where on closed roads of course. ....
In my experiance. It seems to like being pushed.

These are all hitting the rev limited. Not speedo healed, but you get the picture.

1st- 65mph
2nd- 95 mph
3rd- 115mph

If you really need 5th and 6th, well.... ;)

Just a guide for me lol. These where on closed roads of course. ....
Re: RPM range...Is it safe...?

My rev limiter is at 14k rpm. I hit that limit almost every time i find my self driving on a straight line :p so yeah its pretty safe, just take it to top rpms and enjoy the sound
Well, darn it. So you're saying my bike isn't getting the RPMs she wants, and she's sad. Hmmmm.

I think my right wrist just twitched a little. :D
Thanks. So is it matter of waiting to shift later? I am just listening to and feeling when it needs/wants to shift, maybe i should rev it up more?
i will do some experimenting this weekend. I think I am doing well commuting in traffic after all these years of riding a cvt scooter. Just more to think about...
And that is what i am asking about, in town urban commuting. i will get out in the twisties soon, as I gain more confidence.
I recently took a msf Course for the Army. I got a chance to really put this bike through some riggors. I wore off all my chicken strips, and actually touched peg a little once. The instructor was HIGHLY impressed with my bike. So much so, he said at the end of the day he was going to be looking for one. :) I love it !!!
You can shift anytime you want the bike is a machine it doesn't care. Shifting at 4 to 6k is normal and will not do any harm to the engine. It's almost impossible to ride and always hit the rev limiter for every shift unless you live at a drag strip.
Thanks. So is it matter of waiting to shift later? I am just listening to and feeling when it needs/wants to shift, maybe i should rev it up more?
i will do some experimenting this weekend. I think I am doing well commuting in traffic after all these years of riding a cvt scooter. Just more to think about...
And that is what i am asking about, in town urban commuting. i will get out in the twisties soon, as I gain more confidence.

I live right outside Atlanta and commute to Atlanta everyday, Ive never been to st louis but I know folks here in Atlanta are crazy. So when I actually get on Atlanta surface streets I actually pick my rpms up even more so maybe I can be herd a little better and am ready to be super aggressive if need be. Hell sometimes during rush hour I won't ever take my bike outta 2nd, of course that's mainly if I see someone beside me on their cell phone, kinda hard to talk on the phone with a screaming banshee right beside them lol

But where you want to shift or cruise at is all upto you and what you feel comfortable with, the bike honestly don't care what rpm it runs at its just gonna keep on runnin and runnin and take a licken and keep on ticken. It would get a little better mpg with the rpms picked up (mainly shifting higher) and would be a little safer to cruise a little higher that 4k as well but in time as you get more miles on the bike all this will make itself clear.
Thanks for all the advice, Chevy and others, It really helped me too get a better understanding of the shift points on the FZ, what a great bike!
Iam working it out as I learn and you are right,that the bike knows what it wants. I now know what you mean about keeping the rpms higher and it worked out great on my test rides. I haven't got a chance yet to check the MPG's since it is so new and I screwed up my first and second gas receipts. Doh!
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Thanks. So is it matter of waiting to shift later? I am just listening to and feeling when it needs/wants to shift, maybe i should rev it up more?
i will do some experimenting this weekend. I think I am doing well commuting in traffic after all these years of riding a cvt scooter. Just more to think about...
And that is what i am asking about, in town urban commuting. i will get out in the twisties soon, as I gain more confidence.

I hit my rev limiter on my commute more than anywhere else......:eek:
The FZ6 makes its maximum horsepower around 11500 rpm's after 12k it quickly looses power and torque is almost nonexistent it's kind of like running downhill.
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