Is this cool, or what.

Dear God, when does this kid get to be a kid? SHE'S TEN! Go watch Dora or something!

I'm not really mad, just jealous that she probably gets paid more than me. and she's ten.
it is absolutely amazing i went to high school, year 12 with a eight year old he was doing maths chemistry and physics, he wopuld correct the teacher all the time. when came to anything not maths related as english history and so on he was a eight year old.
it is absolutely amazing i went to high school, year 12 with a eight year old he was doing maths chemistry and physics, he wopuld correct the teacher all the time. when came to anything not maths related as english history and so on he was a eight year old.

wow...some kids are just extremely gifted.
You can't go to University at 10. The whole point of going to Uni is to get drunk and sleep around. Can't do that at 10.:D
The whole point of going to Uni is to get drunk and sleep around (quote the lugs)

Lugs, when are you going to try and move on from your Uni Days lol Sarah OJ.
I don't have time for that anymore. Instead I do things like this!! New wall and door installed. Just got to fit the handle, plasterboard and paint it. And I haven't broken anything, dropped anything or lost anything. Cool

ps - picking bike up from dealer tomorrow. Woo hoo!
and a college degree at 10 means what? loss of childhood? money isn't everything in life.

if a child is smart enough to make it through college at 10 then it is fairly obvious that her normal classes were to remedial for her and she was most likely bored out of her skull in 1st grade. If she was that bored she probably chose to move forward and let her mind develop the way that it wanted to, i am not sure if the cool part is the money that she is making at 10 but the fact that she found a path in her life that she loves and can be successful in at such a young age, when many people are still striving to be that happy and successful at 3-5 times her age.
i'd like to meet her parents...slap them senseless. then find out what acid they dropped to mess with her chemistry....she should be disected and studied for the future of mankind....she's abnormal.

on second thought your right, lets slap the parents senseless and disect a 10 year old since they had a gifted daughter... thats the answer right there...

fear the unknown!!!! it may be good but since it isn't "Normal" then we must kill it and anything involved with it...
i really don't need to...its already been said...personally she's a kid, and really great that she's smart and all that, but I'm seeing misfit written all over her life...she's too smart to be with kids her age being just kids (dora is a good example) and she's too young to really fit into the crowd of vets that she works beside, so really what does she have??? definately not the life I would have wanted, and definately a life i would not want my kids living thru...
to each there own....i really don't think it's cool.

While I agree with this in part (she is a child in terms of legal age), in all other aspects of her life she may be quite adult and there are classes and schools for these "kids". These are critical thinking children and it's amazing what they know and how well they do adapt. The problems they face aren't really theirs except to say the adults they encounter will have a total lack of understanding for their intellect. Through time,contact and understanding this is overcome. The International Baccalaureate offers high quality programs of international education to a worldwide community of schools. There are more than 596,000 IB students at 2,218 schools in 125 countries. My grandson was one of their students and now, at age 13 he will not tolerate adults speaking to or treating him like a child any more than you would. While you may not have wanted it for your child, what if the child wanted it? Would you hold them back? This is a question only the parent can answer but I will say this, we have chosen to allow children to expand their knowledge at their own rate which has led to excellent results.

Yeah, this is cool...... So was Mozart..