Keeping up with Tire Pressure

It's not hype nitrogen is better then compressed air because of one thing, pure nitrogen contains 0 moisture and moisture is what mainly causes things to leak out over time, also nitrogen dose follow the same law but it changes a lot more gradual so you don't have quick pressure fluctuation, wich also contributes to better tread life. After all most race teams fill there tires with nitrogen, I dont think they would do it just for hype when tires are more often then not the most important part of therir set up

This link
Nitrogen in your tires.. pros and cons
explains it more. Race teams use nitrogen because of the moisture content, or in this case lack there of. It's not the nitrogen itself that's doing good, it's the lack of moisture.
Nitrogen also maintains it's pressure longer, and doesn't increase in pressure at the same rate as compressed air.

Whatever your thoughts, for $3/ motorcycle tyre, and free top-ups for the life of the tyre, it's something I've been willing to do on all of my vehicles since Bob Jane first released it as an option.

It increases in pressure half or less than a tyre filled with compressed air, and it maintains pressure something like 40% longer.

And, $3 is like 2% of the cost of the tyre (front) or 1.25% of the cost of the rear tyre - and even if it's just a placebo effect, the fact that my tyres maintain pressure longer means I'll probably save several times that $3 in fuel savings due to having correctly inflated tyres..

Each to their own, but I use it, and have done for over 11 years.

Nitrogen also maintains it's pressure longer, and doesn't increase in pressure at the same rate as compressed air.

Whatever your thoughts, for $3/ motorcycle tyre, and free top-ups for the life of the tyre, it's something I've been willing to do on all of my vehicles since Bob Jane first released it as an option.

It increases in pressure half or less than a tyre filled with compressed air, and it maintains pressure something like 40% longer.

And, $3 is like 2% of the cost of the tyre (front) or 1.25% of the cost of the rear tyre - and even if it's just a placebo effect, the fact that my tyres maintain pressure longer means I'll probably save several times that $3 in fuel savings due to having correctly inflated tyres..

Each to their own, but I use it, and have done for over 11 years.

Where do you get your tires filled up with notrogen?? Only local pace i know of is Costco.
Thanks for all the replies...Bicycle pump, who would of thought! I will probably get a cheap power compressor since I can keep up with the cars as well. Have a great weekend!
Where do you get your tires filled up with notrogen?? Only local pace i know of is Costco.

Costco seems to be a good place in the States. I live in Aus, so go to Bob Jane.

I did a quick Google, and there are a few distributors in USA, but I have no idea whether they'd be convenient.

Give it a go and see what suits.
