Kids with Civics crack me up (warning, bit of a pent up rant)


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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First off, let me say, if you own a Civic, and it isn't modded out with exhausts and honda stickers to make you faster, then this isn't meant for you :D

So yesterday whilst at work i heard a coworker (around my age) saying he has the fastest vehicle in the lot :spank: ( mind you we have a guy with a Roush Mustang who works there). So naturally i felt the need to impose my thoughts... I said "what do you drive?" He gets all tough-guy like "A civic"...I was like "oh that green one with the tinted windows?". "yep"...I got kind of cheeky... "does the Honda sticker on the windshield make it go faster?" (moment of silence)... "what do you drive if your so fast?" I pointed to my Versys, which is referred to by my coworkers as a crotch rocket lol... He says, "oh". Break was over so back in we went...

So when i got out of work I decide i'll take the long (and twisty) way home... and of course i hear some kind of racket behind me when i go turn at an intersection... and...yep, there's that fugly green civic with a body kit on it...

So he passes me, and his friend sticks his head out the window and yells something... so that pisses me off slightly...

I'll just toss out there i'm not one to do stupid crap normally, yes i exceed speed limits from time to time but only when i deem to to be safe... and who doesn't do that? :spank::spank::spank:

Anyways i stay behind him for a while then he slows down and pulls kind off halfassed off the side of the road as to egg me on... So i humor him give a 1/4 twist of the throttle slightly, then back off again, sure enough he assuming i'm going for it and takes off... i just shake my head... i take a turn off and he keeps going straight... turns out we end up coming to the same intersection, we're both going the same way... (he's going straight and i'm going right... we came together from different roads). I roll up to the stop sign, the guys friend rolls the window down and says "yeah not so fast now are ya!" and laughs...

That's my boiling point... I wave him through, and he takes off... i turn right and immediately go into rocket ship mode... blaze past these two dummies and give a friendly 1 finger salute :Flip: as they fade into my side mirrors.

(disclaimer: Was a completely legal maneuver, didn't even speed :D)

Lesson in speed over.

Rant almost over, bear with me :D

Anyways I'm sick of these punks assuming they're faster than you just because they have a loud aftermarket exhaust and some decals on their car.

Normally I just let them think they are Michael Schumacher, and laugh at them in the back of my head... but this time idk it just got to me... and i really didn't want to hear this kid talk talk talk anymore... especially since i work with him every day...
So anyways, rant over... Thanks for paying attention if you stuck with me through the whole thing :rolleyes:

Anybody else have a "parking lot hero" that irks them? :spank:
I find that it's most often people with big diesel trucks and small rice racer cars that try to cut you off, or speed up when you're passing them. I actually had a lady in a smart car purposely try to speed up to keep me from passing one time on the interstate.
I find that it's most often people with big diesel trucks and small rice racer cars that try to cut you off, or speed up when you're passing them. I actually had a lady in a smart car purposely try to speed up to keep me from passing one time on the interstate.

I get that rather often in my Cavalier, they'll go 50 in a 55 but as soon as you go to pass they take offense and speed up and proceed to ride your arse the next 10 miles... haven't experienced this on the bike yet but haven't been riding the V for that long.

Farm kids with diesel trucks with the vertical exhausts coming out of the cab irritate me too... i got a ticket for having to loud an exhaust when my cav's muffler fell off, but i garuntee it wasn't half as loud as one of these diesels belting down the road at 80 miles an hr... :spank:
First off, let me say, if you own a Civic, and it isn't modded out with exhausts and honda stickers to make you faster, then this isn't meant for you :D

So yesterday whilst at work i heard a coworker (around my age) saying he has the fastest vehicle in the lot :spank: ( mind you we have a guy with a Roush Mustang who works there). So naturally i felt the need to impose my thoughts... I said "what do you drive?" He gets all tough-guy like "A civic"...I was like "oh that green one with the tinted windows?". "yep"...I got kind of cheeky... "does the Honda sticker on the windshield make it go faster?" (moment of silence)... "what do you drive if your so fast?" I pointed to my Versys, which is referred to by my coworkers as a crotch rocket lol... He says, "oh". Break was over so back in we went...

So when i got out of work I decide i'll take the long (and twisty) way home... and of course i hear some kind of racket behind me when i go turn at an intersection... and...yep, there's that fugly green civic with a body kit on it...

So he passes me, and his friend sticks his head out the window and yells something... so that pisses me off slightly...

I'll just toss out there i'm not one to do stupid crap normally, yes i exceed speed limits from time to time but only when i deem to to be safe... and who doesn't do that? :spank::spank::spank:

Anyways i stay behind him for a while then he slows down and pulls kind off halfassed off the side of the road as to egg me on... So i humor him give a 1/4 twist of the throttle slightly, then back off again, sure enough he assuming i'm going for it and takes off... i just shake my head... i take a turn off and he keeps going straight... turns out we end up coming to the same intersection, we're both going the same way... (he's going straight and i'm going right... we came together from different roads). I roll up to the stop sign, the guys friend rolls the window down and says "yeah not so fast now are ya!" and laughs...

That's my boiling point... I wave him through, and he takes off... i turn right and immediately go into rocket ship mode... blaze past these two dummies and give a friendly 1 finger salute :Flip: as they fade into my side mirrors.

(disclaimer: Was a completely legal maneuver, didn't even speed :D)

Lesson in speed over.

Rant almost over, bear with me :D

Anyways I'm sick of these punks assuming they're faster than you just because they have a loud aftermarket exhaust and some decals on their car.

Normally I just let them think they are Michael Schumacher, and laugh at them in the back of my head... but this time idk it just got to me... and i really didn't want to hear this kid talk talk talk anymore... especially since i work with him every day...
So anyways, rant over... Thanks for paying attention if you stuck with me through the whole thing :rolleyes:

Anybody else have a "parking lot hero" that irks them? :spank:
We have a big problem with young me and their Civics and ancient Subaru's. The race through the built up areas to get to the newer tarmac and the sit there doing rolling burnouts and doughnuts.
I have treated injured innocent parties as a result of this behaviour.

modded out with exhausts and honda stickers

Hmmm, that's modded out? :spank:





Hehehe. I got a kick out of this story. Saying that he has the fastet car on the parking lot is just so... mature. If i were there, I'd just suggest we save time by dropping pants and comparing the sizes, since ultimately that's what it's all about.

I personally dont have a 4-wheel nemesis per se, but I always watch out for the heavily modified civics, neons, and others - they usually drive like sh!t, lack skill and think with the wrong head.

I think anybody with some understanding of engineering sees the advantage a motorcycle would have over most of the cars (not counting high-performance). though... if they call versys a crotch rocket... :don'tknow:
Hehehe. I got a kick out of this story. Saying that he has the fastet car on the parking lot is just so... mature. If i were there, I'd just suggest we save time by dropping pants and comparing the sizes, since ultimately that's what it's all about.

I personally dont have a 4-wheel nemesis per se, but I always watch out for the heavily modified civics, neons, and others - they usually drive like sh!t, lack skill and think with the wrong head.

I think anybody with some understanding of engineering sees the advantage a motorcycle would have over most of the cars (not counting high-performance). though... if they call versys a crotch rocket... :don'tknow:

What's sad is where i go to college theres a dual lane road leading out of the town with a stop light with a 40 then 55 speed zone... you know what that means :spank: (what made it worse is that it merged into a single lane road with no passing zones for 20 miles, so everyone wanted to be in front).

Back when i was young, stupid and naive, i used to race people out of there in my cavalier... i must have had a dozen civics pull up next to me revving their loud exhaust etc.. "immature child me" is proud to say the little cavalier never fell to a civic :spank::ban:

I've grown up since then and could care less in most instances about who gets to the single lane road first... but every now and again... something set's me off like this..

And yeah, The V is most certainly not a crotch rocket lol...

Bet ya i get alot more comments on my bike than the kid with the dent in his bumper on his civic lol:thumbup:
A friend of mine refers to them as polished turds! They stick more money into them as they're worth. Stereos rims and tin can mufflers. A kid wearing a straight brimmed hat and probably had his boxers hanging out pulled next to me and gun it to urge me on. I didn't take the bait, (yet)! As we were driving along he kept revving the engine. We got to the next light and the passenger is yelling at me to get me to race them. Now I'm taking the bait. I told him I'll show him what fast looks like! He stalled it at the light!! LOL! :spank:
First off, let me say, if you own a Civic, and it isn't modded out with exhausts and honda stickers to make you faster, then this isn't meant for you :D

So yesterday whilst at work i heard a coworker (around my age) saying he has the fastest vehicle in the lot :spank: ( mind you we have a guy with a Roush Mustang who works there). So naturally i felt the need to impose my thoughts... I said "what do you drive?" He gets all tough-guy like "A civic"...I was like "oh that green one with the tinted windows?". "yep"...I got kind of cheeky... "does the Honda sticker on the windshield make it go faster?" (moment of silence)... "what do you drive if your so fast?" I pointed to my Versys, which is referred to by my coworkers as a crotch rocket lol... He says, "oh". Break was over so back in we went...

So when i got out of work I decide i'll take the long (and twisty) way home... and of course i hear some kind of racket behind me when i go turn at an intersection... and...yep, there's that fugly green civic with a body kit on it...

So he passes me, and his friend sticks his head out the window and yells something... so that pisses me off slightly...

I'll just toss out there i'm not one to do stupid crap normally, yes i exceed speed limits from time to time but only when i deem to to be safe... and who doesn't do that? :spank::spank::spank:

Anyways i stay behind him for a while then he slows down and pulls kind off halfassed off the side of the road as to egg me on... So i humor him give a 1/4 twist of the throttle slightly, then back off again, sure enough he assuming i'm going for it and takes off... i just shake my head... i take a turn off and he keeps going straight... turns out we end up coming to the same intersection, we're both going the same way... (he's going straight and i'm going right... we came together from different roads). I roll up to the stop sign, the guys friend rolls the window down and says "yeah not so fast now are ya!" and laughs...

That's my boiling point... I wave him through, and he takes off... i turn right and immediately go into rocket ship mode... blaze past these two dummies and give a friendly 1 finger salute :Flip: as they fade into my side mirrors.

(disclaimer: Was a completely legal maneuver, didn't even speed :D)

Lesson in speed over.

Rant almost over, bear with me :D

Anyways I'm sick of these punks assuming they're faster than you just because they have a loud aftermarket exhaust and some decals on their car.

Normally I just let them think they are Michael Schumacher, and laugh at them in the back of my head... but this time idk it just got to me... and i really didn't want to hear this kid talk talk talk anymore... especially since i work with him every day...
So anyways, rant over... Thanks for paying attention if you stuck with me through the whole thing :rolleyes:

Anybody else have a "parking lot hero" that irks them? :spank:

That is funny as hell lol. I get trucks and cavaliers and the like around here that go around doing burnouts and revving their motors. Funny thing is when I take the car out they drive slow and polite, even when they are behind me lol.
LMFAO!! I worked with an idiot who put a 95 Camaro 3.8L v6 in a 1985 Camaro,now this man was 48 years old and a total idiot he was claiming he was running low 10 sec quater mile times with the P.O.S. and would'nt shut up about it so I lit him up with humor and reality and the laws of physics with which he had no understanding of because NEVER BEING WRONG and a liar you don't learn much as you go through life,long story short I put My FZ6 to work on him and made him look ridiculous in front of two of our co-workers he let that Fast V6 Camaro lie go... :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon: :D
Civic guy was trolling you. They probably just wanted to see if you would wreck trying to race them. Everyone knows motorcycles can accelerate faster than cars (or they should). There's no point in engaging with them. By doing so, you only validate the belief their car is fast. Because why would you race with a car, unless it was such a fast car that it had a chance against your motorcycle?

Your best bet is to be nice to them. Wave. Give them a thumbs up no matter what they're shouting. Wave them past if they're tailgating you. Then give them a 5-10 sec following distance or ride 5 under the limit. They will effing RAGE!

Then the next day at work... ask him about his new exhaust or CAI. Tell him how sweet it sounded as he whooshed by you. Maybe ask him about some good twisty roads in the area.

If the guy actually is clueless and thinks his car is fast, there's no glory in picking on him. That's just one more idiot on the road out to get you. If he's just being a dick, knowing full well that his car is no match for you, he'll eventually realize you're just screwing with him. But what's he going to do? Get mad at you for being a nice guy? Kill him with kindness. Always works, it's much more gratifying, and does not pose any danger to your safety.
I'm pretty sure in every automotive circle you will have these kind of tools who think their vehicle is more than it is. Just ignore them...they will see the error of their ways one day.

That said...I used to be into engine swapping little civics and have seen an ALL motor (non turbo) 4 cylinder civic CRX run 10.5 seconds in the 1/4 mile. Even though FWD platforms suck in general a 1900 lb version can really move when you give it 300 whp and meaty drag radials.

Since then I have moved onto RWD sport cars but there is something joyful about pulling up next to a Mustang GT with a blower while driving a 20 year old "sh!t-box" and hear him laugh at you and then proceed to blow his doors off in the first 200 feet. :D
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Civics rev at everything. I use to drag race a lot back in the day, and even at the track these idiots would think they are fast. Talking smack because my 350z is too heavy to beat them :spank: After i beat them with ease at 5 car lengths taking off slowly (twin turbo and heavily modded under the hood). I always say "man we should race again without your friend in your passenger seat, gives you 30hp" so they kick out the friend for the rest of the night hahahahah.

They i would get :spank: by a 95 ford arrowstar with an 800hp corvette engine in it :eek:. There is always someone faster then you!!!!
:rof: thats i had so many of those ..The best ones are the ones that tailgate on a empty freeway at night. Cruising at the speed of traffic in the left lane, I see headlights, they catch up and start riding my tail. I switch to the 2nd lane..they step on it..I crack the throttle..we match speeds...they put their foot to the floor, meanwhile the fz is just barely approaching the power band..I open it, fz screams and I cant see them in my mirrors anymore..the funny thing is, some of these tools have respect for people who can hand it back...I had one catch up to me 10 mins later and roll their window down to give a thumbs up. :D
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Appears to be more of a falafel racer than a rice rocket. :D


After thought:
Out here the high school kids have the scooters (49cc). Top speed is 35mph, I think, so they can only ride in the emergency lane. Not very fast so they put on after market pipes. Great for transportation....not so great at 11pm.
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Hey...I love my civic. :(


I know it's not fast, though. That's what the FZ6 is for. It just handles extremely well. :D

The broke ricers with old civics usually just turn into douchebags with fast cars once their cashflow increases. I get revved at by tools in V6 mustangs on 20's and brodozer trucks more than anything else. Although, I do still get the occasional riced out civic or integra tring to race me.