Knee Pain After Riding


Fasta Bloo... and Black
Dec 26, 2008
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Does anyone else get pain in their knees after they've been riding for a while? I try to shift my legs around a little and it helps some but the pain eventually comes through. After a while, everything below my knees almost feels numb.

I've been experiencing this for about the past year in varying amounts, now it's affecting me more cause I've started doing a regular workout that involves running and it's been difficult to run up to about 3 days after I go riding.

I have short legs, my inseam is right around 30 inches so I don't think it's that I'm cramped. I keep the balls of my feet up on the pegs.

Did anyone else ever feel this and find a way to fix it? I don't wanna sell my FZ6, but this is one of those things I can't really get past.
I don't get knee pain but my legs do cramp between 1/2 hr to 1 hour
on the bike.Gets real sore in the calves.I put my legs up on the sliders
and it helps somewhat.:D
I just did 1000kms over the weekend - bum, knees, back - all hurt.

I just kept standing up, putting the balls of my feet on the pegs and also putting my feet straight out sometime - like I was riding a HD!

I think the more I ride longer distances, the better I should be - I hope ;)
All of our bodies are different and so it's a little hard to give solid advice on what's occurring or how to stop it. One thing you might try is think about how you're using your muscle groups. some times I find if I'm tense I'll tighten grip or a group of muscles that causes what seems to be tingling sensation or lack of circulation and it's as much in the psyche as it is in the body. When I pay attention to what I'm experiencing or when it seems to happen, I can usually change it.

Hope this helps!
All of our bodies are different and so it's a little hard to give solid advice on what's occurring or how to stop it. One thing you might try is think about how you're using your muscle groups. some times I find if I'm tense I'll tighten grip or a group of muscles that causes what seems to be tingling sensation or lack of circulation and it's as much in the psyche as it is in the body. When I pay attention to what I'm experiencing or when it seems to happen, I can usually change it.

Hope this helps!
I find putting my 4 fingers OVER the front brake/clutch levers rather than holding the grips tightly helps. Thumb is still on the throttle - just stops me from tensing up so much.
Pickax, during what type of riding does this pain occur? Commuting/highway-type riding or when you're in the twisties? What type of rider are you? Do you stay in the saddle and take more of a lean-angle or do you get off the seat and hang off the bike?

I ask these questions because I'm experiencing the same type of knee pain. When I was more of a commuter-type rider on my FZ6, I never had this problem. But over the last couple of years I've been using the bike less for commuting and mostly for spirited twisty-riding. Because of this change, I've started changing my style of riding as well, from a stay-in-the-seat type of rider to a more hang-off style.

I now ride with the balls of my feet on the pegs most of the time and when I'm hanging off, I find that my knees are much more tightly bent, thus the knee pain. Because of this, whenever I'm upright in the saddle on straights, I tend to put the heels of my boots on the pegs so my knees are at more of a 90 degree angle. It helps alleviate most of the pain and allows the blood to flow back into the lower part of my leg. This may be what's causing the feeling of numbness that you're getting.

I, like Kazza, try to stand up on the pegs every once in a while and have even been known to put my calves (or the back of my boots) on my frame sliders to stretch my legs straight out. That helps a lot too.

I don't think you're gonna find a much more comfortable sportbike than the FZ6, as any more of a SS bike will have an even more cramped knee position.
Pickax, during what type of riding does this pain occur? Commuting/highway-type riding or when you're in the twisties? What type of rider are you? Do you stay in the saddle and take more of a lean-angle or do you get off the seat and hang off the bike?

I ask these questions because I'm experiencing the same type of knee pain. When I was more of a commuter-type rider on my FZ6, I never had this problem. But over the last couple of years I've been using the bike less for commuting and mostly for spirited twisty-riding. Because of this change, I've started changing my style of riding as well, from a stay-in-the-seat type of rider to a more hang-off style.

I now ride with the balls of my feet on the pegs most of the time and when I'm hanging off, I find that my knees are much more tightly bent, thus the knee pain. Because of this, whenever I'm upright in the saddle on straights, I tend to put the heels of my boots on the pegs so my knees are at more of a 90 degree angle. It helps alleviate most of the pain and allows the blood to flow back into the lower part of my leg. This may be what's causing the feeling of numbness that you're getting.

I, like Kazza, try to stand up on the pegs every once in a while and have even been known to put my calves (or the back of my boots) on my frame sliders to stretch my legs straight out. That helps a lot too.

I don't think you're gonna find a much more comfortable sportbike than the FZ6, as any more of a SS bike will have an even more cramped knee position.
My knee was bad, but I've recently started a personal trainer - he's killing me! That also might be why I was in so much pain :)
talking about knee pain, my right thumb was numb after a ride of about 600+km in a day. i was wearing gloves. until now, my right thumb area near my palm still have that pins and needles feeling.

any advise?
talking about knee pain, my right thumb was numb after a ride of about 600+km in a day. i was wearing gloves. until now, my right thumb area near my palm still have that pins and needles feeling.

any advise?
Gloves too tight maybe?

Try relaxing it a little when you're riding - hold it out straight now and again, otherwise try different gloves
I get sharp pain in my right knee after about 30 min. of riding. I noticed that if I make slight adjustments left and right on the seat that it eases the pain. I also do some of the leg extensions discussed by others.
Do you get a similar knee discomfort when sitting in a movie theater or long airplane flight? If so, this is known as "Runners Knee" which results from an uneven development of the outer quadracepts in relation to the inner quadracepts. Working with a personal trainer will definitely help this with time.
Do you get a similar knee discomfort when sitting in a movie theater or long airplane flight? If so, this is known as "Runners Knee" which results from an uneven development of the outer quadracepts in relation to the inner quadracepts. Working with a personal trainer will definitely help this with time.

I'm into my 6th session with a personal trainer at the moment.

He's killing me! Muscles I didn't even know I had are hurting :spank:
I find the best thing to do, is get off the bike every hour or so on long rides, and when on the bike, stand up, or ride on big long straight bits, with your legs dangling down.....

But others have said, we all have different reasons why knee's, etc, hurt....mine is arthritis...mild, but bloody painful!

ok... I forgot who said it but the pain is dependent on personal shape and form...
For Knees- try holding to the arch of your foot on the pegs to relieve the tight knee position. Also try not to "white knee" it. Its tougher to feel your legs doing what your knuckles do when holding on too tight, but thats usually a problem.
Easier fix- Good riding boots! The stiff sole and extra support position you differently and allow you to hang onto your boots support. When I gear up in my alpine star boots I barely cramp after hours of riding.
Somebody complained about a wrist... Even with gloves the only thing that will help you avoid wrist pain is a tight core. Tighten up the muscles right above your butt and relax your shoulders. When you consciously relax your shoulders, your hands will be in correct riding position.

OF COURSE!!! this assumes that you do not have preexisting conditions if you do, get the hell off your bike and get them fixed (or looked at) the longer you let repetitive stress injuries fester the more permanent the damage.
I find the best thing to do, is get off the bike every hour or so on long rides, and when on the bike, stand up, or ride on big long straight bits, with your legs dangling down.....

But others have said, we all have different reasons why knee's, etc, hurt....mine is arthritis...mild, but bloody painful!


I agree with Wolfman.
You probably have the beginnings of arthritis. Stop and rest often if you can.
The older you get, the worse it gets.
Taking two Aleve before a ride will help too.
Do you get a similar knee discomfort when sitting in a movie theater or long airplane flight? If so, this is known as "Runners Knee" which results from an uneven development of the outer quadracepts in relation to the inner quadracepts. Working with a personal trainer will definitely help this with time.

Was thinking along the same lines, try adding some cycling or leg extensions to your exercise routines.

Another thing that is really helpful is to use a foam roller to massage and stretch your legs, I use one pretty much after each workout (and ride). In particular the IT band for knee pain, and also quads and calves. Works great on the back as well. My guess is you have tight IT bands and when you get in the riding position it places the kneecap under tension which causes pain. Hip flexor and hamstring stretches are also very helpful and are also good to do after your workout (when the muscles are good and warm).

There is a lot of info on this stuff in any of the "Core Performance" series of books from Mark Verstegen.

You can get rollers (and download free instructions) and other PT stuff from Perform Better - The Experts in Functional Training and Rehabilitation
how tall are you? My knees were killing me on the FZ but no longer have that problem on the VFR. I'm 6'6" and I attribute the pain to the cramped (for me) sitting position. Probably some adjustable rearsets could help you out.
There's a guy over on the FZ1OA board that makes highway pegs for the FZ1 but I believe the FZ6 has the same mount points available? I cannot remember... but the mount points are the tabs with the large holes that are in front of the block and just behind the headers.

Here's some shots of them uninstalled and installed. They are extremely well crafted. Norm bought a set for his FZ1 and loves them! They look factory and disappear if they are powder coated to match your engine.



