Lane Splitters are Foolish Beyond Belief!


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
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Merci pour les details :) Je suis ne et j`ai vecu a Strasbourg pendant 20ans, donc je connais un peu la France haha
J`avais une CB500 a l`epoque et fais le tour de France plusieurs fois en becanne... et oui, je connais bien Paris et le perif aussi :cheer:

Translated: "Thanks for the details. I was born and lived in Strasbourg 20 years. Thus, I know France a little bit. At the time I had a CB500 and did the France tour several times. I know Paris well as well as the Perifique (not sure what that is).


FZ6 Rider
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Aug 11, 2008
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Saxonville, MA
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Well I guess it could be argued that someone can tailgate responsibly too?

The only \"lane spliting\" I know of that is legal is when two motorcycles ride abreast. Never knew of a state in the US that allows passing between two vehicles on the deliniator line as a legal manuver. If there is one I would like to know the state? That is too close at any speed. I also don't remember anything in my cycle safety course that suggested that lane splitting is a safe method of riding.

I have had cyclists not riding with me, pass me in my lane. Would anyone suggest that this is responsible driving?

I would never wish anything bad to happen to a fellow cyclist. However, given the inherent disadvantage we have when something goes wrong it seems to me to be irresponsible to come in such close proximity to other vehicles at speed for no compelling reason. And I have been in traffic where the cars around are too close for comfort because people don't keep safe distance and made a manuver I normally would not make, that is weighing necessary risks. But I do not ride between cars on the line.

If my comments are taken personnally by other members then maybe they should think about it a little longer and consider their family, freinds, and others and not just themselves before playing thread the needle.

Maybe someone can enlighten me here. I live in MA and I don't think any state near here has made it legal to split lanes or filter through. I am under the impression though, that in CA it is legal to filter through as long as the motorcyclist is not going more than 5 mph above the surrounding traffic. Is this true?


Lazy Mod :D
Jul 10, 2007
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Long Beach, CA
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Maybe someone can enlighten me here. I live in MA and I don't think any state near here has made it legal to split lanes or filter through. I am under the impression though, that in CA it is legal to filter through as long as the motorcyclist is not going more than 5 mph above the surrounding traffic. Is this true?

The law in CA just states that "splitting lanes is permissible". No mention of the speed or anything... I`ve passed many cops doing it and never had an issue... but I usually split using appropriate speeds, so they`re cool with that. It`s up to them to determine if you were unsafe though, and they can write you up if they so desire :)