Lets try to do something good.

Studies can be made to show anything. Yes, if someone is "drunk" (which with a law can be re-written to mean anything) and they drive and don't hurt anyone or drive irradically, then they should be left to their own.

People don't get pulled over, unless they're noticeably drunk, or have hit something.

Is it worth it for the thousands who say, I'm chill to drive, but aren't, for the smaller number who are? Same with phones, there are those who can make it work while driving, and there are those who lose focus. I'ld be inclined to say more than not, focus gets lost...(one could argue that having children in a car is just as dangerous as a cell phone, when soccermom turns around to talk to them instead of paying attention.)

The only problem with cell phone bans are that they're AREN'T properly enforced, as they're thought of as joke crimes.

I'ld rather be safe, and have the laws against drunk driving and phone use, at least it might keep a small portion from doing these.

I've almost been killed multiple times by cell phone talkers, who rolled through red lights, rolled stop signs, swerved on the roads, etc. This actually NOTICEABLY decreased when the ban was implemented.

It's one of the situations, where it's just not worth it to risk someone being an idiot.
You know Brad we probley agree on more than either one of us will ever know. I think the drug war is a freaking evil. If it didnt cause so much harm it would be a joke, but it destroys lives.

You and I and others disagree on this. I think your discussion of cell/drunk insurance is a good idea, but it wont happen. This is something we can get done.

I'm sure we probably do agree on many many other things. It is refreshing to hear someone else say something about the drug war being bad outside of my daily dose of Free Talk Live (A syndicated radio show that I listen to in podcast form). It really is nice to know that some else actually sees through all the propoganda. Most people just don't see it, but through education I think that eventually the whole thing will be cracked open and exposed for what it is. I mean, that's how I realised it was bad, I learned facts about it. Before, I would have probably advocated drug users be put in jail. But then I learned about it and think differently now. I mean drugs aren't my thing, I ride to get my highs, but putting people in jail for consentual transactions? I can't wait to see the changes that will happen when people start learning.

But yea, anyways, I don't know if the insurance idea that someone else posted that I refrenced would work either. It's just an idea. That's the beauty of the internet and forums like this, the nature of free flowing ideas and exchanges is awesome. We had all better enjoy it now as much as we can before the government and more specifically the FCC figure out a way to regulate it. Because they're trying. But yea, just puttin out ideas, just all the other interesting ideas on here.

I'm not against you helping to get the ban in place if it is going to get done. I'm differen't, I don't want to control you (which it seems more and more people are trying to do to everyone). I also know it can get done, just when. I do know that it would probably save some lifes, although I believe education would as well. Just, I'm at the point where it's against my own principles so to say. I just am at the point where I can't actively advocate growing the government, that's all.

I'd like to thank you and everyone else again for making the thread and being open minded with responses. I know most other places everyone would just start name calling and it would turn into a johnson measuring contest instead of people putting up their ideas and getting (and giving) respect.
...The only problem with cell phone bans are that they're AREN'T properly enforced...I'ld rather be safe...

Fair enough. How would you suggest they are enforced to ensure that they are "enforced properly"?
Some ideas:
-Just giving a ticket if it is seen by the officer while getting pulled over for something else
-Allowing stops only for suspected cell phone use
-Installing cell phone use detection cameras that mail you a ticket if they catch you
-Having a cell phone checkpoint where the officer gets to look through your recent calls to see if you had been on the phone within the past couple of minutes and checks to see if you have a handsfree device if you have a cell phone
-Mandating that all cell phone companies provide a report of cell phone usage around the time of any motor vehicle accident (costing the company money to create a new department in which the cost gets passed onto its customers)
-Making a law where devices are put in place where you car won't run if it can tell your cell phone is being used
-Having a police officer ride in every car on the road with an electric cattle prod with the electrodes placed in the crotch area of every driver, with the officers finger readily awaiting to push the button as soon as you pick up the phone

Also, how does a law make you feel safe? A law is words on a paper that a bunch of people you've never met have signed. Laws just make me sad for trees, they don't really make me feel safe, unless I was scared of trees.

As you can see I am being very sarcastic. I just wanted to point out that once they have the law, it is very easy for them to change it and for it to have unintended consequences. It's easy for them to change it, but if it makes them any money, it will never go away.
Man, is this a discussion or what? My brain is hurting from trying to catch up on all of it. I've done my best to try to read all the replies and everyone has valid points. It's hard to determine the best solution because there are so many opinions. Let me throw something at you that I've haven't noticed anyone talking about and if you have I'm sorry I've missed it. Myself and a buddy of mine talk about this frequently and I think we've come up with the solution to all of our gripes. Quite simply, no one gets a drivers license for a cage until they've spent at least a year on two wheels of some type. We all know how much more aware it makes you. The ones that cause problems won't last thus leaving the rest of us on the roads watching out for ALL vehicles. What do you think?
The easiest enforcement would be primary stop, and ticket. Just like if you had put a large sticker on the side window in the line of sight. I am anti law too. I do not think controlling others behavior is cool. I do think dieing because of others behavior is not cool. I agree with laws Well Written and Precise that help to insure my and others continued life.
I dont like the seatbelt law but I always wear it.
I dont like helmet laws but I always wear on.
I would completly rather that people just took the cell phone down from thier ear and then looked, signaled and made a lane change. Thats not happening. I really do not know how to discribe how close I came to dieing because someone was jabbering on a cell phone. I read everyday on these forums and others where people are wrecked, ran over, crashed, and hurt by people talking on the cell phone and driving.
People have tried the Hang Up and Drive bumper stickers. People do not listen. If education fails laws do actually work. If it costs a 200$ ticket to get caught on the phone, a hands free device will be used by most. Others are going to ignore it, ignore the ticket, ignore the suspension, and sooner or later end up in jail for the weekend, the judge will explain that this crap doesnt fly, and we will be keeping your lic. They will ignore that, drive, get caught and spend another weekend in jail, this will continue untill the judge gets tired and they will get to spend some serious time in jail. At that point they will either decide to follow the rules or spend lots of time in jail. Either way they are off the street. By this time most of the people will of switched to hands free devices in thier cars. Cell phones will come with hands free devices because people will demand them. Of all the laws out there, this one seems pretty reasonable to me. It is the law in Cali now. I have been talking on the UTMC to people that live there. Its working. I am just all for something that will lessen the chance of me or you being run over. Its not fair to get killed cause some butthead is yapping about what they had for lunch. I am going to send you a pm too.