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What's your opinion of red light cameras?

  • It sucks. Causes more accidents than it helps prevents. Only money generating revenue.

    Votes: 36 75.0%
  • I like it. We also need a speed camera.

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Slow down idiot! Don't ever go above the speed limit.

    Votes: 6 12.5%

  • Total voters


Aug 11, 2010
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red light camera poll

I've been known to ride a little aggressively and there has been more than a few occasion when I almost lost it trying to stop before a red light. For example a few weeks ago I was going a 'little' over the the speed limit when I approach a known red light camera. I usually counts the number of pedestrian warning lights and know when it would turn red (I wish all red light cameras have those countdown ones). But this time I didn't know how many times it has been blinking so I decided to gun in. Well it turned yellow right away and I knew there was no way in hell I was going to make it so I did an emergency brake. Holy crap! Read tire slid, screeching like crazy but somehow I was able to save it. But not by much. This happened on an early saturday and was absolutely no traffic. If that light wasn't red light camera I would have just crossed it without having to worry. Yeah, I know why don't I just slow down, right? I could, but that would be boring. I enjoy riding my bike aggressively (but safely).

Heck, let me make a poll.

*edited to follow forum rules*
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First, I want to let you know riding aggressive has it's place like county roads and on the track. However you need to approach the street lights with caution, matter of fact all intersections. Practice slowing down, braking in all types of situations, if you don't practice you can't do it when it counts.

Second, sounds like you put to much on the rear brake and not enough on the front brake.

Fender Eliminator is what you are looking for.
The summons you avoid by making your plate unreadable will lead to probable cause for a LEO to stop you just because he has issue with the way your plate is mounted. +1 on red light camera's can cause accidents but since you already know where they exist you have to approach that intersection with less speed to give more room to stop as you should when you approach any intersection anyway
So,was it your little aggressive riding skills that got you into your other thread about smashing your bike up? Most people slow down approaching lights fella,so we don't have to lose control.

I ride fast,but I don't ride like a Twat.If I come off that's my lookout,but I'd rather not take out someone on a pedestrian crossing.You want to screw the nut pal.
If it wasn't a red light camera you would have just ridden through a red light?

I hardly think that being safe is "boring".

There's a time and place for everything. Like Discgolfdude said, country roads or the track if you're gonna ride like that.

Car skips a red light - you're a gonna.

You hit a pedestrian - you have to live with that for the rest of your life.
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If it wasn't a red light camera you would have just ridden through a red light?

I hardly think that being safe is "boring".

There's a time and place for everything. Like Discgolfdude said, country roads or the track if you're gonna ride like that.

Car skips a red light - you're a gonna.

You hit a pedestrian - you have to live with that for the rest of your life.

I think you got my quote out of context. When I said I would have just ridden through a red light, that's if I deemed it safe to do so (no traffic, no pedestrians, etc). I mean, given a choice between a hard emergency brake on wet surface or simply going through the red light (that just turned) I rather do the latter. I ride aggressively, but I do so safely IMO.

To Ridgeback, no it wasn't my aggressively riding that caused me to crash my bike. I was making a left turn at the light at 10mph when an SUV broadsided me saying 'He didn't see me'. Guess I should have have my hi-beam on, but that would have messed up my charging system like it did a few weeks priors. That's why I only ride with the standard one beam on.
IMO this is the sort of riding that gives bike riders a bad rep.

As has been said, go crazy on country roads or the track, but intersections and urban roads are just way too risky. Especially if you said it was wet, and you knew it was a red light camera..

Just sounds a bit silly to me, surely there's somewhere around where you can satisfy your need for speed without putting others lives at risk.

And about red light cameras, I believe there is not reason they shouldn't be there, if they weren't, as you said, people would just slam straight through them.. and what's to stop people doing the same from the other side, smashing the $h1t out of you, and probably badly injuring them.

EDIT: Also, I'm not saying OMG DON'T EVER SPEED! Red lights (here in australia) are programmed to give you time to stop safely even if you are doing 20KM/h over the speed limit, so if you're doing faster than that and not being cautious around lights, then it's a recipe for disaster anyway.
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Re: red light camera poll

In my experience and personal observations: In cities where they use these things, (they lease them and/or the service that maintaines them you know?), two things have always happened: 1) They quickly get greedy and want more revenue from them to help pay the monthly fee associated with them - so they shorten the duration time of the yellow light, AND 2) The public gets stupid afraid of them. They not only slow down to a snail's pace long before they even get to the GREEN light, they also stop for FREEN lights AND no one will "go" when they turn to GREEN - they will just sit there and wait until someone else "goes first". No joke.
I think these things not only decrease the efficiency of traffic flow but any city that uses these cameras should be investigated and those that have shortened the duration of the yellow should be placed up on charges. (JMO, feel free to make it your's).
Also, the long-term implications of these cameras could easily become an invasion of personal privacy and used illegally as well. (Again - just my biased, unprofessional opinion : )
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I think this guy is a plant from a red light camera company. Somehow he's managed to make me like the insipid revenue generators.

This has come up before.
In this country a Police cars ANPR System,will pick up that your plate has been tampered with and you are looking at getting your pants pulled down big style! The least of your worries is a fine.People have gone to prison for using it,usually for perverting the course of justice.

Might work elsewhere though :thumbup:
There's an episode of some of those on mythbusters, all failed, the only thing that will save you was going over 450kph or something.
Pretty sure it works ok on speed cameras,but it would show as a blank plate on a Police ANPR,which also gets triggered by miss spaced letters,wrong font,wrong size etc,etc.

I got stopped back in january on my XR600R,because the ANPR couldn't read my plate because of the angle it was at.The copper asked me to bend it down so it could be read (Aluminium off road plate) then as I rode off,it triggered it again because the letters were slightly too small!
Luckily,he wasn't too bothered about that one,as it was still clearly visible,though he did say if I was in front of another patrol car to expect a stop,as it would set off the alarm again :rolleyes:
I ride somewhat aggressive myself however when coming up on a traffic light (camera or not) I slow down to the speed limit, SHOULD I HAVE TO STOP.

A camera ticket is bad enough, its the driver who pulls out on his green that'll ruin your day..
red lights are there for a reason, why dont you just slow down when you approach lights rather than trying to 'gun' it to get though them and be all cool. believe me, when you run a red light and actually hit something or someone, you will not think you are cool, a riding hero, or what ever else you think you are by riding like that on the road. yes it is fun riding fast, but keep it out of town. you say what you are doing is safe, it really isnt!