
Hey buddy, as you've seen, you definitely have lots of support from your online family here.

Much easier said than done, but try not to let the troubles of this world get to you. Bad times come and go, but great things are ahead for you!

I know this all might sound like "fluff" when you're going through the rough times... but just know that we're all here for you brother! :thumbup:
Do you have a public library near you? That is how I fought off boredom. I could check out 2 DVDs per day. And they had the first 5 seasons of 24. That got me through quite a bit of my down time.
Do you have a public library near you? That is how I fought off boredom. I could check out 2 DVDs per day. And they had the first 5 seasons of 24. That got me through quite a bit of my down time.

NOOO, anything but 24... way too addicting (and suspenseful lol)! The endings of all of episodes make you keep wanting to watch more and more. This poor guy will never leave his house! :p

I have seasons 1-7 at home. But yes, a very easy way to kill time. ;)
I actually never watched on TV until season 7. They only had seasons 1-5 at the library. I NEED TO SEE SEASON 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
I was out of a job for a whole year ... just started march 28th.. man i totally feel ya.. sucks when bad stuff like this happens.. but im sure you'll find something alot quicker than i did.. good luck in the job search :thumbup:

as for having a bad overall day... just think of it this way... tomarrow cant possibly suck nearly as bad as today.. :thumbup:
Sorry to hear about that. Being laid off sucks; I've been three times since 2004. I'm in biotech too, and there has always been something else right around the corner for me. Hopefully you'll have the same good luck!