Loud Engine Tick...

wellp... got the bike serviced, valve adjustments and all. She rides nicer, engine feels a bit more consistent in it's manners and all the controls operate better but... tick is still there :thumbdown:. He reckons its the CCT and that purchasing the part (>200AUD) + installation for the sake of a noise is... up to me. A bit of a disappointing result. On the plus side, bike has had the major work done for the next 20 thousand km's. I just hope it actually is the CCT and not something undiagnosed.
If it is the CCT ticking, it really isn't a matter of replacing it ONLY to fix the tick.

If it gets loose enough and jumps a tooth, its MAJOR DAMAGE.. That's just a matter of time...

I'd be saving up to get the newest CCT. Replacing it, even with removing the cover and zip tying the chain (the longest and safest way)
still doesn't take that long. Many shops will just pull the CCT and replace it..

IMO, I would be saving to replace it.

BTW, do you know how many valves were out of spec and if they were loose or tight?