Lunch/Planes !!


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May 17, 2008
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Took some time out from my lunch hour today to go see the "Wings Of Freedom" tour at our local airport.

I never miss an chance to see these "War birds"...:thumbup:

B-17 B-24, and this year they even brought the famed P-51C Mustang, (only $2200.00 to "pilot"):eek:

I was there as the pilot did a low level high speed pass, damn that thing is fast...too fast for my lousy camera/phone.

Also there was a dozen antique Ford cars there in the parking lot !!

Two quick shows for the price of none !!

Best lunch I've had in a while:D
Nice! Let's do lunch, have your people call my people! :thumbup:

That P-51 IS fast, during the airshows here at Hill AFB there's always one flying formation with both an F-15 and F-16 (obviously the jets are a bit wobbly, but they ARE together!)
"Also there was a dozen antique Ford cars there in the parking lot !! "

You should check out the riding game thread, the current challenge today was to take a pic of your Fazer with a pre 1960's auto, if you post your pic before anyone else, you can choose the next location for the photo.
If you are interested in that type of thing anyway.
This morning I got to see a T-6 Texan take off from a small airport here in ABQ!!!! The engine sound is so awesome.
Nice Post!.....They are at the Worcester Airport this weekend!

I love old war birds...I can't believe how big a P-51D really is...just huge!:thumbup: