Moment of silence for fallen rider!!


Junior Member
Mar 1, 2008
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Chenoa, IL
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I live in Chenoa Illinois and yesterday, just 5 blocks from my house, a rider was killed. Him and two of his friends were on vacation from Germany traveling Old Historic Rt. 66 traveling to L.A. California. The lead rider did not see the stop sign and was traveling 45 mph when he ran into the side of a flatbed trailer then was ran over. Both of his legs were completey removed the bike destroyed. As you are reading this, imagine you are one of his buddies behind him watching this horror take place. This really hit home for me 1. it was CLOSE to home, 5 blocks away and 2. it makes me realize even more that even a small mistake on a motorcycle can end your life. Had he been in a car, yeah he might be in rough shape, but he would still be alive. So take a moment of silence for him and all the other fallen riders....................and remember that what small mistakes you may make on a motorcycle, could turn out to be your last one! So be safe and alert this riding season.
RIP rider. I can only hope there wasn't a moment of suffering. Tough to handle for the followers... cannot imagine!
RIP rider.

Be careful out there everyone. It only takes a second to be distracted. Think about this next time you're debating whether or not to wear all of your gear because it's too hot out...
Rip rider. I should have watched the news. That sucks. Everytime i hear a story like this it makes me even more careful.
another rider posted a story about how he ran a stop sign accidentally.... jeez. might have been another forum im thinkin of tho.

RIP brave german dude.
RIP, heck of way to go. once again hope no suffering! hopefully his buddies that witnessed it are still sane! I dont know if i would be.
It was instant and I am not even sure he saw it coming or not. His buddies would not get back on their bikes and they had to get them towed away and they were escorted in a squad car. I don't know how i would react if I saw my friend go out like that. If I find anything else out about it, I'll put any updates on here.
Yup, a wake up call for all of us. Although this was proabably one of the rare occasions wearing gear really wouldn't have mattered. RIP, there are way too many fallen riders.