Movie game!

Super troopers lol

"The price is wrong b!tch"

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Lol this was the first one. Happy gilmore. Looks like a battle between me and ChevyFazer!! haha jk im done after this one.

"You may be a cunning linguist, but I am a master debater. "
Dispicable me

"Were sort of like 7/11 , were not always doing buisness but were always open"

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I had to Google that one (so I can't answer), but I'll watch it tomorrow night - Awesome movie!

One of my favorites

"Were.sort of like 7/11 were not always doing business but were always open"

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hey there GTPAddict i got you Despicable me. not gonna lie, im 26 and seen it like 6 times. its a funny movie so dont judge hahha had me laughing more everytime
Boondock Saints

New One - "Give me a diablo sandwich and a Dr Pepper, and make it quick, I'm in a GD hurry!"

'We got a long way to go, and a short time to get there........'

Smokey and the Bandit...Buford T. Justice

"Tell her you miss her whispering eye"
Too easy

Next one is a bit obscure...

"I'm the one who brings the Christmas candy. Now tell me, who's your daddy? I'm the one who brings the devil's brandy.:

come on thats easy...

House of 1000 Corpse's

mine from 3 pages back were never solved... ill have to think of a good one to put up...

here is one...:

"Give me six Schlitzs'!

Sorry, no Schlitz.

Ah, whatevers Free!

Open Bar Dude!"
come on thats easy...

House of 1000 Corpse's

mine from 3 pages back were never solved... ill have to think of a good one to put up...
Super Trooper's ..... I'm freakin out man !! You are freakin out Man.... LOL Classic........... OK here we go...... "Careful I've seen him lick his own eyebrow's" :BLAA:
Con Air

new one (one I try to live by & in my signature):

"A heart is not judged by how much you love,
but by how much you are loved by others."