My 06 Owners Manual Is For An 07


06 FZ6
Aug 27, 2007
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The 07's have an analog type tach vs digital for the 06. Can anyone point me to a place to download or maybe buy an 06 owners manual?

I just wanna know about the insterument panel and how to use the damn thing.
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Don't do what my tarded a** did and try to print out a shop manual unless you have about 5 hours and around $60 to blow on ink, paper and a binder. Yes, I have a cool shop manual. Do I ever use it?...... Hell no. I pull up whatever I'm looking for on the computer because it's faster and easer to find.:banghead:
Don't do what my tarded a** did and try to print out a shop manual unless you have about 5 hours and around $60 to blow on ink, paper and a binder. Yes, I have a cool shop manual. Do I ever use it?...... Hell no. I pull up whatever I'm looking for on the computer because it's faster and easer to find.:banghead:

Good tip! I just printed a few pages of what I wanted and will just do this as needed:thumbup:
Oh yeah well uh yeah ummm yeah. What he said. :needpics:

Here's what you get for $60 worth of ink, paper, binder and 5 hours of baby sitting your printer. LOL I threw in the "UWH" because it was such a bone head thing to do. I probably could have bought it off of ebay for $20.