New rider, bike price seem high?


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Mar 6, 2011
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monson, ma
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Hey everyone, I don't have a bike yet but after a long and frustrating search for a ninja 650r, I came across the yamaha fz6 at a local dealer. It's an 06 and has about 11,000 miles on it. I know it's a lot of miles for the year but the price drop was from 5500 to 4200. I am uncertain though, it seems like a lot of you found bikes for much less with much fewer miles on them. Is this because I'm looking at a dealer? And even still, is this priced way too high? I'm sort of sold on the bike though, and if it makes a difference, in my area the market for used bikes on craigslist and such is horrendous and prices are only going up as temps go up and spring creeps closer. I am gonna put down 1500 and use the rest of tax money for gear and for an MSF coarse. After that though I'm only financing for 2700, doesn't seem like a bad deal to me for such a capable and awesome looking bike. I'm determined to get something this season and I really really like this bike. Is it worth trying to talk down the price? Anyway, glad to be here and excited to be a part of the community! So excited to start riding and I think my wife is getting sick of me talking about it nonstop, hopefully I can negate some of this by talking to you fellows! haha
Hey everyone, I don't have a bike yet but after a long and frustrating search for a ninja 650r, I came across the yamaha fz6 at a local dealer. It's an 06 and has about 11,000 miles on it. I know it's a lot of miles for the year but the price drop was from 5500 to 4200. I am uncertain though, it seems like a lot of you found bikes for much less with much fewer miles on them. Is this because I'm looking at a dealer? And even still, is this priced way too high? I'm sort of sold on the bike though, and if it makes a difference, in my area the market for used bikes on craigslist and such is horrendous and prices are only going up as temps go up and spring creeps closer. I am gonna put down 1500 and use the rest of tax money for gear and for an MSF coarse. After that though I'm only financing for 2700, doesn't seem like a bad deal to me for such a capable and awesome looking bike. I'm determined to get something this season and I really really like this bike. Is it worth trying to talk down the price? Anyway, glad to be here and excited to be a part of the community! So excited to start riding and I think my wife is getting sick of me talking about it nonstop, hopefully I can negate some of this by talking to you fellows! haha

fz6 on SearchTempest

looks like there are quite a few within 250 miles of you for better prices.

i drove 5 hours to pick my 2008 up and it was in mint condition, 1680 miles, jacket, helmet, saddle bags, fender eliminator and a few other misc things for $3800. i would rather drive a few miles and get a much better bike for less money but that is jut me.
That price sounds too high for that bike. I wouldn't be worried about 11,000 miles. I realize it's more money than you were looking at, but I've seen leftover 2009's in our area for less than $6,000. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Thanks for the link and the help, I think I'll talk to him about the price based off those bikes you listed. I don't know I guess I'm bad at searching lol I honestly have been searching a ton and didn't see those. Anyway, while I do feel more comfortable buying from a dealer because I'm ignorant and could easily miss some telltale sign that there is a problem with a bike bought from craigslist or something. not to say a dealer wouldn't do this but it makes my life easier because I work monday through saturday so that leaves very little time searching for a loan and registering and all that, which a dealer would do. The place has been around longer than I've been alive so that adds some credibility. Also, the general manager told me he would deliver it personally as the shop doesn't deliver which I thought was huge in terms of customer service. Anyway, thanks for the help and I'll definitely see what I can do about the price and if nothing, I'll try to find a loan because if I can get newer with that many less miles for only a couple hundred more, it seems worth it. Thanks again, I appreciate the help!
You should be able to do much better than $4,200 for an '06 with 11,000 miles. Last time I checked, used 2008 FZ6's were blue booking for around that price.

Since that bike was probably a trade-in, I'd guess the dealer paid no more than $2,500-2,700 for it. I'd search around for better deals, but if you really must have that bike, I wouldn't offer anything more than $3,500 maximum.
Yea, like I said I'm very ignorant to all this. Again, the help is appreciated! Also, I just thought of something I meant to ask at the dealer as well, why is it that some bikes it seems like the clutch is really hard to squeeze? I actually applied for a loan on a 2011 650r just to see if I get approved, the payments are just a little bit too high on that though but after sitting on the brand new bike, with the clutch lever so smooth you barely had to apply pressure to squeeze it in, then the fz6 which I could actually see getting a sore wrist from squeezing, it made me wonder. Is this just like a tight throttle cable? Can it be dealt with easily? Or is that just how these bikes are?
I don't live to far from you. Check Mutual Enterprises in Springfield they have two FZ6s a 08 and 09 low miles and under $5000.
yea, I don't understand, after seeing all of these why the one at the dealer is so much...I mean yes it's less than those but it's not by much and it's older and has way more miles. Hopefully with this information, especially since mutual enterprises is right down the road from where I was looking, he'll go down substantially on the price. If not, I'll keep shopping. It's funny, that mutual enterprise place is where I was looking at the 650r. Thanks again.