New World Order


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Who was it here that was discussing the "New World Order" theories? Gordon Brown just announced that we have "a new world order" emerging from the economic crisis. And that part about donating a trillion dollars to the IMF. I wonder how much of that trillion is about to be charged to our (USA's) credit account with China? As is the new custom we have committed to spend before knowing what it is we're spending on. And another nice round number, clearly showing that a lot of thought has gone into this. I'm just speculating here since they haven't released any details, but this doesn't sound very good for the US. Kind of sounds like they just hit us up for money and Obama folded like a lawn chair, or worse he may have even suggested that the US should pour more money we don't have into foreign countries, spread it around a bit. Too early to tell, but scary as hell.
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Sorry, initial reports were incorrect, it's actually $1.1 trillion. Still not a single word on where this money is coming from.
Sorry, initial reports were incorrect, it's actually $1.1 trillion. Still not a single word on where this money is coming from.

I am 99% sure the G20 is supposed to kick in, eg: USA will foot 75% of the bill, we always do, just like NATO, SEATO, etc...The Euros bitch and the US does the heavy lifting (UK, AUS excluded).
It was me asking what was the .............N.W.O. was because i found a homemade video on you tube with a rage against the machine song I like.I still don't completly understand it though.:don'tknow: [ame][/ame]
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Conspiracy theories. Fun stuff. There are plenty of them on "either side" of our polarized political divide.

in my best boxing ring announcer voice...

In the blue corner we have the trilateral commission, the right-wing "cabal" responsible for the assassination of jfk, and so on...

In the red corner we have a president who's a socialist, the queers trying to undermine Amurican values, and so on...

The "new world order" is yet another argument foisted up by "believers" -- and as my attempt at a joke above is meant to suggest, there are believers on both sides of our political system pointing their fingers to the other guys, the bad guys, on the "other" side -- so we we've got these folks who, um, believe that there's some sort of pernicious, unseen, cabal of powerful folks (usually cigar chomping, red meat eating, single malt drinking white guys...) who "really" run the country.

Living in Berkeley, you can well imagine the sorts of goofball theories I hear about. And not just from young, fiery-eyed, college-age idealists, but from folks out in the community, as well as from the redolent, urine-soaked, homeless guy with the tin foil inside of his batting helmet (the tin foil protects his brain from the evil brain-sucking ray gun of the government. the ray gun is pointed at us all, don't ya know, sucking out our thoughts, our very essence, turning us all into mindless automatons...)

There are so many flavors, so many themes or notions to which people will subscribe. And while I'm making light of it all, it's a pretty scary notion when I stop to consider how it's possible for folks to convince themselves of the "truth" of something and then act based upon their, in my opinion, often narrow-minded, self-fulfilling, and all too often just downright silly ideas. If only they'd take the time to question the information that they're getting. It's one thing to be aware of someone's theory, someone's take on the ways of the world. It's yet another to ask questions -- as you are here -- and to seek to understand in a full, comprehensive, eyes wide open/b.s. filters engaged, kind of way.

And remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you... bwwwaaaa haaaaa (my evil laugh...) :D
Conspiracy theories. Fun stuff. There are plenty of them on "either side" of our polarized political divide.

in my best boxing ring announcer voice...

In the blue corner we have the trilateral commission, the right-wing "cabal" responsible for the assassination of jfk, and so on...

In the red corner we have a president who's a socialist, the queers trying to undermine Amurican values, and so on...

The "new world order" is yet another argument foisted up by "believers" -- and as my attempt at a joke above is meant to suggest, there are believers on both sides of our political system pointing their fingers to the other guys, the bad guys, on the "other" side -- so we we've got these folks who, um, believe that there's some sort of pernicious, unseen, cabal of powerful folks (usually cigar chomping, red meat eating, single malt drinking white guys...) who "really" run the country.

Living in Berkeley, you can well imagine the sorts of goofball theories I hear about. And not just from young, fiery-eyed, college-age idealists, but from folks out in the community, as well as from the redolent, urine-soaked, homeless guy with the tin foil inside of his batting helmet (the tin foil protects his brain from the evil brain-sucking ray gun of the government. the ray gun is pointed at us all, don't ya know, sucking out our thoughts, our very essence, turning us all into mindless automatons...)

There are so many flavors, so many themes or notions to which people will subscribe. And while I'm making light of it all, it's a pretty scary notion when I stop to consider how it's possible for folks to convince themselves of the "truth" of something and then act based upon their, in my opinion, often narrow-minded, self-fulfilling, and all too often just downright silly ideas. If only they'd take the time to question the information that they're getting. It's one thing to be aware of someone's theory, someone's take on the ways of the world. It's yet another to ask questions -- as you are here -- and to seek to understand in a full, comprehensive, eyes wide open/b.s. filters engaged, kind of way.

And remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you... bwwwaaaa haaaaa (my evil laugh...) :D

There isn't necessarily anything political about the theory, which I don't personally subscribe to in any meaningful way. I watched a film about it once, Bush Sr. was theorized to have been the first US president involved, then every one since then. 2 on each side. But the idea that a bunch of world leaders are plotting to control global finance is perhaps more believeable now that, well, a bunch of world leaders have just met and announced that they are planning to control global finance.

But as for the president being a national socialist, that's not a conspiracy theory. It may have been last fall, but now it is an assessment of his actions. Based on his policies it is quite simply the description of his plan. Massive welfare state, centralized economic planning, high taxation with subsidizing of specific industries/corporations, civilian armies, unsustainable spending, and nationalization of the banks. In essence, government control uber alles.
Just like with Bush, I dont think Obama is smart enough to have a master plan to control the world.

Bush hurt our country thru good intentioned, and poorly planned stupidity.
Obama is hurting our country thru good intentioned poorly planned stupidity.

I do not believe he is intentionally trying to socialise our country to hurt it. He has to honestly believe in his heart that it will work.

It just doesnt.
Remember NWO was coined by Pres Bush Sr. In fact Ministry has a song from the early 90's that has a sample from one of Bush's speeches, Bush is saying "New Word Order...right and wrong...good and evil...New Word Order". In this context he was referring to the Wall that had just fallen and how the fall of communism was going to "reorder" the world. If I remember correctly after that term came out the conspiracy theorists came out of the wood work, or Idaho...

Here's the irony...back when Bush Sr. used the term the Left freaked out, now the Left is using the term and I hope everyone freaks out.

Oh and as far as Black Helicopters at night...all freaking Blackhawks look black at night!