Nice Parking!

the sportbike guys just don't get it. so rude, inconsiderate and dangerous on the streets.

see, we can all play that game. how about saying that this guy was rude and didn't get it. do you really want to lump all harley riders in with this guy?
Actually, most of the Harley guys park next to each other, angled out towards traffic..

The guy taking three spots is not terribly bright.

As a side note, about 3 weeks ago, a police car, going to a bar fight, the officer forgot to put his car in park, knocked down 4 Harleys in a row, like dominoes...... (true story here in Cape Coral, Fl. ) :)
Originally Posted by Red Wazp
I'll bet he's from Texas.

Yeah we're world renown for our rudeness

You're right, he's from Texas and he rode his harley all the way to England.


Think their motto is ( Don't mess with Texas) musta missed that one huh Wazp.......
I know where I live there are a few places that have designated parking for motorcycles. I've always wondered about parking in other areas like a sidewalk or walk way if it would end up with a ticket or worse. I've done it a few times where I pull up close to the door and park. But I also make sure that I'm not blocking foot traffic or being a pain.

I know there are guys out there who feel they have the right to take up more than one spot. Some cagers do it too, park over a couple lines just to make sure no one gets to close and scratches it. I think it is rude on either part no matter what they drive.
I know there are guys out there who feel they have the right to take up more than one spot. Some cagers do it too, park over a couple lines just to make sure no one gets to close and scratches it. I think it is rude on either part no matter what they drive.

it might be wrong... or at least a little passive aggressive... but i like to park right next to those cars just like they parked.
it might be wrong... or at least a little passive aggressive... but i like to park right next to those cars just like they parked.

yeah me too,simply cos i know their motive :Flip:

going on a tangent regarding pigeon hole-ing bike/car types

a while back i took my mother shopping to tesco's (supermarket) with my son we parked in the mother and baby space (perfectly legal).opposite are the disabled spaces ,when a brand new TVR rumbles in and parks in the disbled know the type of guy ..oakley shades,designer stubble around his chiselled chin ,pink ralphy polo shirt and that "look" that says "yeah i love myself and so do you"

my mother and I start muttering about flash cars and their owners .when he finally opens his door to reveal a custom seat /wheelchair adoptation. The guy had no legs :(

i dont know who felt more embarraced/guilty me or my mother :spank:
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it might be wrong... or at least a little passive aggressive... but i like to park right next to those cars just like they parked.

I love doing that! It's all bout sharing the inconvenience! Plus it might take em down a peg too when they have to get in through their passenger side door! :thumbup:

yeah sometimes situations call for stooping to "their level", but damn it feels good!
Yeah that's a textbook douchebag parking job.

Our building at work has a semi-underground parking level, and in one corner there's an area that used to say "Motorcycles Only" over it. You can easily fit 3 bikes in there side by side, and there were at that time about 5 or 6 of us who rode in every day in the building. So we'd park 3 of us in there, as the rest of the underground spots fill up by about 8:15, leaving only the melting hot sun on asphalt outside (lots of kick stand holes out there now). I came out once to find my bike about 2 inches into the asphalt, for example.

So then the building manager from the leasing company decided to put a big 2 on the sign, so that it read "2 Motorcycles Only"... why? I wrote him and asked, and was told "we have a policy." A policy...? The guy was a grade-A arsehole, and for NO reason. Still bugs me 2 years later.
So then the building manager from the leasing company decided to put a big 2 on the sign, so that it read "2 Motorcycles Only"... why? I wrote him and asked, and was told "we have a policy." A policy...? The guy was a grade-A arsehole, and for NO reason. Still bugs me 2 years later.

cap'n: you should just add to the sign something like a "+1", or "^2"... You would throw the douche out for a spin trying to figure out the mathematical implications of it, and you would be all legal ;-):rockon:
cap'n: you should just add to the sign something like a "+1", or "^2"... You would throw the douche out for a spin trying to figure out the mathematical implications of it, and you would be all legal ;-):rockon:

Believe me, I thought about it. But after that phone call, more happened betwixt us, culminating in me promising my director I'd try not to piss the guy off anymore.

Sometime a few months later, we got a freak snow storm in like October when I wasn't expecting it, and I couldn't ride home that day. It didn't melt away quickly, so the roads were awful for like a week, so I just left the bike down there, covered. I got a big note stuck to it one day saying I to move it immediately or it would get towed (and it was snowing again that day.) I called the guy to ask why it "had" to get moved, given that it was parked in a motorcycle spot. and he said "we don't allow overnight parking, and you've been there for a week." I looked out the window at the snow and explained that street bikes don't really like snow, and I need my legs to be able to work and stuff, and his response was "move it today or I will have it towed." "You can't just tow it, I have a disc lock on it... "Then I'll damage it trying."

So I did. I drove to another of our buildings, slipping and sliding all over the place. I took a picture of the roads but I can't find it - it's good stuff. But first I called our Safety department to inform them what I was about to do, and why. They flipped out, called Legal, who called the A-hole, who said I had been rude to him, had been warned and ignored the warnings, and that it was somehow all my fault. The lawyer apologized, called me, and yelled at me that this was "not worth his time." It was not a good scene, and remains the ONE thing that's happened at this company that has disappointed me.
Believe me, I thought about it. But after that phone call, more happened betwixt us, culminating in me promising my director I'd try not to piss the guy off anymore.

Sometime a few months later, we got a freak snow storm in like October when I wasn't expecting it, and I couldn't ride home that day. It didn't melt away quickly, so the roads were awful for like a week, so I just left the bike down there, covered. I got a big note stuck to it one day saying I to move it immediately or it would get towed (and it was snowing again that day.) I called the guy to ask why it "had" to get moved, given that it was parked in a motorcycle spot. and he said "we don't allow overnight parking, and you've been there for a week." I looked out the window at the snow and explained that street bikes don't really like snow, and I need my legs to be able to work and stuff, and his response was "move it today or I will have it towed." "You can't just tow it, I have a disc lock on it... "Then I'll damage it trying."

So I did. I drove to another of our buildings, slipping and sliding all over the place. I took a picture of the roads but I can't find it - it's good stuff. But first I called our Safety department to inform them what I was about to do, and why. They flipped out, called Legal, who called the A-hole, who said I had been rude to him, had been warned and ignored the warnings, and that it was somehow all my fault. The lawyer apologized, called me, and yelled at me that this was "not worth his time." It was not a good scene, and remains the ONE thing that's happened at this company that has disappointed me.

Cap'n: Dude, I can imagine it's hard to remain civil with people like that. I recommend someone give him a good portion of :spank:

Also, for your legal council, hopefully you yelled back at him "that's your job dude!" :spank:

Sounds like you have a biker hater on your hands...
Believe me, I thought about it. But after that phone call, more happened betwixt us, culminating in me promising my director I'd try not to piss the guy off anymore.

Sometime a few months later, we got a freak snow storm in like October when I wasn't expecting it, and I couldn't ride home that day. It didn't melt away quickly, so the roads were awful for like a week, so I just left the bike down there, covered. I got a big note stuck to it one day saying I to move it immediately or it would get towed (and it was snowing again that day.) I called the guy to ask why it "had" to get moved, given that it was parked in a motorcycle spot. and he said "we don't allow overnight parking, and you've been there for a week." I looked out the window at the snow and explained that street bikes don't really like snow, and I need my legs to be able to work and stuff, and his response was "move it today or I will have it towed." "You can't just tow it, I have a disc lock on it... "Then I'll damage it trying."

So I did. I drove to another of our buildings, slipping and sliding all over the place. I took a picture of the roads but I can't find it - it's good stuff. But first I called our Safety department to inform them what I was about to do, and why. They flipped out, called Legal, who called the A-hole, who said I had been rude to him, had been warned and ignored the warnings, and that it was somehow all my fault. The lawyer apologized, called me, and yelled at me that this was "not worth his time." It was not a good scene, and remains the ONE thing that's happened at this company that has disappointed me.

WOW this happened to someone else and I want to thrash him!!!!!!
Even if you were a jerk to him, putting someone on a bike in the snow shows no care for fellow man.
I hope his junk turns black and falls off in the toilet.......
cap'n* That sounds rough, I feel that I always have that same kind of luck where your not trying to get away with anything just use common sense and someone decides it's their duty to stick it to you like your trying to get away with something. I know it's one of those burns that just doesn't go away.

Gilo* I've gotten those looks after my accident I was walking around with an aircast and a cane. I kinda felt funny parking in the handicap parking place but walking wasn't much fun either. Some stores I'd go into would let me use a motor cart to go around in, others seem to only think elderly had the right to use them.

I feel if you want to keep your car safe from scraches, park on the back 40 and walk. :rolleyes: