No gear no helmet direct impact no injury

Who's to say he has no injuries? He was high as a kite on adrenaline when he first walked around. Probably started feeling some serious ouch after the video ends. But definitely lucky he didn't smash his head into the ground.
Who's to say he has no injuries? He was high as a kite on adrenaline when he first walked around. Probably started feeling some serious ouch after the video ends. But definitely lucky he didn't smash his head into the ground.

Agreed. You can't tumble onto asphalt at 45 mph with no injury, even if it's just a sprain. People walk away from accidents with broken bones and pouring blood all the time only to collapse 60 seconds later.

I went down once when I was a new rider and almost got run over by a truck in the process and it took at least 60 seconds for me to realize my glove had shredded at the palm and my wrist was badly sprained. I was so high on adrenaline I couldn't keep my balance and had to sit down in the middle of the road, fortunately my riding buddies stopped and moved me and my bike to safety.
There was a reddit thread about this yesterday with a similar gif... The consensus was that if someone gets up right away and starts running around they're probably seriously injured and hopped up on adrenaline, but if they're laying there screaming in pain it's probably not as serious an injury. Or at least not serious enough to trigger an adrenaline response, I suppose...
Its been all over the news down here, they both got charged. What charges, doesn't say, violation right of way for the cage I suspect, the bike, ??

Re the rider, better he had room to fly and tumble. Its the sudden stop that is really bad, breaks backs, spinal cords, etc.. Lucky guy..
Well the report on the accident says he was not injured.

Motorcyclists cartwheels through air after being hit

As far as "Darwin working" it did. That guy is far more agile than most people he did a flip mid air and has the presence of mind to land a clean ninja roll when he the ground and end up unscathed. Plenty of fully geared people would have had serious injuries in that situation as the saying goes, The guys skill out-weighted his stupidity.

Reminds me of this crash another guy riding that pulls of some crazy agility to make up for lack of gear.