
What?? There you guys go speakin' Austrillian again.


Before Mikey left my house tonight to ride home, i asked him to tell me whether the roads near my joint were dry enough for me to take a bike with lightly treaded race tyres out for a spin...

He said he would let me know via the forum! Yes, he is a clown!

Hey Wolf, don't they make a rain race tire? :)

I guess it's good you are getting some moisture.

Yeah, but i havent parted with the $$$ to buy some as yet....

My oath it's good that we are getting some moisture! It's drier than i have ever seen it in my life!

We are copping it here too, and even worse it's 5 degrees out there. I just shivered my way through fitting my K and N about 30 minutes ago, bloody thing turned up today with my leather pants, one day after my bloody track day yesterday.