Oh, It's Too Hot

Ryan T

Sep 8, 2008
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Woodbridge VA
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Fellow Riders,

I never thought I'd say it but I haven't been riding because of the heat. It's been so painful. 103+ heat index. I went for a ride in this heat and when I got home I was near heat exhaustion.

Everyone, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Even with cool mesh gear my body core temp was too hot. With the heat index, car exhaust, stop lights, the heat from the engine, and the heat bouncing off the hot road, it's like being in a microwave.

If you sweat a lot like me, water is a must. Hopefully you can drink enought to counter the loss.

Drink (water) often and early.

It's almost 6:30pm and it's still above scorching. No riding today.
Fellow Riders,

I never thought I'd say it but I haven't been riding because of the heat. It's been so painful. 103+ heat index. I went for a ride in this heat and when I got home I was near heat exhaustion.

Everyone, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Even with cool mesh gear my body core temp was too hot. With the heat index, car exhaust, stop lights, the heat from the engine, and the heat bouncing off the hot road, it's like being in a microwave.

If you sweat a lot like me, water is a must. Hopefully you can drink enought to counter the loss.

Drink (water) often and early.

It's almost 6:30pm and it's still above scorching. No riding today.

yes friend, i'm familiar.

1 buy a camelbak (not a huge one)
2 fill with ice, then trickle in water until it's full
3 put on camelbak, UNDER JACKET
4 ride
5 hydrate, and enjoy the coooold on your back by arching your back a little and letting the air in via the rear of the collar.

hope this helps, it's the only way i can ride in this heat
Try being out here in AZ. Haha, It's 100+ at midnight on a regular basis during the summer. :surrender:

I have to garage my bike during the day, and only ride at night when it's in the 90's. Otherwise I'm sweating buckets by the time I get to my destination. :/
Normally I can take 100 degrees as long as its not stop-n-go, but the last three days (a weekend, of course) its been unusually humid here in Utard.
On the bright side, I got my toilets, sinks, and shower scrubbed clean in the A/C! :cheer:
In Perth, we hit 45'C (113'F) in the summer.

If we didnt' ride in the heat, we wouldn't ride at all.

Toughen up Princess ;) :justkidding:

Riding in the heat, if you have good summer riding gear and you drink a lot of water, isn't so bad. Stopping at traffic lights etc - that's when it hits you :(
I've found I would rather ride in the single digits then ride in the temps above 30'C if I have to stop and go. Since my bike is still in the shop, riding my girls air cooled 600 and boy, anything stop and go just feels like a microwave.
Today it was 92° F but the air was dry. Stayed away from traffic rode for three hours no problem.

But last week it was 88° and humid, first time in years I rode in a T shirt and couldn't stand the heat. Don't think I stayed out a hour.
wear under armour (or equivalent) and WET it.
i did this and felt cool on a +90F day.
the moisture near your skin+airflow helps a lot. best results last for about half an hour, then gets warmer as the under shirt dries out. it helped for an hour.
take some water with you or re-wet at a gas station.

try it!
i dont have a/c in my garage so i did the same thing. wore wet under armour with a fan blowing on me.
I couldn't agree more about hydration. Even in cool weather it doesn't take long to wick away lots of moisture. I got a Rapid Transit tank bag with a 2 liter hydration pouch and don't go anywhere without it. Riding in the summer without some kind of water is really dangerous.:spank:
I second OMG_WTF's suggestion. That's what I've been doing too, but with just my normal cotton tshirt. It definitely dries out in no time, but it sure feels good!
When it gets really hot(35+)I pull out this baby :thumbup:Just soak it in water for a couple of hours.I wear it over a singlet,under a vented mesh jacket...NICE :D
Yeah it's already 104 at noon here in Oklahoma City. Forecasted highs are around 110 every day for this coming week. Uggggggh...
Sorry for the double post, this just flashed across my weather app... How does it make sense that Oklahoma is hotter than Texas???


It's been like this all summer and I don't understand it. September cannot get here fast enough. :(
When it gets really hot(35+)I pull out this baby :thumbup:Just soak it in water for a couple of hours.I wear it over a singlet,under a vented mesh jacket...NICE :D

Heres the back & a neck wrap too ;)
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tank bag

+1 on the Rapid Transit tank bag. Ive got the Recon 19 and I dont know how I used to ride in hot weather without it! I had to take out the water reservoir this weekend because I needed the space and really missed it!
Re: tank bag

Most of my riding is the work commute, but with this heat (even with traffic) it isn't a big enough concern for me to have something with me.

I drink water all day while I'm at the office, and a glass or few in the evenings when I get home.

When I'm out on longer rides I just stop frequently for a water fountain.
Fellow Riders,

I never thought I'd say it but I haven't been riding because of the heat. It's been so painful. 103+ heat index. I went for a ride in this heat and when I got home I was near heat exhaustion.

Everyone, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Even with cool mesh gear my body core temp was too hot. With the heat index, car exhaust, stop lights, the heat from the engine, and the heat bouncing off the hot road, it's like being in a microwave.

If you sweat a lot like me, water is a must. Hopefully you can drink enought to counter the loss.

Drink (water) often and early.

It's almost 6:30pm and it's still above scorching. No riding today.

This is why I'm glad I live and work out in Culpeper, VA and not Woodbridge or the rest of the Northern VA traffic nightmare and sitting in that crap in this heat...no thanks! My commute ride only drops below 50 mph when I'm coming to one of the 3 stop signs on my 7 mile commute. Let me know if you ever want to come ride some traffic free roads! :thumbup:
yes friend, i'm familiar.

1 buy a camelbak (not a huge one)
2 fill with ice, then trickle in water until it's full
3 put on camelbak, UNDER JACKET
4 ride
5 hydrate, and enjoy the coooold on your back by arching your back a little and letting the air in via the rear of the collar.

hope this helps, it's the only way i can ride in this heat
+1 :thumbup: I do this all the time