Only in America


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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The state wants a birth certificate and 5 other documents to prove I am a citizen of the USA. However the states documents on the internuts tells us that ones drivers license is is all you need. WRONG! The laws changed in 2008 making the vital records birth certificate a requirement! (hint update the web page)

So I call vital records to begin this process! 1st Question; "for service in English press 1".
I press 1 and listen to the options (in English).
Upon any selection all spoken language now defaults to Spanish! :( :( :( :(

Like me or not (insert flame inducing sentence here), If you come to the USA to escape your homeland, learn the English language!

After waiting 20 minutes I spoke to a person and acquired the information I was seeking. I then informed the person the system was programmed wrong. She replied saying its been that way since the law changed in 2008! :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

The state wants a birth certificate and 5 other documents to prove I am a citizen of the USA. However the states documents on the internuts tells us that ones drivers license is is all you need. WRONG! The laws changed in 2008 making the vital records birth certificate a requirement! (hint update the web page)

So I call vital records to begin this process! 1st Question; "for service in English press 1".
I press 1 and listen to the options (in English).
Upon any selection all spoken language now defaults to Spanish! :( :( :( :(

Like me or not (insert flame inducing sentence here), If you come to the USA to escape your homeland, learn the English language!

After waiting 20 minutes I spoke to a person and acquired the information I was seeking. I then informed the person the system was programmed wrong. She replied saying its been that way since the law changed in 2008! :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:


Enter most European countries illegally you get exported. Enter most Asian countries illegally you get thrown in prison. Enter most middle eastern countries illegally you get shot. Enter the US illegally you are given a driver's license, government housing, healthcare, your illegal children born here are given citizenship and you don't even need to learn the language! :cheer:
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Like me or not (insert flame inducing sentence here), If you come to the USA to escape your homeland, learn the English language!

100% agree. One reason why I can't stand my former country's consulate (where i have to go periodically to renew papers), aside from staff treating their fellow citizens as cr@p, is that people in line are annoying - complaining about how difficult it is to live here in US. Well, learn the darn language and get the @#$* out of your cocoon!

These days, seeing Russian as an option for language in a ticket-vending machine makes me shiver and look for escape routes ASAP. I guess i'm just un-patriotic toward my former homeland like that!

Like me or not (insert flame inducing sentence here), If you come to the USA to escape your homeland, learn the English language!


Try working in health care buddy. 50% of my clinic visits require me to get a translator on the phone to be able to communicate with my patients. Like others have said, you wouldn't move to Germany without learning some German. Don't move to the US and not learn some English.

I have a patient right now who has been living in Boston for 20+ years and doesn't speak a word of English. Inconceivable!
You go abroad and it's always amazing how many people know English and even a plethora of information about USA. In USA, however, it's not so rare where people, having lived in USA a significant time, make little or no effort to learn/speak English. Go figure.
Yep, we're the only country I know of that doesn't require anyone to learn the native language. No need to assimilate in any fashion apparently. :rolleyes: And welcome FinalImpact, to the most convoluted bureaucracy ever conceived, and then some. lol Just wait until you have to deal with a DMV mistake!
Just wait until you have to deal with a DMV mistake!
What mistake? DMV never makes mistakes! Like assuming by default that you still have the plates(sic) from the bike you are reporting stolen. (for the record, in CT, motorcycles get only one plate)

"Bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy" (Oscar Wilde)
It's pretty sad what's happened to this great country. I was hoping the government would shut down for a year or two but no. Our problem is the government. :eek: I will leave it at that. Bad idea talking about the good old USA. It gets me fired up because no one does anything about it. It's all talk and not go.
The state wants a birth certificate and 5 other documents to prove I am a citizen of the USA. However the states documents on the internuts tells us that ones drivers license is is all you need. WRONG! The laws changed in 2008 making the vital records birth certificate a requirement! (hint update the web page)

So I call vital records to begin this process! 1st Question; "for service in English press 1".
I press 1 and listen to the options (in English).
Upon any selection all spoken language now defaults to Spanish! :( :( :( :(

Like me or not (insert flame inducing sentence here), If you come to the USA to escape your homeland, learn the English language!

After waiting 20 minutes I spoke to a person and acquired the information I was seeking. I then informed the person the system was programmed wrong. She replied saying its been that way since the law changed in 2008! :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:


Guess what one piece of identification vital records wants to confirm my identity??? Go ahead, just guess. . . .








My State Drivers License! The Very Piece the DMV won't accept!!!! OMG!!! :Flip:

What a F'ng racket! It's like wiping ones own @ss with hula hoop!
It's not only in America.

I went to see my doctor on Monday - he now has brochures in just about every language. 1/2 of the people in the waiting room couldn't speak English and had family members with them who are translating for them.

I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with multi-culturalism - I don't think there are many of us with ancestors who didn't come from another country, but, if you move to another country, LEARN THE LANGUAGE.

You have to embrace the country you move to, learn the language and respect their customs and way of life. It doesn't mean you can't speak your language at home or follow your traditional customs within your family.

Love the country you live in. Wherever that may be.

I was born in Wales. I have lived in New Zealand and now live in Australia. Granted, these are English speaking countries, but seriously, If they spoke a different language down here, I would have had to have learnt it.

Move to France - learn French.
Move to Holland - learn Dutch.
Move to Japan - learn Japanese.

It's not hard people!
It's not only in America.

I went to see my doctor on Monday - he now has brochures in just about every language. 1/2 of the people in the waiting room couldn't speak English and had family members with them who are translating for them.

I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with multi-culturalism - I don't think there are many of us with ancestors who didn't come from another country, but, if you move to another country, LEARN THE LANGUAGE.

You have to embrace the country you move to, learn the language and respect their customs and way of life. It doesn't mean you can't speak your language at home or follow your traditional customs within your family.

Love the country you live in. Wherever that may be.

I was born in Wales. I have lived in New Zealand and now live in Australia. Granted, these are English speaking countries, but seriously, If they spoke a different language down here, I would have had to have learnt it.

Move to France - learn French.
Move to Holland - learn Dutch.
Move to Japan - learn Japanese.

It's not hard people!

I laugh when ever I think about the first time I talked on the phone for the first time to Jules and Deb when they came to the states from Oz. We couldn't understand each other because of our accents. The internet was clear as a bell! :rolleyes: In person we got better at it but still it took a while and still we would hit a few words that weren't working with the accents.

What? What??? Whaaaat!?!?!? :rof:
Don't get me started on the idiocy of illegal immigration here in the States. I'm sure I would find out what the limit is for length of a post!! To me it's as simple as calling it what it is...ILLEGAL! Don't get me wrong I'm all for immigrating LEGALLY but when you sneak across the border with your hand out with no intention to help society you should be stopped permanently....if you know what I mean.
Yep, we're the only country I know of that doesn't require anyone to learn the native language. No need to assimilate in any fashion apparently. :rolleyes: And welcome FinalImpact, to the most convoluted bureaucracy ever conceived, and then some. lol Just wait until you have to deal with a DMV mistake!
What would our Native language be? Comanche,Apache,Sioux........ :BLAA: We as Americans seem to forget we came from imagrants ourselves..... the American Native so wrongly known as an Indian is the only American with the right to complain...
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Guess what one piece of identification vital records wants to confirm my identity??? Go ahead, just guess. . . .








My State Drivers License! The Very Piece the DMV won't accept!!!! OMG!!! :Flip:

What a F'ng racket! It's like wiping ones own @ss with hula hoop!

This is to get a birth certificate from vital records....................I really thought the answer was
birth certificate:BLAA:
See, there is still some room for them to slip.

Good luck getting things sorted out
A motorist caused a huge accident in the US. He slammed into mulitiple vehicles and caused a 55 mile backup on the freeway during rush hour. He survived and police, after determining that he wasn't DUI, asked him, "What got into you? Why did you do it?"

Motorist: "Well, you see, I'm from another country and, there, we drive on the other side of the road, not as you blokes drive in this country."

(not to pick on our friends in England or other countries---just making a point)
A huge part of America's success is found on EVERY US coin. The US Trinity:

In God We Trust --- Recognition of Judeo/Christian values in forming a solid society. But now we are turning into a secular country, just like Europe. It failed there, it will fail here.

Liberty --- You are free to go as far as you want and not be constrained by the notion that 'you have earned enough' or 'not paying your fair share of taxes'

E Pluribus Unum --- From Many, One. The great melting pot, people came here and became Americans as part of their agreement in being allowed into the country. Not any more, now it is just fine to live in some enclave and never learn English or interact with America.

The denigration of the founding principles started back in FDR's time with the founding of the modern welfare state (Social Security), continuing on with LBJ's Great Society (Medicare, Medicaid) and continuing on with Mr. Obama (Obamacare, taking over GM, etc). All these programs are popular because everybody likes FREE stuff, but once you tell people that being lazy is OK and the Government is here to bail you out you are on a downhill slope. The world of the Left operates on a 'feel good' principal, or as Tom Sowell calls 'Stage One Thinking', i.e. not thinking or analyzing of 'what comes next or what is the impact'. Instead decisions are made on how it makes you feel. This foolishness accelerated when Vietnam war protesters took over universities in the late 1960's. Administrators let under 20 kids set the agenda as to what they wanted to be taught, they capitulated. Now these radicals run the universities and populate government. A disgrace.
A huge part of America's success is found on EVERY US coin. The US Trinity:

In God We Trust --- Recognition of Judeo/Christian values in forming a solid society. But now we are turning into a secular country, just like Europe. It failed there, it will fail here.

Liberty --- You are free to go as far as you want and not be constrained by the notion that 'you have earned enough' or 'not paying your fair share of taxes'

E Pluribus Unum --- From Many, One. The great melting pot, people came here and became Americans as part of their agreement in being allowed into the country. Not any more, now it is just fine to live in some enclave and never learn English or interact with America.

The denigration of the founding principles started back in FDR's time with the founding of the modern welfare state (Social Security), continuing on with LBJ's Great Society (Medicare, Medicaid) and continuing on with Mr. Obama (Obamacare, taking over GM, etc). All these programs are popular because everybody likes FREE stuff, but once you tell people that being lazy is OK and the Government is here to bail you out you are on a downhill slope. The world of the Left operates on a 'feel good' principal, or as Tom Sowell calls 'Stage One Thinking', i.e. not thinking or analyzing of 'what comes next or what is the impact'. Instead decisions are made on how it makes you feel. This foolishness accelerated when Vietnam war protesters took over universities in the late 1960's. Administrators let under 20 kids set the agenda as to what they wanted to be taught, they capitulated. Now these radicals run the universities and populate government. A disgrace.

Is there a way to do multiple thanks on this one??? I completely agree and couldn't have said it better.
It's not only in America.

I went to see my doctor on Monday - he now has brochures in just about every language. 1/2 of the people in the waiting room couldn't speak English and had family members with them who are translating for them.

I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with multi-culturalism - I don't think there are many of us with ancestors who didn't come from another country, but, if you move to another country, LEARN THE LANGUAGE.

You have to embrace the country you move to, learn the language and respect their customs and way of life. It doesn't mean you can't speak your language at home or follow your traditional customs within your family.

Love the country you live in. Wherever that may be.

I was born in Wales. I have lived in New Zealand and now live in Australia. Granted, these are English speaking countries, but seriously, If they spoke a different language down here, I would have had to have learnt it.

Move to France - learn French.
Move to Holland - learn Dutch.
Move to Japan - learn Japanese.

It's not hard people!

Interesting story. A friend of mine arranges immigration into Australia. The language tests are pretty tough, your level of English speaking, comprehension, reading and writing has to be more than just passable to get the nod. I don't know of another country that has such strict entry tests, and not just language. In my opinion it is the way it should be.
These days, seeing Russian as an option for language in a ticket-vending machine makes me shiver and look for escape routes ASAP. I guess i'm just un-patriotic toward my former homeland like that!

It's ok, don't worry dude, your former motherland doesn't need guys like you. No one cares!