Parking lot and side road adventure


Junior Member
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
Visit site really wasn't an adventure. I have my safety course next weekend and I've not been on my FZ6. My frame sliders finally arrived so I thought it would be okay to gear up and just ride one block to the school and ride around. The jr high school has a road that goes around the entire structure like a track.

I wanted to get a feel for my MC so I can really pay closer attention on the areas I need work (throttle, turning tight, taking off...strangely enough after the clutch mod that thing is smooth, shifting is not a problem!) Basically I have context to drive home how important the class really is. Then I'll know how to practice. But it was really fun and helped me get the realistic respect for the machine.

I killed it twice and had a brain fart minute with the throttle. I was impressed wit how tame it was just going slow. So for now that's how I'll take it. No hurry.
You may want to unplug your headlight if doing slow speed maneauvers and the fan's kicking on. It'll be a little easier on the battery and no push starting..

Have fun and ride safe!