PC 5 on 06 and older bike?


Dec 19, 2010
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I am sorry if this has already been addressed in another thread. I was wondering about capability, install, and if anybody has done this on an 06 or older. I have an 05. I am asking you guys so I can dream about my bike and make plans as I sit over here in Afghanistan. That is also the reason I do not have any time to do much of the research myself. Thanks for all the help.
Thanks for what you are doing.

Stay safe and keep on dreaming about what to do when you get back. I'm dreaming about where to take a one week trip on the bike. Somewhere out of the south like maybe Oklahoma City (Cowboy Museum) then north and make a big loop back.

How has the winter been in Afghanistan? Europe has been in the deep freeze with snow in Rome. Can't wait till it's hot and sweaty weather - tired of being cold (well as cold as it get here)! Can't complain too much as this has been a mild winter.
I know the PC website recommends it for the 09 or older bikes, but I also know the mentality of a lot of the people on this site. Telling them it is not recommended is sometimes the fastest way to get some of these guys to figure out how to make it work and make it work better than the original design.
Thank you for your support.Weather here really depends on where you are at, and the elevation.
Thank you for serving!

IIRC someone on our forum had a PCV on their Second Gen, FZ6 (07 and up) and had problems. They may have been specific to his bike or PCV.

There may also be a difference regarding O2 sensors on 07 and later. As you said, people will sometimes find a work around and Dynojet may have never tested any other year FZ6 and that may be why they don't include the other years.