Pet peeves

Oh, I just remembered another one.

People who push the crosswalk button then go ahead and cross against the light. By the time the light actually changes for them, there's no one there. They do it ALL the time in the UK and it is extremely annoying.
[*]I need to get some part's for my car. - NO! it should be "parts". (This is so common I can't believe it. Some people use an apostrophe with every word that ends in 's'.)
[*]The dog hurt it's paw. - NO! It should be "its".
[*]Its too fast for me. - NO! It should be "It's".
[*]I went to Chris' house - NO! It should be "Chris's" even though it looks wrong.

It is "Chris' house"- you don't ad an extra "S"
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Just thought of another pet peeve; I hate when people say "hubby" instead of "husband". Drives me nuts!!!
I agree with everything. About the only thing i could add is people who use chewing tobacco or dip and spit everywhere.........very nasty....:rant:
Smokers who throw their butts out the car window
Smokers in general
George Effin' Bush!!!
The war our soldiers are pointlessly dying in!!!
Oil dependency
Anyone who thinks THEIR sh*t doesn't stink. You're no better than me... period!
The Catholics for harboring, hiding, sheltering and protecting child molesters!
Child Molesters! They've got a video? Pic? Clearly showing it? SHOOT THEM DEAD NOW!
People who carry small dogs in purses. Their DOGS. They should be on a leash!
Stupid People
Anyone who is getting help and will not help themselves.
The cost of Pazzo's
The cost of Top Saddlery
Whiners - Get off your arse and do something about it! Shut up!!!!!
People who don't cover their mouth when they cough.

I guess I could go on for some time... NEXT!!!
:scared: :eek: I'm guilty :surrender:

ah yes......yet another one of my pet peeves as well.

:eek: Thy world is not thy ashtray! :( This really hit home one day while driving into Boston and stuck in traffic... creeping along 93 south. I was idling away and thought, how different the center median looked. When I turned my head full sideways, I realized why! At 80 mph, you don't notice. At 3 MPH, you can see a 2" CARPET of cig butts!!!!! WTF people!?!?!

You're fogiven if you promise to not do it anymore. Ashtray and empty at home? PLEASE?!? ;)