Pet Peevs? Cager behaviour?


I can understand where your coming from and I agree it's my job to watch out and try to allow others to merge and be curious. The way I was understanding it from my friend was that he didn't even look to see if there was room and just moved over and said that's how he was taught.

I've driven 5th wheels for the Army and I know when driving I give others room to move around and I watch for openings to move into. I know with some of the trucks I had driven you can't expect to get up to any kind of speed on a highway from a full stop.

I like to drive so I know where every car is around me and where they are going. It's why I notice when a car makes more than three turns with me.
People who stop in free flow turning lanes!!

People who dont use the full length of a merging lane and instead want to get in RIGHT at the start of the merging lane and stop there, tying up traffic.

People who wont merge into a wide open lane because they want to wait for the lane BESIDE it to open up too so they can be in that lane immediately even though they dont need to be there immediately.

I can understand where your coming from and I agree it's my job to watch out and try to allow others to merge and be curious. The way I was understanding it from my friend was that he didn't even look to see if there was room and just moved over and said that's how he was taught.

Thx for the clarification :thumbup: I misunderstood what you said your friend "was told/taught" :D
People who stop in free flow turning lanes!!

People who dont use the full length of a merging lane and instead want to get in RIGHT at the start of the merging lane and stop there, tying up traffic.

People who wont merge into a wide open lane because they want to wait for the lane BESIDE it to open up too so they can be in that lane immediately even though they dont need to be there immediately.

Or the reverse - going from 80+ MPH in the left/"go fast" lane to the exit ramp across 2-4 lanes off traffic (also going quite fast mind you) within a few feet of the exit WITHOUT signalling! W'dup w'dat??!! :spank: :spank: :spank::( :confused:
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Of all the things that annoy me with cagers the worst has got to be the guys creeping forward from stop signs and lights trying to turn either direction. It always makes me think they are gonna just jump out and disturbs my nice peaceful ride.

This and tailgaters are my biggest pet peeves…
And it always seems to be people in SUV and Trucks that run right up on your a$$ and just sit behind you.
This and tailgaters are my biggest pet peeves…
And it always seems to be people in SUV and Trucks that run right up on your a$$ and just sit behind you.

no, no, no

the worst is when they tailgate you, you change lanes.....and they DONT move any faster, even after you moved!!!!!!!!

Well, my avatar might suggest I like tailgaters but, if it's the traffic kind, NO! Especially the tailgaters who---you can sense it, no?---are primarily upset because YOU'RE not tailgating the vehicle in front of you. Get me? You're, say on a packed multi-lane freeway, maintaining the clip in your lane and the driver behind you is really tailgating (not just "normal" tailgating and now, even more reason for you NOT to tailgate the vehicle in front of you) and it's obvious: the driver has panties in a bunch because you're not tailgating the vehicle in front of you. Sometimes, in a panty move, he'll (I think this might be a certain kind of "guy thing") change lanes only to then move again in front of you so he/she can now tailgate the vehicle that you wouldn't. All this drama just so he can arrive at the same place miles ahead two or three seconds quicker than I (now following him). To me, tailgating is similar to, maybe, somebody threatening to burn down his own house if he doesn't get his childish way (except with tailgating there's also another person victimized). On the flip side, it sure is nice when you have a rational and calm driver behind you leaving reasonable space between him/her and you, sometimes for miles on end. And oh, one last thought: On those overhead electronic freeway signs I think Caltrans should consider: "DON'T BE A PANTY-MOVE MOTORIST!"
Well, my avatar might suggest I like tailgaters but, if it's the traffic kind, NO! Especially the tailgaters who---you can sense it, no?---are primarily upset because YOU'RE not tailgating the vehicle in front of you. Get me? You're, say on a packed multi-lane freeway, maintaining the clip in your lane and the driver behind you is really tailgating (not just "normal" tailgating and now, even more reason for you NOT to tailgate the vehicle in front of you) and it's obvious: the driver has panties in a bunch because you're not tailgating the vehicle in front of you. Sometimes, in a panty move, he'll (I think this might be a certain kind of "guy thing") change lanes only to then move again in front of you so he/she can now tailgate the vehicle that you wouldn't. All this drama just so he can arrive at the same place miles ahead two or three seconds quicker than I (now following him). To me, tailgating is similar to, maybe, somebody threatening to burn down his own house if he doesn't get his childish way (except with tailgating there's also another person victimized). On the flip side, it sure is nice when you have a rational and calm driver behind you leaving reasonable space between him/her and you, sometimes for miles on end. And oh, one last thought: On those overhead electronic freeway signs I think Caltrans should consider: "DON'T BE A PANTY-MOVE MOTORIST!"

I know what you mean, they try to "push" you to go faster. I'm always thinking to myself, I can't go any faster because there is a car in front of me. Sometimes I watch as these guys swap lanes on a two lane trying to jockey for the faster pack and block them from jumping in front of me. (when I'm in a car) I go slower when someone tailgates me, then when they back off I'll get up to speed again. (I'm only talking about 5 mph variance here, but that's enought for them to get the picture)
When I'm in the car and someone is EXTREMELY tailgating me I seriously Just take my foot off the accelerator until they pass me. It's better than brake-checking them because there's no sudden change in speed and it drives them absoluetly ape**** bananas because now they are losing ground. usually you manage to bleed off like 20kph or more by the time they can pass you.

when they finally spot a gap in the other lane to go around me I flip them the bird and let them pass.

their blood pressure goes through the roof and it ruins their day. i smile and carry on, listening to my music. all in all:

lone 1: tailgater 0
Oh they do so many stupid speeding up when you catch up with them or when you begin to pass. It's like they want to/think they can race you, just because you're on a bike!
Yesterday, for instance: I was on one of my favorite semi-secluded twisties. (About 15 miles of straights, S's, and curves so tight your front wheel touches your back wheel on some of them) Well, I caught up with a man (kid?) in a full-size pickup. He had been puttering along around 40 - 45'ish mph. While I stayed well back so as not to make him feel "pushed"....And then he saw me in his rearview.
He instantly sped up to 60 - 65'ish. (While the dude could at least drive, unlike so many that do this same stupid thing), He was endangering himself and others by likely pushing himself and his truck well past the zone where he could operate it safely. (When I got a good clear straight I just easily blew past him without even downshifting and I saw him immediately slow down again to a crawl again) Why? It seems that the guys that do this, (sorry guys), do it irregardless of their age.
What was he doing that so many other cagers do? Do they think they are racing us? Do they feel threatened by our presence? Why do so many cagers hate bikes? What is the big deal about being passed? I don't understand.
I've never felt threatened by bikers or other cars that want to pass me. If they're in a bigger hurry than I am, (which is rare), I let 'em go! (More power to them!)
Oh yeah, since you asked: Another cager pet peeve of mine is those that hit their brakes whenever you start around them passing. (Many folks do this whenever another cager passes them as well) Again: Why? Everyone around them is "locked-in" to their speed and constant momentum. When they jab on their binders for no apparent reason it causes a domino effect to everyone around them. I just don't understand. JMO (I do appreciate your post lonesoldier84! Thanks!)
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Ummmmm, he/she COULD be correct. I went through drivers ed back in the 70s and was told, and still follow similar advice - traffic should adjust their speed to allow vehicles trying to merge (note: not at a STOP sign but at a "yield/merge" sign) into the flow to do so safely. So, while your "younger friend" may not be literally correct, I believe he had the correct idea.

Over the years, I've noticed a real decline in the level of consideration we drivers/riders give to each other (not just on the road either) while using our roadways. Today, it seems drivers SPEED UP to prevent others from merging into the flow, not to mention (and this is one of my MAIN peeves), using the right lane to speed and pass. That lane is not a "passing lane". There is NO sense of "lane use" or "lane control".

BTW, having spent a month in CDL class, I guarantee you, you aint goin' to see no loaded tractor trailer stopping in a "get on" ramp and wait for traffic in the road to let them in...they're coming in and EXPECTING you to allow them to merge. Again, most all on-ramps to most high speed roads (CA - not included) say "yield" and "merge" not "STOP".

Back on thread: (another "peeve") drivers/riders not understanding or following the "right on red" concept (GRrrrrrrrr).

I wish cagers, and mcycle riders, would start driving DEFENSIVELY and not OFFENSIVEly (and the "pun" is intended LOL).

Whatever happened to the interpretation of the word "YIELD"? When I'm merging into traffic it is MY responsibility to YIELD to oncoming taffic. (Even the signs say this)
Whatever happened to the interpretation of the word "YIELD"? When I'm merging into traffic it is MY responsibility to YIELD to oncoming taffic. (Even the signs say this)

I think there is a misunderstanding on the word Yield, much like the misunderstanding of the color Yellow.

Now am I crazy or did it use to be that when you came onto a highway there was a Yeild sign at the end of the on ramp? I haven't seen one there in so long that I'm starting to question if they were there back in the day or not. Like in the 80's or so. Can anybody confirm or deny this?
Pet peeve #2: Left turn lane queue, back several vehicles. Light turns GREEN. First motorist in queue takes sweet time (the defensive motorist could have checked DURING THE WAIT for any potential red light runners). Waits a 2-3 seconds and then SLOWLY snails across intersection. Due to this lack of courtesy, maybe 2-3 motorists queued up behind now have to wait through a SECOND cycle. Solution: #1 motorist: when the light turns green (if while waiting for green you ALREADY had time to survey for potential red light runners) STEP ON IT! BE ASSERTIVE! Ever watch a relay race? This is somewhat similar. Get your AS* in gear! There are others behind you, IDIOT, who have better things to do than unneccessarily wait through another light cycle. In a perfect world, Caltrans or the city/county would have a DUMP trap door under #1 spot. If #1 motorist doesn't go when light turns green (and computer checks for red light runners) trap door suddenly opens underneath vehicle which drops 100 feet into deep dungeon. Trap door automatically closes up and vehicles behind can now proceed through green light.
I think there is a misunderstanding on the word Yield, much like the misunderstanding of the color Yellow.

Now am I crazy or did it use to be that when you came onto a highway there was a Yeild sign at the end of the on ramp? I haven't seen one there in so long that I'm starting to question if they were there back in the day or not. Like in the 80's or so. Can anybody confirm or deny this?

There are many still around, but certainly not there used to be. (I think big trucks just tear them down and they're never replaced)