PICS from the Boston Celtics championship parade


3rd Photo Contest Winner
Elite Member
May 13, 2008
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Massachusetts - North Shore
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Here are some pictures I took at the Boston Celtics Rolling Rally today. More pics are at Celtics Championship Rolling Rally

Rabid Celtics Fans


Celtic's mascot Lucky the Leprechaun

Celtic's Dancers


Paul Pierce


Kevin Garnett

Ray Allen

Rajon Rondo
Spectacular Pictures! What sort of camera do you use? Being a Laker fan I still give the Celtics :D the well deserved credit. They played harder, better, and as a result won the championship. I should have bet on Boston in Vegas.

The photos were taken with a Canon 1D Mark III and a big-ass lens. Here's a picture of me (with my camera) and my daughter at the rally.


I found a 5 foot high wall to stand on so I was about eye level with the players on the Duck Boats. One of the benefits of having a big lens is that it draws a lot of attention. I caught the eye of every one of the Celtic Dancers and they all put on a little show for me! :D:D:D

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Wow, those ah gweat pics. They wah 25:1 to win the championship in five games heara in Vegas, wasn't shu what the odds wah in six games. I've been to the TD Watahouse Gaaden / Fleet Centaa a bunch of times.
Nice $4K Canon was voted the fastest SLR! I'm kind of affraid to ask you for the price of your lens.

P.S. I'm working on buying an adapter to fit the lens below on to my powershot sd1100. :D
Spectacular Pictures! What sort of camera do you use? Being a Laker fan I still give the Celtics :D the well deserved credit. They played harder, better, and as a result won the championship. I should have bet on Boston in Vegas.


Thanks! I must admit that I am not the fan I used to be in the 80's. Talk about a rivalry! The Celtics did play their hearts out though. Bringing three very hungry veteran stars together who have done everything but win a ring worked like magic this season.

Nice $4K Canon was voted the fastest SLR! I'm kind of affraid to ask you for the price of your lens.

P.S. I'm working on buying an adapter to fit the lens below on to my powershot sd1100. :D

The lens, a 200mm f/1.8L which no longer made, was rated as the sharpest lens ever produced by any manufacturer a while back. I paid $4.2K for a used one in mint condition a couple years ago. Canon just announced the 200 f/2.0L IS, for which they are getting around $6K.

Funny you should mention the sd1100. I was just looking at one at a local camera store. I bought my daughter a point and shoot on the way back from the Rally. The SD1100 was one of the choices. But she chose a Nikon because of the 5x zoom and nice case it came with.

very nice pictures, i almost played hookey today to go, but i just got back from vacation...

Thanks! I could not pass up the opportunity to go with my daughter, who is a sports nut and just finished the school year.

Great shots!

300/f2.8? Second-greatest lens ever, next to the Nikon! :p

Thanks. The 200 f/1.8L with a 1.4x made it a 280mm f/2.5, not quite-a-300/f2.8. I've shot with the Nikon 200 f/2.0 on a D3, nice setup indeed! are awesome!!!!!

Thanks for sharing! :thumbup:

You are welcome. :)

Awesome Pics. Thanks for the post. I'm an old Celts fan as well. It's been a long time coming!

Just happy that Kobe ate sh*t this time!