Pilot Pure Review at 12,137 Miles

I agree. I've been behind Kenny on a number of rides as well as other riders that do not put a lot of weight shifting in the turns. They have my respect as very skilled riders and they are fast on some of the more technical roads we ride.
Agreed you'll be better prepared for a surprise decreasing radius turn by shifting weight but Kenny has it covered. :)

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Wow! I just got 12,000 miles from my rear BTO-23 and the front still has a lot of life left in it. I thought I was doing good till I read this thread. LOL.

I run 34 front 37 rear usually. I stay on top of the tire pressures and it is probably why I get the mileage I do. I experimented with tire pressures for awhile and that's the most comfortable. I can feel a difference between 33/36 and 34/37. The bike feels like it handles better at the higher pressures. If I'm going to have a passenger I go 36/42 and that works really well.