rant rant rant against gixxer 1 million crowd


May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Santa Monica, California
Thus it scares me to think about all of the 16 year olds that get their licenses when they should be taking the MSF course, practicing and being safe instead of doing stunts on their CBR600RR and GSXR600's

Yea, I am friends with a few guys a few years younger than me (I'm 24)...they're STOKED on gixxers...so I ask "Have you been to a Honda Dealer or seen the new R1 or R6? I think you might want that route...or a smaller bike to start cuz you've already crashed your gixxer 4 times..."

next kid: "who is this guy? Is he the know it all?"

me: dude, I'm just trying to be helpful. If you want to learn to ride, why don't you get the bike instead of talking about it and ride with some real riders and not "stuntaz like yo daddy" b/c they can't RIDE.

the attitude of a "majority" of gixxer YOUNG riders is amazing how they feel they are the best and central to the motorcycling world. Then my buddy goes, "yea, once I total my gixxer, maybe I'll get a Ducati"

UGHHHHHH. Parts are expensive and you haven't even gone to college yet. Plus who the heck says "once I total my bike"....I just hope you're not on the darn thing when you total it. For your sake.

unbelievable the lack of caring. (not to mention his insurance expired, he keeps his bike at his buddy's house so his parents won't know, and anytime I invite him to ride, he and his buddies cop out because either they don't have gear, the bikes are in the shop broken from a crash or they're just not up for it. lame. go home fruitcake.

MORAL of my rant: I love my FZ. I'm sure MY parents don't like me having it after seeing my track and canyon photos, but I'm trying to at least be safe about what I do. I'm out of college and have a job to pay for this sport/hobby. I'm excited about it and want to be a safe rider while having all the fun in the world. I have full gear and not just tennis shoes and a tshirt flapping at 120 mph on the freeway in stopped traffic. and gosh...I've been doing that all with only 1 wheelie in my life...LOL. oh, and 12,000 miles for this year since Feb :thumbup:...

Why can't these "stuntaz like yo daddy" come out of the parking lot and play with the big boys? I'm not the fastest out there, probably never will be, but I'm not out to destroy a beautiful machine either. See you all out there!
Um, yeah, what you said.:thumbup:

Couldn't agree more. Some of the guys I used to ride with in Bakersfield never really learned to ride since there are no curvy roads around, so they learn to stunt instead. I'd chill with them just for the entertainment value, but never got into stunting myself. They'd make fun of me for not trying until one day... We were cruising to the stunt spot and they all slowed WAY down for this curve in the road. I kept on the throttle, dragged a peg, and went right around them on the outside and left them in the dust. That seriously shut them up.
Yep, you got the squids that ruin it for us normal riders just like you have posers on the HDs that ruin it for us normal riders.

Importantly, just remember there are still 16-20 yr old stunters who can ride and do so safely just like there are many HD riders who are serious about riding, etc.
oh for sure, the guys sponsored for stunting and doing all this crazy stuff IS AWESOME to watch. But having a douchebag attitude towards anyone else is lame. Just because I don't ride a Gixxer 1 billion doesn't mean I can't keep up.

so yea, just to clarify: I probably would have been young dumb and stupid if I got a bike at 16 too...but I didn't, but I also wouldn't have gotten a gixxer 1 billion or cbr600rr...probably the Honda Rebel 250cc that I started on at 20 yrs old :) That thing was FUN and got WAY more comments than my FZ now! Strange...LOL
Stunting I have to admit is pretty cool.(IN A VACANT PARKING LOT).

If your going to stunt do it in a safe area, not on the streets. This statement gets lost in most kids head.

I myself am 36 years old and have yet to pop a wheelie, but I wish I could. Not that i would do it on the street but it would be nice to be able to.

I don't know what it is about Gixxers and :squid: but they all seem to ride them.

My son goes to school with 2 kids who "HAD" yes I said "HAD" 600 gixxers.

1 wrecked while showing of for some girls(who would have thought that ;) ) this ended his football carrier since it broke his jaw and tore his leg apart,O yea I forgot to mention no helmet at the time he wrecked.

the 2nd got hit by a car weither it was his fault or not i'm not sure but he only had it for a few months.
I had a douchebag on a gixxer 750 steal my helmet off my bike at a gas station after chatting it up with me all friendly like. Went inside to pay came out and it was gone. Cute eh?

Every crowd has it's asshats.. but they do tend to gravitate towards gixxers it seems. Cheap and powerful bikes = bad combonation for aggressive testosterone driven young males. I'd be interested to see some crash stats based upon manufacturer/models. I'd wager the Gixxer 750(cause 750 is always > 600 right? :rolleyes:) and 1k are way up on the list..

Found this on progressives website:


Least Likely to be Crashed

1. Yamaha Virago Series
2. Honda Rebel Series
3. Suzuki Savage
4. Harley-Davidson FXR
5. BMW R1200C

Most Likely to be Crashed

1. Suzuki GSX-R Series
2. Kawasaki Ninja Series
3. Suzuki TLR
4. Yamaha YZF Series
5. Honda CBR Series


Least Likely to be Stolen

1. Suzuki Savage
2. BMW R1200C
3. Honda Rebel Series
4. Honda Shadow Series
5. Yamaha V-Star

Most Likely to be Stolen

1. Suzuki GSX-R Series
2. Yamaha YZF Series
3. Honda CBR Series
4. Suzuki Hayabusa
5. Kawasaki Ninja Series

Funny the GSX-R topped both the stolen and crashed list.... wonder if that means the guys who stole them crashed them ... :squid:
then you're spot wrong LOL. We don't hang out and he's a friend of a friend, but I like to harass him because he's posing as a motorcycle rider...but no worries...not my problem. Hopefully I'll be riding with VegasRider and CaliRider and my bros this weekend! w00t! maybe spamthefood will join too...perhaps some Wavex action? LOL\

Perhaps an afternoon SoCal meet for a few hours :thumbup:
The Yo Stunt Daddies remind me of the kids who bought Freestyle BMX bikes 20 years ago. They tried to do all of these stupid tricks and all the ended up with was a trashed bike, a broken wrist and a few cuts. Lame.

I will admit the GSXR 750 is a sweet bike and I'd love to have one for the track, 'cuz I'd total it like yo dog! :rolleyes:
Stunting I have to admit is pretty cool.(IN A VACANT PARKING LOT).

If your going to stunt do it in a safe area, not on the streets. This statement gets lost in most kids head.

I myself am 36 years old and have yet to pop a wheelie, but I wish I could. Not that i would do it on the street but it would be nice to be able to.

I don't know what it is about Gixxers and :squid: but they all seem to ride them.

My son goes to school with 2 kids who \"HAD\" yes I said \"HAD\" 600 gixxers.

1 wrecked while showing of for some girls(who would have thought that ;) ) this ended his football carrier since it broke his jaw and tore his leg apart,O yea I forgot to mention no helmet at the time he wrecked.

the 2nd got hit by a car weither it was his fault or not i'm not sure but he only had it for a few months.

i had to post this picture again. hope it comes through. big interstate in lewisville texas. not my crowd.
wow.. very well put.. i agree 100%..

but i think its just a trend in general attitude or possibly the fact we are getting old. I do'ly recall a time where i did think that i knew it all and felt pretty invinsable, but at least i didn't get a bike till i was 25. i can only imagin that i would probably not be around if i had gotten one at 16-18.. not a diss to the young ones here, but i just wasnt that ressponsible yet.

so i would think that the trend in attitude for the young is to be like "whatever man" .. i kinda dont blame them, because i cant imagine what its like being that age in this day in age now. i grew up pre internet.. wow. think of hte troubles in life they have to deal with. but that our job as an older generation to beat their a$$ and tell them to wise the hell up. wheelies are no where near as fun as taking the bike to a track. and for the people that want to do it. buy a parking lot and start a stunt area. no sense in doing 160 power wheelies down the highway, unless properly supervised. like by a ambulance.
Those guys have some really nice protection gear!

I've always hated being associated with this group because of my age (18 end of December). I've been riding since I was 16 on the street and started out on a ninja 250 by my own choice. I fail to understand how these people can have accidents and just bounce back like it's nothing.

I just talked to a guy who was looking for a first bike at the local dealership and wanted to start out on a gsxr600. He didn't want to have a smaller bike due to the fact he wanted to "keep up with his bros and not get laughed at." I'd say the biggest problem for these guys is lack of self-confidence.

Until then, I'll just pay an a$$load for insurance to cover them.

Damn squids... :Flip::squid:
my dads old parts man is a stunter. He has been doing it awhile, mostly done in parking lots etc. Only thing he really does on the road is the really long wheelie's I dont agree with it and have never ridden with him but have seen him when I was in my car, however his bike is totally dedicated to stunting, he has a different bike for the street. He wears full gear etc. he also never does above 60 on wheelie and only does it if no one is in front of him. But I realize what you are saying, but I dont think it is just gixxer riders I hear and see it from kids that ride all kinds. Actually the one thats the worst were i live is on a zx6rr. has crashed it more than once, and if he gets caught one more time with the wheel off the ground he goes to jail, local law enforcement is tired up putting up with him. but you have :squid:'s everywhere. To be honest I think :squid:'s in cars are worse than :squid:'s on a bike......
Unfortunately I get tossed into the gixxer crowd sometimes. My track bike is a GSXR600 that I got for next to nothing. It is now a dedicated track bike.

I ran across a few of the idiots on my way home after I bought it. Not one of them wanted to join us at the track the next weekend. Oh well, I'll need spare parts soon and I'll know where to get them.
I have pulled a few wheelies, but never on crowded streets. I started riding at 16, on a whopping 70cc scooter. I then graduated to a Honda CM250 Custom that barely ran. I then graduated to a Honda CM400 that had a bent swing arm from the owners so called road race. I then moved to a Honda CX500 that was, well, ridable. There were a few other bike in between that seemed like good deals at the time but were quickly sold to pay for trying to keep my "good" bikes on the road (tires seem expensive while attending college). So 4 main bikes in 14 years, until the FZ, none were flashy but all were uniquely mine, mainly due to parts that I had on hand. Friends would aspire to have Gixxers, only to crash leaving the dealers lot, or have it repoed because they could not make the payment and their new higher insurance bill.

I love to ride, period. Mastering a curvy section of road is just as much fun for me as riding to a town I have never been to, sightseeing along the way. I always ride so that I can ride again tomorrow, and that is joy of riding.
I hope the above quote is not correct, and this doesn't bother us "because we are getting old".... because the idea of fun for most of the OLDER guys I work with is to get their prized $25k Harleys out and ride in a t-shirt & tennis shoes (only) to a local bar, drink profusely, and then ride home. Wow, now THOSE are some REAL motorcycle riders...NOT!