
If u were on ur way home from work chances are so was he I would go to that same intersection everyday next week and stay there from 4 to 5 hoping to see him again I have no sympathy for hit and run drivers...but anyways glad ur ok thats the most important thing

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If u were on ur way home from work chances are so was he I would go to that same intersection everyday next week and stay there from 4 to 5 hoping to see him again I have no sympathy for hit and run drivers...but anyways glad ur ok thats the most important thing

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Imagine how freaked out that driver would be if he saw your bike in his rear view mirror next week!
Just wanted to say I'm glad you're ok, and that it almost happened to me once.

There's a crosswalk in Boston on a very busy street (Mass Ave) right at a subway station, so most of the time traffic is blowing past but when people start crossing the street, you HAVE to stop - it's the law. I was the first one to have to stop one night, and it always makes me nervous to stop there because people don't expect it, and there's no red light or anything. Sure enough, I see a car coming up behind me FAST, not braking, and I hit the gas and launched between two clumps of pedestrians. The car locked up its tires and slid about 10 feet past the cross walk, narrowly avoiding the pedestrians. I was 40 feet further along and drifting forward in 1st, so I saw it in my mirror. It would've been a very hard hit.

Having said that, I don't leave my bike in first at every single red light. My hand would go dead from all the effort. Once there's a stopped car behind me, I generally click it into neutral but leave my hands on the bars.
I forgot to mention; this is why every time I stop at a light I leave my 4-way flashers on until the car behind me comes to a stop! It may have helped you.
Imagine how freaked out that driver would be if he saw your bike in his rear view mirror next week!

Those 2 little words come to mind...OH SH!T lol and ya any time I stop I pull as far right or left as I can to try to avoid that type of situation myself

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I'm following the advice given so I'm now keeping it in first (at least until the car in back stops and watching my mirrors like a hawk.

This happened in Warrenville, is starting to be wild in the suburbs...

thanks everyone

I've changed my habits as of this morning, I'm sitting in first with the f/wheel pointed to either start splitting or scoot down the l/h side and I'm watching for the cagers (put her make up on/ answer his phone)
I didn't really realise just how many of them are so distracted coming up to the lights. I reckon about 60-70% switch off about 3 car lengths from where they need to stop. Its a bit frightening really. This is/was a very timely reminder
Ditto the leave it in gear and angle towards an escape route. Several months ago a HD was sitting at at red light on a six lane divided highway. 10 in the morning on Saturday morning, cager didn't even see the light (it is very easy to see) and knocked him and the bike way down the road - killed the biker. I heard a couple of different stories but clearly the driver's fault. Since then I have been very careful about stopping in traffic always watching the drivers behind me.

On a lighter note, was riding to work last week and went by a car in the center lane (I was in the left). Guess what, he was two thumbing the smart phone while in motion, car was an old clunker. As I looked over and saw what he was doing I said hey. He turned and looked at me with a surprised look on his face! I didn't shout but talked a little louder than normal. I was wearing a full helmet with mirrored shield so he couldn't really see me, just rode on down the road and he keept going at his speed 5 under!