Red Residue on Bottom of Bike


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brooklyn, New York
I have this red residue on the bottom of my 2006 bike with 10,900 miles. Has anyone else had this issue?




It kinda looks like road dust to least if it was on my bike, that's what I would assume it is. But don't go on what I say lol It's just a possibility:D
I have actually cleaned it off several times. This has been occuring for about 3 months and I wash my bike weekly. It's only on one side of the bike, feels like a very fine powder and smuggs when wiped.
Well, it's not FROM the bike. There's probably construction nearby where they're digging that stuff up.
Well, it's not FROM the bike. There's probably construction nearby where they're digging that stuff up.

I live in Brooklyn, NY. There is always construction, but not much clay or any other consistant soil for me to ride through. In addition, I ride with three other FZ's and none of them have this issue here in NYC.

I see you're not in Kansas, or southern Utah. The Brooklyn construction guys will have to solve this one. ;)
WAG - but what color are your front brake pads? Any chance left side of them is disintegrating? Doubt that is it cause that's a lot of dust for one week. Still, the fact that only one side gets it is strange. Try putting some double sided tape on front of both the fork legs and see what if anything you catch. If you catch the dust up front then it's definitely not from the bike. :D

Now I dont know this for sure, that red dust is usually on a vehicle as a indication of fretting. That is where one iron material is wearing away because it is loose. Look on big truck wheels to see if the lugs are loose, the frame to find loose bolts. Have you checked your steering head bearings? Have you checked all bolts? Microscopic occilations cause metal to wear away to a very very fine powder. It falls and sticks to your vehicle and turns to rust. Again I may be wrong but when I see powdered metal I look for whats loose because something is.
this link sucks but it sorta tells it.

Fretting damage in Bicycle Mechanics by Jobst Brandt
also engine mount bolts, the tank could be rubbing against something. You will more than likely find something that is loose and rubbing. Can you give pictures of the bike cut into quarters so we can see it well from above where it starts to build up, and then down and back?
It could be the frame joining bolts at the steering head, it could be the steering shaft, if its what I think it is, it would be a good idea to figure it out.
Plenty of good advice here already. My only other thought is an exhaust leak combined some sort of really strange addative in your fuel.

Would love to see in person, my first thought was road dust, then brake pads, the rubbing of metals doesnt seem right, and coolant leaves different stains, youve given us a real hard one.
If it's Brake dust, and it's been happening for 3 months, and that much dust is gathering, am guessing that you dont have much of a brake pad left!
Come on guys ....
Red Residue on Bottom of Bike left side ...
When was the last time you lubed your chain
10k You may need to change your chain ... And while you are changing that chain get a new shifter grip
Greg A. :spank::spank: