Return of the Squid

Wow! Why all the hatred against people who choose not to wear gear? Let then do as they choose and you do as you choose, easy enough.

As for me, I can't mess up this beautiful face of mine! Helmet it is!
Two main reasons why I "hate" on those who don't wear gear.

#1) Its dumb. I don't care if you say you're an intelligent person, have common sense or even say you're responsible. If you go down, SOMETHING is going to be sliding on that asphalt. I really don't think you want it to be your skin... as evidence by my brother in law screwing up all the skin on his back when he went down without gear at 35 MPH because he got clipped by a car... He spent 3 days in the hospital, and 3 months recovering. Meaning he wasn't able to wash himself for 3 months... His head was fine thanks to his helmet, and if he wasn't wearing one he probably wouldn't be here. So yeah, if you don't wear gear, it shows a lack of common sense.

#2) someone is going to end up paying for it in multiple ways. 1 day in the ICU can cost as much a $15,000... is your insurance good enough to cover 5, 6, 8, 12 days of that? I know mine isn't... and the pain you cause to those who love you... well you can't put a price on that. Seeing my brother in law in that much pain (they don't give you pain killers, by the way) hurt me in a way few people could.

So when someone tells me they are CHOOSING to not wear gear, I am going to call them out for their lack of respect for the bike and the road, their lack of discipline because they are making excuses that could possibly end their life, their lack of common sense because I don't want anyone to go through that kind of pain, and their lack of maturity because it tells me you think you're on top of the world and you don't think anything could harm you.

This is coming from a 21 year old kid, so I don't buy the "I'm young, it won't happen to me" excuse.

And if you have these things I'm saying that you lack? Show me by wearing some frakking gear.


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oh, and p.s. for the people that think you can't harm anyone else on the road by not wearing a helmet... ever taken a rock to the helmet? I have, a large one too! If I were to be knocked out while riding... all the sudden I have a 450 lbs missile heading down the road at 70-80 MPH (assuming highway)

Tank of gas = boooooom...

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Sorry, I highlighted the important error in that statement.

No, unless you're properly protected and wear a full-faced helmet ALL OF THE TIME, then no - you are NOT showing evidence of common sense

Do you like being dead? (or in hospital for months getting excruciatingly painful skin-grafts?)

Coming from a country where seatbelts are mandatory - yes, those people are stupid.

Isn't it sad that the gubbermint has to enforce a seatbelt law that is just plain common sense?

There's a lot to be said for the American 'Freedom to choose for oneself' message - because you don't HAVE to, people think it's a choice.

Seatbelts are not just an accessory - they are a damn good idea, and a proven lifesaver millions of times over.

Helmets and gear should be worn. I say this but don't always do it. But I do agree that I should.

As far as seatbelts... I have been in a wreck where I would have been far worse off if I wasn't ejected from the car. They say that is the exception but if I would have been following the "law" my legs would have been completely smashed between a lump of twisted metal. So it really irritates me that the laws states I have to wear it.

I can see that statistics show your chances are better with a seatbelt but those are only statistics. It really comes down to what happens in each individual accident.

This post has really made me consider full gear 100% of the time
Bottom line - because I *DO* see the attraction in being "gear-free" - as was said elsewhere on this site (I think):

"If I knew exactly which particular ride during which I'll go down, I'd only wear gear on that one.

But, I don't."

Same goes for seatbelts...the previous poster experienced an unusual and exceptional outcome, but it is simply foolish to consider that evidence in support of *not* wearing appropriate safety gear.

Mind you, I'm all for the "freedom" to choose, but it is not smart in this context to choose not to.

It's just not, and you are just gambling, pure and simple.
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i full well know that if/when i fall its gonna hurt, i accept this, it doesn't make me dumb or stupid, it makes me much more aware of my surroundings, much more aware of what people are doing and what i think they will do , i would never wear leathers in the summer, dont like being constricted dont like being hot, but this doesnt mean i dont think ill ever fall, its all preferences.

Can't argue with that logic. You are completely out of the running for stupid because you choose and accept full responsibility with your body that when you do fall it is "going to hurt." As a paramedic, I have always found it is the intelligent and logical people I scrape off the road. If they are alive, they always look proud to have made their choice when I drop them off in the ER and the nurses have to scrub the dirt and asphalt out of their open wounds.

Who are you kidding claiming that choosing not to wear gear is an intelligent decision? You make the stupid decision and choose to deal with the consequences. It is still a stupid decision.

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I never knew it actually stood for something. Always thought it came from when they hit the pavement they look like a squid...
PS. There are a 1000 ways to crash a bike that no amount of gear is going to help. The "smart" decision would be to drive a car. And that has its own set of dangers.
Two main reasons why I "hate" on those who don't wear gear.

#1) Its dumb. I don't care if you say you're an intelligent person, have common sense or even say you're responsible. If you go down, SOMETHING is going to be sliding on that asphalt. I really don't think you want it to be your skin... as evidence by my brother in law screwing up all the skin on his back when he went down without gear at 35 MPH because he got clipped by a car... He spent 3 days in the hospital, and 3 months recovering. Meaning he wasn't able to wash himself for 3 months... His head was fine thanks to his helmet, and if he wasn't wearing one he probably wouldn't be here. So yeah, if you don't wear gear, it shows a lack of common sense.

#2) someone is going to end up paying for it in multiple ways. 1 day in the ICU can cost as much a $15,000... is your insurance good enough to cover 5, 6, 8, 12 days of that? I know mine isn't... and the pain you cause to those who love you... well you can't put a price on that. Seeing my brother in law in that much pain (they don't give you pain killers, by the way) hurt me in a way few people could.

So when someone tells me they are CHOOSING to not wear gear, I am going to call them out for their lack of respect for the bike and the road, their lack of discipline because they are making excuses that could possibly end their life, their lack of common sense because I don't want anyone to go through that kind of pain, and their lack of maturity because it tells me you think you're on top of the world and you don't think anything could harm you.

This is coming from a 21 year old kid, so I don't buy the "I'm young, it won't happen to me" excuse.

And if you have these things I'm saying that you lack? Show me by wearing some frakking gear.


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I get people having opinions, right on. However, I just don't get how people get so riled up, even taking it PERSONALLY, that someone isn't wearing the amount of gear that you "deem" mandatory.

I guess it all boils down to minding your own business. Some people are better at it I guess. Also, using the cost of medical time/services as an argument doesn't cut it. Using that as an excuse then cars, skydiving, guns, sports, etc. should all be outlawed.
Minding my own business? When I, as a taxpayer, am responsible for picking up the bill of someone who is under insured when they have to be in the hospital for weeks and months because they chose to not wear gear makes it my business.

And look at the numbers, more motorcycle accidents end in serious injury than car crashes. You cannot say you have common sense, and say you choose to not wear proper gear. (And its not the gear I find mandatory, its the gear the motorcycle safety foundation suggests....)

The helmet law was repealed 9 days ago in michigan. 3 days ago a man was riding at 1 am, might have been drinking, and took off on his bike without a helmet. He didn't turn when the road did, went over the curb and now has serious head and neck injuries.

6 days between the repeal and someone having serious injury for not wearing a helmet... it's just plain stupid.

I think most people here would agree that choosing not to wear it could be one of the dumbest (and possibly last) decisions you could ever make.

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