Revving first gear


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Mobile, AL
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So, I'm getting conflicting information.

One school of thought says that any revs under redline is a-okay, regardless of gear.

Another school says first gear is used only to leave a stop and you should switch to second gear the moment you get moving.

Which school has more short buses?
rider preference I'd say, nothing wrong with revving out in first, as far as
concern for the engine goes, but I prefer to get out of it soon and into
second in order to bring the revs down and reduce the on-off throttle
sensation that is more pronounced in first, at slow road speed, after second,
it's back to normal shifting, with variance depending on situation
Is this because of riding preference or because you don't want to ruin the engine?

I ask because my house is situated on the top of a hill and at the bottom of the hill is a stop light. So basically, at green lights on my way home, I like to ring my bike out in first gear one last time before I finish for the day. Is this doing damage?
I get out of first @ 4500-5000 revs, unless I'm trying to thrash someone off the lights, which of course, I don't do too often.... :spank:
If the engines cold, I keep the RPMs under 4 or so until it warms up. After that I generally shift at 4-7 k unless I'm getting on it..

I DO NOT get on it in first gear with a passenger as the front wheel comes up with stock gearing...

I have Scorps on it and love to listen to it wind up!!!

I'm no help I often rev my FZ to 10k+ rpms in 1st gear.

I like the sound, feel, and smell of high revs!!!

Maybe I'm in the same boat as you.
Depends on the situation, and how your riding...but you can rev the living crap out of an FZ6, and it wont hurt it, the limiter will just cut in if you get to adventurous....

I have been revving the daylights out of my FZ6 for 35000km's now, and it sounds, runs, and goes better than ever!

Modern bikes are well engineered, and are much less likely to detonate, or chuck a piston through the block, like in the "good ol days".

+1 to the warm engine... as long as you don't go to redline the minute you turn the bike on you'll be fine revving the hell out of any gear :)...
..... my house is situated on the top of a hill and at the bottom of the hill is a stop light. So basically, at green lights on my way home, I like to ring my bike out in first gear one last time before I finish for the day.

:D bet your neighbors always know when you are home....
Depends on the situation, and how your riding...but you can rev the living crap out of an FZ6, and it wont hurt it, the limiter will just cut in if you get to adventurous....

I have been revving the daylights out of my FZ6 for 35000km's now, and it sounds, runs, and goes better than ever!

But if you ride like that, you should change oil more often? or is the oil change every 4K interval ok?

I love 8K RPM on highway and rarely use 6th gear (except maybe to save gas).

I'm always gentle on the bike (or any car) until it's warmed up.

Think it really depends on how fast you wanna go, if you´re racing youre gonna rev first gear for sure. But if you´re ona calm ride the bike gets pretty hard to control on 1st gear, 2nd is a lot more forgiving...
Depends on the situation, and how your riding...but you can rev the living crap out of an FZ6, and it wont hurt it, the limiter will just cut in if you get to adventurous....

I have been revving the daylights out of my FZ6 for 35000km's now, and it sounds, runs, and goes better than ever!

Modern bikes are well engineered, and are much less likely to detonate, or chuck a piston through the block, like in the "good ol days".

I feel better now.

Keep it revvving!!!
I generally get off the first gear pretty quickly unless I am sitting on stop and go traffic at which time stay on the first because it is easier to control the bike.

However, I did get it bounced of the rev limiter few times to see how fast it would go on the first gear because somebody, who shall remain nameless ;) , mention that he can do 60 on the first gear on his FZ1 so I wanted to find out what FZ6 would do. The answer is yes, FZ6 is also capable of going 60 in first gear with no problems. :)
I ride it like im gettin away from the cops all the time. (unfortunatly the caught up to me once)
They wouldnt make the engine able to rev to 14k if it were bad for the bike.

Nothing beats the sound of a 600 being ringed out:rockon:
First gear is really on/off on a stock bike, so most people probably change into second where its smoother as soon as they can. I find I rev a bit harder in first these days because it shifts up more quietly but I also have a less restrictive exhaust.
That being said I rarely even come close to redline.
+1 to the warm engine... as long as you don't go to redline the minute you turn the bike on you'll be fine revving the hell out of any gear :)...

QFT - Once she has warmed up, do to her what you will. There is a hell of a lot of pull in first gear if you ring it out. Hang on tight. :)