Riding with visor up dangerous?

Yeh I think we don't realise how dangerous riding with the visor up can be,must be one of them,"it'll never happen to me things". My experiences were travelling down apeage and a got hit by a bird, straight in the visor, two up travelling around 75-80mph, made a right mess of the Caberg I can tell you, plus the remnants damaged my wife's helmet at the rear. Still stopped ok and no serious damage done to either of us. Can't say the same for the bird though.. Urgh...

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I ride visor up around town a lot during the summer, but when I do I have on sunglasses (which fit pretty close to my face). I know it's by no means correct eyewear, but it keeps the wind and bugs out. Anything faster than ~40mph and I flip the visor down.
I find "visor up" a bit uncomfortable at anything over maybe 15mph - so usually within the first 100 yards of leaving my house, the visor is back down. Like most on this list, I like my eyes too much to risk riding any faster than I would on my mountain bike w/o the visor down.