Sarah Palin's "Debate Flowchart"

Settle man, got no problems with you. I just saw the berkeley and asked.
The photo album does address why. It is a amazing sight to see.

Oddly enough if you knew me you would probley of taking a skip on the rest of the post, and left it as you had never went. I like to laugh, and seeing that you are from berkeley made me think of the photo album and laugh. It is a valid point, a parade down public steets of men with their scrotums inflated with air, at the level of childs eyes while dad holds his hand on the side of the street would not fly here. Having a cage of "republicans dragged down the street would not fly where I live.

Does that make it wrong? Right? nope, just goes a long way towards explaining why the electoral votes in this area will go towards one party and the electoral votes in another area will go towards another party.

You I dont know crap about man. You could be a republican that doesnt like McCain, a independent, hell you could be voting for McCain for all I know. I dont really care one way or the other since its your vote.


It is not as you say a example of "Your post is an example rhetorical technique where an inference is made of the person with whom you should be speaking. The inference is meant to associate or connect them (me) with an event, faction, or individual that, as a topic, has some sort of topical, sensational value. The purpose of this is to distract or deflect the thread of the discussion from the topic at hand so that you don't have to engage the real issue"

^^^^Says to me your in college, and are regurgitating what you were taught in a political science class. That is addressed at you.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe your having a bad day and you have said you have a headache.
OBama had a lapel pin on last night.
He must have read the FZ6 Forum!
Could not make out what it was however, did anyone see what it was?
I know it does not really matter....just wondered.
Settle man, got no problems with you. I just saw the berkeley and asked.
The photo album does address why. It is a amazing sight to see.
You I dont know crap about man. You could be a republican that doesnt like McCain, a independent, hell you could be voting for McCain for all I know. I dont really care one way or the other since its your vote.
^^^^Says to me your in college, and are regurgitating what you were taught in a political science class. That is addressed at you.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe your having a bad day and you have said you have a headache.

You got it right in the last sentence. I should've sat on the post. My bad.:spank:

Been out of college these 18 years, so nope, not regurgitating but instead using what little bit of grey matter I have remaining that still seems to function.

The point I make holds. The rhetorical bit that was used in your post is a common ploy used by media talking-heads to not have to speak to a point that matters by bringing up something that's more topical or sensational. All ya gotta do is watch them in action to spot it going on.

Peace, love, and inflated scrotums for all.

Now, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, the burning city of Rome that's all about us -- my sadly, rapidly deflating 401k, hokey politicians, and war mongers.
America has made many mistakes in the past, dont make another one and vote yet another eejit into office, even if she is going to be just the vice president. Anyways, doesn't affect me in any way...I dont care who rules america...its just another country..and whoever does end up ruling the country couldn't be any worse then who's presently in office.
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You got it right in the last sentence. I should've sat on the post. My bad.:spank:

Been out of college these 18 years, so nope, not regurgitating but instead using what little bit of grey matter I have remaining that still seems to function.

The point I make holds. The rhetorical bit that was used in your post is a common ploy used by media talking-heads to not have to speak to a point that matters by bringing up something that's more topical or sensational. All ya gotta do is watch them in action to spot it going on.

Peace, love, and inflated scrotums for all.

Now, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, the burning city of Rome that's all about us -- my sadly, rapidly deflating 401k, hokey politicians, and war mongers.

I apoligise to you.
I am in agreement about the media pushing debate in any direction but where the truth, both sides present what they believe will benifit them.

That seems to be a normal human thing though. We tend to overlook the flaws in those we agree with, and focus on the failing of those we disagree with.

I do agree we are watching as our almost 240 year experiment in democracy, people rights, states rights, and self government goes right down the tubes.

Alot of time I just want to scream.
The bullshiite parties continue to be out of touch with reality, and continue to fight for big biz and their campaign supporters, and the whole mess gets worse by the minute.

We are at a critcal situation here, and it's business as usual on capitol hill. The bailout package has all sorts of pork lining it, none of it relevant to the actual credit crisis.

We need Bastille Day, where heads roll down the street.

I say, vote for whoever you like, it won't matter. Just wait until we are in the throes of the oncoming depression, (the one that will easily replace the Great Depression as the WORST time in this country,) and after the angry mob attacks D.C. and the rioting settles down, then we will have some actual change.

The revolution WILL be televised.
I might be able to hear you scream from here if only I could stop myself.

Forums like this are really tough to communicate on and I'm as guilty as anyone for not using things such as the emoticons/smilies to take the sting out of some of my posts. I don't usually even venture into forum sections such as this because the tone so often turns shrill with folks shouting past each other. I'm comforted by the type of folks who're on this site with whom, much like yourself, once the virtual handshake and "ground rules" are set out, actual intelligent discussion can ensue.

Game on...

Someone had made a post, either in this thread or in the one about "how many zeros..." where they were saying Clinton led us through a boom, yada yada. I find it interesting that either party -- don't get me started on our two party "democracy" -- should attempt to lay claim to being fiscally responsible.

Neither one has any sense or commitment to true long term vision, planning, and execution. If one party makes what seems like an intelligent decision, the moment the other one gets into power, they undercut or undo the policies of their predecessors and head off in a different direction. The end result being that there's lots of talk, a lot of trees gettin' killed, pockets getting filled, but nothing getting done.

There's so much that needs to occur to affect substantive change it's tough to get a grip on where to start. My gut says that until we get a true multi-party system in this country it's going to be "business as usual". We'll have a turnstile government, with reds and blues shuffling in and out the doors of power but we'll never get any real work done on the basic issues.
When this country was founded the government was a small 15 foot nimble sailboat that could turn in a few days. The government has become this massive behemoth that can't turn because its too big. There are a lot of good people who still try but unfortunately by the time their plans are in place the ship has sailed.

Sorry for the bad analogy but I think the only thing that is going to reverse the course that has been set is the government crashing. My hope is we can get back to status quo but I don't think there is going to be a sudden change for "better" regardless of how each of us defines better. The federal government is so large now it is amazing and scary at the same time. It is not fiscally responsible and wouldn't last a minute if it were a business but it continues to grow.

As for the parties... by the time you get to the head of one you have sold yourself so many times that your principles too "better" things might happen as you leave office. Its a shame that the few indepents who seem to really care are knocked out before they even get a chance.

I rant and rave but I really don't see anyway around it. In a few years I can run for president myself but I couldn't even get my name on the ticket if I wanted to.
That's an interesting point. I wonder where the political scientist is who's figured out what the optimal, corresponding, exponential rate of growth is for a government is in relation to its population growth rate? It kinda seems to me that it's inevitable that a growing population will require more hands to manage the affairs of state. But then again, I'm not the sharpest marble in the box...

I was watching one of those "intervention" shows some time recently and there was a psychologist on the program who said that this notion that people have to hit absolute rock bottom before they'll turn themselves around doesn't really hold water. It's a popular sentiment that's gotten traction, but current research suggests that, instead, they need to get to a point where they choose to take responsibility for their actions. And "rock bottom" too often treads so close to dying.

So I guess my point is, would we really want our society to take a serious, hard-reset sorta tumble, as in all out revolution, before we were willing to work for change?

Makes me think of how some of the USSR split up into small states. Or about the whole Bosnia/Serbia thing. I shudder to think of living through a time where the U.S. found it could no longer make this whole fifty state thing work, and instead got chopped into factional chunks. It seems like, if the notion of the size of government is relative to the size of the population, that that's where we'd have to go to get to a sensibly-sized government. Not for me, thanks.

Part of the beauty of this country, to me, is being able to move about and speak freely and experience the ways we all live in the same country. Maybe if we just got everyone to ride motorcycles instead of driving cars... (hey look, a motorcycle-related comment :D)
That's an interesting point. I wonder where the political scientist is who's figured out what the optimal, corresponding, exponential rate of growth is for a government is in relation to its population growth rate? It kinda seems to me that it's inevitable that a growing population will require more hands to manage the affairs of state. But then again, I'm not the sharpest marble in the box...

I was watching one of those \"intervention\" shows some time recently and there was a psychologist on the program who said that this notion that people have to hit absolute rock bottom before they'll turn themselves around doesn't really hold water. It's a popular sentiment that's gotten traction, but current research suggests that, instead, they need to get to a point where they choose to take responsibility for their actions. And \"rock bottom\" too often treads so close to dying.

So I guess my point is, would we really want our society to take a serious, hard-reset sorta tumble, as in all out revolution, before we were willing to work for change?

Makes me think of how some of the USSR split up into small states. Or about the whole Bosnia/Serbia thing. I shudder to think of living through a time where the U.S. found it could no longer make this whole fifty state thing work, and instead got chopped into factional chunks. It seems like, if the notion of the size of government is relative to the size of the population, that that's where we'd have to go to get to a sensibly-sized government. Not for me, thanks.

Part of the beauty of this country, to me, is being able to move about and speak freely and experience the ways we all live in the same country. Maybe if we just got everyone to ride motorcycles instead of driving cars... (hey look, a motorcycle-related comment :D)

No man I agree with you completely. I would love to not see us all take a nose dive but as a government contractor working in federal procurement sitting in a government building in DC right now it is hard to be hopeful. Fiscal year just ended... for the government that it is a last ditch effort to spend all of the money they were given that year they can get the same amount or more money next year. You would think it would be a chance to see how well they did and get ready to save money next year.

But on a good note 1 day before my contract expired they renewed it for 8 months.
So you all are saying having them all shot is just right out?

I dont think we should take that off the table yet.

I mean say Richard Fuld is shot at sunrise, along with the other people that did the same thing. I mean 500,000,000 in your bank account while the company you run goes bankrupt and is foisted upon the taxpayers. So you get shot. Sounds fair to me. (all of this is tounge in cheek) (sorta anyway) Its a good start huh?

I also think we could not do any worse than we are now, by having a groundhog pick our next president and having Senators and Congress chosen by picking names out the hat of people that actually show up for jury duty.

Our Government no longer fears us. That was the intention of the first and second ammendments in my opinion. The desire was that the leaders of our country would fear the population and make decisions in the countries best interst based on the certian knowledge that they would be hanged for doing any thing else. Maybe I am wrong.
Maybe we don't shoot 'em but instead take all of their money and goodies away and, as a sentence or penance, they are compelled to live on a minimum wage income for (n) years. Let them experience living on the razor's edge. Perhaps that'll improve their perspective and sense of empathy for their fellow man.

Again, I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack but I'd like to believe that we can get to working stuff out without too much bloodshed. Ok, well, maybe a little...;)
This is truly a "maverick' thread :)

Come on now - this shot alone got my vote!!! We need more chicks with guns and bikini's in the whitehouse, now that's american!!! :thumbup: