Saw IV

I was really impressed by the first one, think it was that shock factor and the fact it was the beginnig of a new trend in survival horror films.
The second was ok, the third, once again when I watched it ok. My missus loved them all and bought each one but now I can not even sit and watch them.
Tried watching the third again to build myself up for the new one but I turned it off after 15minutes. Something has changed my views and I just can not see why these films are made. My friend was trying to tell me about Paradise Lost last night and I just could not get my head round. Shame, I used to love these sort of films.

That said I'll probably end up seeing it as the other half will want to go. Might try and sneek into Stardust instead!
Just out of curiosity has anyone seen Wolf Creek?
Its a bit different , but based on a true story. If you get the chance to see it, its well worth the watch (as long as your not squeamish).

Yeah I only saw the 1st SAW. Will get around to 2 & 3 soon.
Just out of curiosity has anyone seen Wolf Creek?
Its a bit different , but based on a true story. If you get the chance to see it, its well worth the watch (as long as your not squeamish).

Yeah I only saw the 1st SAW. Will get around to 2 & 3 soon.
Just remind us the story Wolfe creek is based on again. I think I have seen it but sleep deprivation is preventing mr thinking straight.
Just remind us the story Wolfe creek is based on again. I think I have seen it but sleep deprivation is preventing mr thinking straight.

The story of Peter Falconio. He went camping with his girlfriend in the middle of Australia & was never seen again, however she got away. The movie is based on that & a guy called Ivan Milat who murdered a heap of foreign backpackers in Oz.
Yes thats it. I have seen it. From what I can remember it was very good. Thw question still remains in doubt in some peoples minds though. Have they got Peters real killer......
Sorry I left out the movie. One bloke helps 3 stranded backpackers...............
for a while, the movie then takes a turn & chills you to the core.
Reason being, this is very possible, you could bury someone out there & they would never be found............ like Falconio.
There is a scene where a girl is hiding really close to one of her friends being F***ed up. It really has you feeling like your seeing it through her eyes and your there.......nasty
There is a scene where a girl is hiding really close to one of her friends being F***ed up. It really has you feeling like your seeing it through her eyes and your there.......nasty

For sure. The fact that its very possible makes it so freaky. People can just vanish out there. It could happen quite easily, you just have to be unlucky enough to meet an axe wielding homocidal maniac.
Dont let my opinion put you off, see it & see what I mean.
Saw IV - I'll go see it... I enjoyed the first and the 3rd ones the best... the second one was OK. It will be interesting to see what they do with this fourth Saw movie....
I thought SAW was a clever movie, I was disappointed by SAW 2 & 3, I will see SAW 4 once its out on DVD.

(man just typing that was like a tongue twister):D