Scorpion Vision Vest Vs. Icon Military Vest


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2008
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Central Texas
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Hello all, I ordered a Scorpion Vision Vest and it arrived today so i wanted to post up a review for it.

I am sure some of you may have one allready but here goes...Being in the Military, we are required to wear some sort of reflective gear in order to ride on base.* Of course there is a little leniency about that during off duty hours but even so I tend to wear mine if I am riding at night anyway.**I have been using the Icon Motorsports Vest since I started riding however it is not as user friendly as I would prefer.* It does have a pocket in the back for small items, I usually carry a ball cap in mine or I use it to put a movie in on a trip to Blockbuster or something.**The main reason I say it is not so user friendly is because traveling through that gate to get on base really only leaves a couple of options for my I.D Card.* The Icon vest has an I.D pouch on the left side however 9 times out of 10 the gate guard will ask you to take it out of the pouch so he/she can see the back of it and in order to do that you really have to take off your gloves if you are wearing them to get it out and even then it is so tight that it takes a while.* The other option is the zipper pouch on the right side of the vest but even then without the proper finesse you still need to take off your gloves to get to it.* At any rate I decided to purchase the Scorpion Vision Vest to use instead of the Icon.

On to the Scorpion Vest.* I really like this vest because it gives you more room for adjustment in case you wear armor underneath or in case you are wearing leathers..* It doesnt have the pocket in the back like the Icon did but it does have a spot to put in a water bladder (blackhawk, camelback...).* It has 2 pockets on the front which close with a zipper, kind of like on a jacket.* It has a decent size chest pocket for I.D cards or insurance or registration documents.* The bonus for me or any of you military guys who have to show your I.D card to get on base is a clear plastic I.D holder on the inside which makes both sides of your I.D visible.* It also comes with one of those Badge Holder snap back(?) things so you can pretty much pull it out and show it and then it will spring back into place.* Which is removable btw.* It also has one last document pouch on the inside as well.All in all I am very happy with this new vest.*
Hey NRVOUZ - Can I get onto Hood with only a reflective belt, or do I need the full vest, and if I have a passanger do they need a vest too?

Here's another thought do I need to get a base sticker like I have for my truck?

Hey NRVOUZ - Can I get onto Hood with only a reflective belt, or do I need the full vest, and if I have a passanger do they need a vest too?

Here's another thought do I need to get a base sticker like I have for my truck?


Im stationed out of Hood. I have seen people on post with only belts. I am not sure about passangers but i believe that they do need it. Also yes you do need a base sticker to get on post.
You can get a temporary pass at the front gate if you want. Since you have an I.D card it should be no problem.

Since I traded in my old bike for my Fz6 III Corps and Fort Hood enacted a new police that states that unless you have completed the Advanced Riders Course you cannot get a base decal, you can only get a Temporary Pass that is only valid for 6 months. (Inconvenient if you ask me because not only do you have to show your I.D Card but you also have to wait until they read the paper and confirm the license plate)

No more show and go....
You can get a temporary pass at the front gate if you want. Since you have an I.D card it should be no problem.

Since I traded in my old bike for my Fz6 III Corps and Fort Hood enacted a new police that states that unless you have completed the Advanced Riders Course you cannot get a base decal, you can only get a Temporary Pass that is only valid for 6 months. (Inconvenient if you ask me because not only do you have to show your I.D Card but you also have to wait until they read the paper and confirm the license plate)

No more show and go.... I guess my old roadracing license will not work. Kind of a PITA.

How long is the ARC? One day or a weekend?
I think it is a whole weekend.... not sure though. It is free for military personnel though there is a waiting list. I still have to check into it. I know the wait for the basic course on post was about 6 months long. I went off post(150.00). As soon as I can make it over to find out I will post up the info, But if you just want to come up and go on post you shouldnt have a problem getting a temporary pass. You dont need a decal.
I suspect the ARC is something that CSM Ciotola implemented. He used to ride a Harley, not sure if he does anymore. We had CSM/SGM call in Iraq (since my Company was a seperate Co attached to BDE I got to go) and he told some WILD stories of his younger days riding his Harley. He's very luck to be alive.
Thanks for the review! That's an awesome vest! I'll have to search for the best price now! :D
For some reason they are starting to enforce military standards on National Guard parking lots. I was told a couple months ago that if you want to ride to Drill you have to have: DOT approved Helmet, Gloves, Boots, Leather Jacket, and a reflective vest. I normally wear everything but the reflective vest. I was told that you need two PT belts to replace the vest, and that they are to be warn in an 'X' across the body. Nothing was said about passengers.

So far I have only done it a couple times. Once when riding onto Camp Grayling because it's more like a military post, and the other time was right after I was told you needed it.

I met a guy in the Air National Guard when I was attending an ARC. It was put on by Harley Davidson with nothing to do with the military. He was saying that once he completed the course and received the card he would be able to drive onto the Air Bases. I was wondering if that same card would work on regular Army Bases too or if I'd still have to attend 'their' ARC. It's just been one of those questions I've wondered about.

Nice looking vest btw.
