Seat with riders backrest


Older Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Does anyone have a seat with a RIDERS backrest?

I have a 2006 FZ6.

I would appreciate their views and photos if possible?

I guess it depends on your point of view. I call myself a "driver" and people in the back riders. :shrug:

Sorry for the misinterpretation. Guess the flying world and bike world don't mix. Hehe.
what you are looking for is a seat cowl, its nothing to lean onto really, but gives some support on take offs and in general when you ride. i dont know how you would have a drivers back rest on a two people seat anyway
Steve, I think you're looking for something similar to this. This is my V-Star that I had before the FZ6. I had a friend fabricate a bracket and bought the backrest pad on Ebay and just slapped it on there. Worked like a charm on the cruiser, but I'm not sure how it would work on an FZ6. Not the least of your problems would be that the FZ6 seat is a one-piece design, so where would you attach the backrest? And, even though the seating position on these bikes is upright, it's not "feet forward" like on a cruiser, so I'm not sure how effective it would be to lean back against. Even with the 1" up and back risers I used to have on mine, a backrest still wouldn't have been a usable piece of equipment. But if you get a good idea of how to do it, post it up! :thumbup:

i know for cruisers that you can get seats that have a "whole" behind the driver where a back rest can be inserted. i would assume the same could be done for "sport" bikes. it'd probably be expensive though.
Hello, there.
Just for the fun.
This is my Rider's Rest.... ha ha ha
Photos from this weekend camping ride.


I was talking about the rider backrest and not the passenger as I have a top box on for Jannie.

I saw Corbin produce this and it is in the FZ6 listing but is obviously not a FZ6 seat.

Corbin Motorcycle Seats & Accessories | Corbin Motorcycle Backrests | 800-538-7035

I used to have a Pro Trac backrest on my Intruder on my Intruder but it fastened onto the suspension brackets which we don`t have on the FZ6.
