Sept 19th

Yarrr so it be.

Also helped by Pirates of the Caribbean being on TV at this time as well :thumbup:

It's also the day that Nikita Khrushchev was banned from Disneyland, perhaps he went to Cuba on holiday instead and left something behind in his hotel?
Yarrr so it be.

Also helped by Pirates of the Caribbean being on TV at this time as well :thumbup:

It's also the day that Nikita Khrushchev was banned from Disneyland, perhaps he went to Cuba on holiday instead and left something behind in his hotel?
ye arrrrrn't conversin in Pirrrreeeeet speak ya lilly livered land lubber
Ok, I'll just d/l some mp3's, burn some DVD movies and maybe make a few cd's up for my shipmates. Perhaps not the type of pirate they had in mind?

My band did a gig on Sept 19th several years ago, and during break I was passing a table full of folks who were really getting into the "holiday"; so I stopped and asked them, "Ya know what my favorite letter of the alphabet is?"

One gal jumped up and with a look of triumph on her face, yelled "C!!!"

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I have no idea what she was thinking, I don't think her friends did either... :confused:
And speaking of PIRATES... It's also going to go down as the day America officially became a socialist country. I'd like to say hello to the 300,000,000 fellow owners of AIG and who knows what else very soon... welcome to the future. And thank you John McCain and your chief economic advisor Phil Gramm for getting us into this mess.

...thank you John McCain and your chief economic advisor Phil Gramm for getting us into this mess.
did I fall asleep and miss an election

did I fall asleep and miss an election


Maybe not the election, but you might have slept through civics class. Take a look at the bill Phil Gramm introduced (it passed in 1999). It did away with regulations put in place during the 1930's to prevent another depression. 10 years later and we're staring one in the face. Only thing Bush & Repubs can think of to save us from it is to socialize the financial industry. Remember, the basic tenet of communism is that the government owns the means of production. We (as in 300,000,000 Americans) now own Bear Stearns and AIG. And soon we'll own more. As Pogo once said so wisely : "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Some "Readers Digest" info on the bill is here -->
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caveat - wiki should be the start of your research, not the end. If there aren't any sources quoted then don't believe it. The actual text of the bill is online here at the Library of Congress --> THOMAS (BETA) Search Result - Bill, Resolution

You might pay particular attention to section 101 which is titled "Repeal of Glass Steagall Act". If that hadn't happened we MIGHT have avoided this whole meltdown thing.

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^^^ Well this started as a fun thread. Looks like a case of pirate thread jacking to me!!! Arrrrhhhh!!! or I mean, C!
:hijack: Not really...

Take a look at the executive powers the Repubs are proposing for the Treasury Secretary. I tell you PIRACY is alive and well and living in the West Wing. The Federal Debt ceiling goes up by $700,000,000,000. Who do you think is going to pay that?

Subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof $11,315,000,000,000.

Anybody that's still laughing after Friday needs to have an attitude check. :shakehead:
