Should I get it?


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Oct 15, 2012
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san antonio
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im looking at buying a used fz6...and ive found one a few hours from me that im wanting to check out. Its $3400 and has 33,500 miles on it. Im wondering, from all you guys who have this bike, if i should keep looking or if this is something its worth driving out there to check out? the seller says it has been "maintained religiously" but are 2 dings on the tank from a drop while not moving. Any insight for someone who wants to own one? THanks
That price is way too high for the mileage. I paid $3,300 for mine with 13K miles on it. With that said, if the previous owner really did maintain it religiously, it probably has a lot of life left in it. I personally wouldn't pay more than about $2,500 for a bike with that much mileage in perfect condition. A little less because of the dings in the tank. It might be worth checking out but only if you look over it very carefully and are very good at negotiating.
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im looking at buying a used fz6...and ive found one a few hours from me that im wanting to check out. Its $3400 and has 33,500 miles on it. Im wondering, from all you guys who have this bike, if i should keep looking or if this is something its worth driving out there to check out? the seller says it has been "maintained religiously" but are 2 dings on the tank from a drop while not moving. Any insight for someone who wants to own one? THanks

What year is the bike? Any modifications done? In general, $3400 for this many mile bike seems too much (granted I don't know what year,mods, etc...). You should be able to pick up an FZ6S2 (2007+) for about $3500 with many less miles. I gave away my 2008 FZ6 with 11.5k miles, Givi trunk, Puig screen, frame sliders for $3500 two years ago. The bike did need new tires ($300 or so) and service. I gave it away because I got a steal on a 2007 VFR that was loaded for touring, so passed along some of my savings.
What year is it?

high mileage also depends on the age of the bike.

Say I bought a 2008 FZ6 with 14k miles on it.

That comes out to 2,800 miles per year/riding season.

That's not a lot.

I myself would do that in half a season.

keep in mind that some members here have commuted on their bikes everyday totaling to 100K miles since buying it new.

I would prefer a bike that has more miles but at least was ridden regularly than one which has 3k miles on it and was stored in a shed for few years rusting the tank and gumming up the whole fuel system.

Look some more and Ia m sure you can find something with lower mileage.

Like I said depending on the age of the bike 33k might actually be reasonable.
That is a lot of miles but I have almost 38,000 miles on mine. I change the oil regularly, have been thru almost everything on the bike and it is very dependable. If you are looking for a bike but do not expect to put lots of miles on it I would not hesitate to buy one with a lot of miles on it that has been well maintained and ridden regularly.

Price - way too high, maybe 2,500 if the tires are new.
I found the ad for this bike. I would personally pass. Those dings are more like dents and the extra gear is almost all useless. I think that it is definitely overpriced for a 2006 with 33k miles and dents on the tank.

When you are comparing prices to what you see online, you have to consider how it compares to where you live. San Antonio probably has higher prices because it is in a warm climate in a huge metropolitan area. So look around and see what people are paying for their bikes, but also keep in mind how much bikes are selling for in your area.
The mileage is nothing to worry about (mine has almost 60k miles), but the price is too high given the mileage.

If the bike looks good, might be worth it to to haggle on the price. Maybe in the area of $3000?
I bought my '05 blue ST for $2450 with 38,000 miles on it. I've probably put another $1500-$2000 into it to get it where I want it. It runs beautifully now and is starting to get that street custom look even. At this point there are really only two more major things I'd like to do and they could cumulatively cost me another grand in parts...exhaust ($500-$700) and HID projection headlights ($250-$400).

With that said, keep in mind that you want to get a good deal on the best possible bike. But if you are buying used, it will be someone else's headache that you buy. So whatever you pay, also take into account what it will cost to fix what you CAN see wrong. And I guarantee that after a month of riding you will find other stuff you will need to sink money into as well.

And if you don't already ride, figure on about $500 for gear too...helmet...jacket...gloves at the and pants too possibly. And in SA, you have the same problem I have in AZ of year round riding (first world problems, right guys? I can hear all the Canadians groaning at me now! :D). You will need summer gear and winter gear. I have a mesh summer jacket and a half leather half textile jacket with a liner that I wear in the winter. I also have a pair of summer gloves and two different kinds of winter gloves depending on where and when I am riding. I generally only wear riding pants in the winter. I do wear kevlar jeans in the summer though. And I wear marine surplus desert boots with thinsulate in them year round.

so...factor in bike price...gear price...and then figure that you will eventually want to start adding mods too.

But for initial investment, I'd say factor in the bike, gear, title, registration...maybe emissions...oil and a filter...maybe plugs...maybe an air filter. These are all things you should always change ASAP when buying a used bike. You can ask the seller when the last time this stuff was done was, but don't believe the answer. check and change as needed regardless. Sellers lie.

You'll find one ya like. And it'll be awesome even if it sucks...cuz you'll be a biker. :BLAA: :Sport:

Welcome to the club.
Thats personally way too much for a used FZ6 regardless of miles.
I purchased a used FZ6 2005 from a guy in Temple Texas for 3K in perfect condition with only 8k on the ODO; except for some baked paint but that can't really be helped.

I kind of lucked out because that is a very good price for the mileage, condition and add-on the guy invested.

Take your time; look around because I promise you'll find a good used Fazer for your price budget; theres plenty in the 3.5K range if you play your cards right; just make sure everything else in the good condition as well such as tires; oil, inspection, etc. etc. All those little things that could end up costing you more money a little down the road.
I got a new stock fz6 for 3100 in so cal with 7200 on the odometer I'd say 3k and under with 15k and less miles add ons really lose their value when you go to resell anything
To each their own of course. Personally, since I was going to buy a Corbin seat for the Fizzer, finding one that already has one installed with a low price just makes it all better.

Yeah...problem with that is that Corbins mold to your a$$. I don't want ride around in someone else's butt dent. :disapprove: :thumbdown:
Just bought an '07 last month with 7500 miles for $3000. It was bone stock, down to the tires so I did need to get some new tires on it. So I guess you could say I paid about $3300 for it.