Squid etiquette

If you are going to wave, do it because you WANT to do it. DON'T do it because you think you will get a wave or acknowledgment in response. You are on a motorcycle, you should be F**king HAPPY!!!, and if the other person doesn't wave thats cool. the sun will go down, come up and the earth will still go around. But if they do wave thats cool too. :thumbup:
What's a squid?


this pretty much sums it up.
I like to think I'm a pretty friendly guy, I wave at everyone. Hopefully it instills a sence of mutual respect that may help either of us out in the future.

I wave at all the LEOs too (Law Enforcement Officer). Again, you never know. Plus it shows them that we're not all squids, or full-of-it hardley riders.
I try to wave also, just being nice. Like Yammy~Tiger said....YOUR ON A F***ING MOTORCYCLE! Enjoy it! Have Fun! I even had a great conversation with a guy on a Hardly at a light...Couldnt hear a damn thing he said, but it was meaningful none the less!:BLAA:
While riding I wave to everyone...motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, horse and buggy whatever else may be on the road. I find it amusing more than anything.
Off the bike is another issue. I likely would have give you the ol head nod if we had made some sort of eye contact. It's a mutual respect of riders...that doesn't really mean that I want to stop and talk. Though, if you had an FZ6 I likely would. A SQUID I'm not gonna waste the thought on, nor be offended if they didn't talk to me...chances are I don't want to talk to them.
My 0.02 cents :)