Stay safe out there guys/gals

Heard about the accident from Spook pretty quickly as he lives in Maccy. Cant believe its Greg Pretty that got hit...He was recently mentioned in Rapid magazine for his riding career.

Spook already told me the zx10 crossed the line and that has now been confirmed. Adelaide Now also have updated this.

Awful news.....just goes to show, your never too old, or experienced to get into such trouble!

That is sad. Sometimes bad luck/death will find you, no matter what you are doing. A few years ago I came along right after an accident had happened.
A man and his son were riding one bike and the wife/mother was riding another bike. She was in front and they were all making a slow pass around an 18-wheeler on the interstate. Just as she got even with the tandem of the trailer a black bear just instantly bolted out of the bushes in the median. The bear tee-boned the lady biker and knocked her and her bike directly into the path of the trailer wheels - right in front of her husband and son! The lady truck driver was so shaken that she just drove her rig right off the road and way over off of the right of way nearly into a field. That had to be a horrible experience for all involved. Speed, riding habits, nor weather were factors.
Sometimes your number is just up! (Live everyday as if it were your last on earth)