Take the think test!

I got to listen to some nice music but beyond this Firefox said no way Jose...
Hmmm, Safari didn't like it either, still got the blue box of music.

I've emailed the link to my computer at work (nothing "Microsoft" shall touch my pristine Mac here at home! :Flip: :D) so I'll see if I can get into it tomorrow.
19, I haven't got a clue how many hotdog buns are in a bag, we bake by 6 & 12.
Nevers seen Campbells soup?
Made me think though.
I got 15. Some of the stuff I have forgotten since living outside the US for so long. Maybe I need to spend a few months at home...
dont know how a carosel spins, cuves in a paper clip (even counted in my mind), a few others.
the average person only gets seven right. wow are americans really that stupid?
we however are pretty smart as a whole! (that is why we picked the fz)