The new Iphone


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Jul 8, 2011
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Seems like it's called Iphone 4s. Same design as 4, new processor (A5) 64gb variant, 8mp camera with 1080p video (nice) and 14.4mbps modem. I think they improved the battery life as well. For me it doesn't justify an upgrade from iphone 4. What do you think?
The misses has the 3GS and 4, and personally, I HATE it!! :ban:
It really doesn't do anything from me (coming from some of the most modded WM 6.1 and 6.5 devices :rockon:)

I'm now settled on Android (if you tweak it good, it will be perfect!! (instead of that sh*tty iOS trying to replicate Android with its new *iAss5.0* :spank:)

Get yourself an Samsung Galaxy SII, HTC EVO3D or Sensation XE (the last is dual clocked at 1.5Ghz and is SWEEEEEEEEEET :Flash:)

But to get back to the new 4GS (and possible 5): I think it's overrated, as the 4G is "good enough" for 95% of all iPhone users.


Looks like the exact same thing, only slightly better. It's actually quite laughable that this thing had such a huge hype built up for its release. My galaxy s II blows this thing away.


Galaxy SII is IMHO much better/faster/smoother than any iPhone.
Only little downside on the SII is the little oversaturated screen and its dimensions (damn, that thing is HUGE :Flip:)

Oh, and by the way; the new Sensation XE blows your SII away ;)

I have been using Rooted android and its perfect I dont like ios since you can not customize it the way you want. Also after using 4G i dont think i can you 3G services.
Seems like it's called Iphone 4s. Same design as 4, new processor (A5) 64gb variant, 8mp camera with 1080p video (nice) and 14.4mbps modem. I think they improved the battery life as well. For me it doesn't justify an upgrade from iphone 4. What do you think?
I followed a couple live blogs on the presentation, and you left out what I thought was the biggest feature: Siri, the voice interface. If it indeed works the way portrayed, its pretty damn huge!
(note: I love my iMac and Macbook Air, but still don't own any kind of smartphone).
Still have no interest in anything Apple. One more year and I'm out of my 2 year contract with Verizon, can upgrade if I want in about 7 months. Using a Moto Droid 2 (not global) and am happy with it. They just updated the Android version on it and it's a sweet upgrade.

It seems most of the people I know that have iPhones like it enough but have one or two serious issues with them. They still haven't saved the world, even with the latest version. I do like the accessory market with them but still not enough to push me to get one. I can listen to Slacker or Pandora in my truck with a simple cable too, but usually don't and listen to XM instead.

I'm partial to the slide and having a real keyboard. I know there's few phones with them and may have to switch to a virtual when I eventually upgrade. My phone does swipe but I've only tried it once or twice.

Had Blackberries for several years and made the move to Android last year, couldn't be happier.
Siri is pretty cool -- if it works. Be able to read and reply to text messages on the bike. Likely now be a very good GPS device if Siri can interact with the GPS Apps. I think when Siri comes out on the iPhone 5 or 6 will be a good time to upgrade in a year. But for now the iPhone 4 will be good enough.
Well personally I don't get the whole multi-core lots-of-ghz processor power on phones. If you want games get a xbox or playstation, or if need be mobile get ipod touch. Ghz runs on power :) less battery. And as well I don't waste much time on customizing my phone since I use it most day for work related stuff, calls, emails and remote access on a lot of machines so...don't have the time to apreciate the pretty colors&icons. It does what it's suppose to do, run apps and make calls. Ofc it's jailbreaked for more features. And I prefer to feel glass+metal than plastic. Ages better as well :p And love the macosx on computers. And been tweaking windows since 95 came out. Had a bit of experience on 3.11 as well. Then had NT 4.0 as admin, then switched to linux, all of my servers run linux, learnt xp by heart, and windows 7 was too much for me :) I am using macos for some time now and love it, everything is where it is supposed to be. Makes my life easier. Same thing with iPhone, don't want to uber-tweak it, I just need it to be reliable, feel good as a material piece and keep up with technology. So I made this topic just to see what other iphone owners feel about the 4s, or people that are thinking to get iphone for the first time. If the rest of you wish we may start a new flame topic, and bring your best arguments :)
Is there really a demand for that whole siri stuff? This is a technology that pops up every so many years pops up but never really surfaces. I know that the technology itself is getting better and all that but the idea of talking to my phone in the middle of the street is weird if anything.

like dictating messages, how do i go about removing all the "eeuuhhmms" and rephrasings i do with speech? :)

The time when i could use voicecommand is when i'm on my motorcycle, if Siri can understand me through all the wind and traficnoises it's handy ... but i'll have to see that first ;)
Most of the other voice control stuff never really worked well. You had to train it and it really didn't understand questions. This seems to be better. I think it will be the way of the future for sure. Having it check your calendar and setting an appointment or setting an alarm without having to open the app and type in the date and time etc is pretty cool.
all the talk about the future reminded me about this clip [ame=]A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning. - YouTube[/ame]
My Iphone 4 is a piece of crap, has been ever since i got it! Crap reception, glass cracks too easily, etc, etc...

Cant wait till i can change the thing to something that works....worst phone i have ever owned.

Wont be looking at changing up to another iphone, no matter how much they improve it.

I'm an RF Engineer for one of the top 3 wireless companies in the US and the only reason I carry an iPhone 4 is because my boss told me to get one after my iPhone 3Gs battery went bad. I would have preferred to have gotten an android device. The specs on the new iPhone aren't all that impressive either compared to some of the other devices that are available. Especially the Galaxy S2.
I'm just wondering what more can you guys do with all those GHz's on Android phones? Do they make faster calls? Do they play better quality videos? Does porn look better on them? It reminds me of the SS bikes engine and power race. Even more powerful R1 and GSX-R every 2 years. And what for? Oh, I know. So that squids can buy and crash them.

All the iPhone apps and games are written the way so they perform good on the device they are targeted for. Does it mean that if your android phone does not have latest GHz the newly released apps will suck on it? I can install anything on my iPhone and I'm sure it will run fine. I can customize it any way I want.
Ghz is needed for better customization, bitter time consuming "mine-looks-better-than-yours-or-than-the-default" actions for the ones that have that time to spend. :) Ultimatelly a phone is for normal use, not for making love to it, put silicone or perform cosmetic surgery. That is why we have our bikes! :)) Marketing makes the ghz race, not the actual needs of us. Ask anyone why dual-core and they will reply embarrased "games?" or "hd movie?" does anyone of you encode in after-effects ported on android? Do you render architectural designs at university class on your phone? No? Ah, you mainly use it for calls and text and browsing...and a 20 min boring game while you wait ar some point. Ain't worth it. I'm thinking ergonomy, not "get this phone, spend 2 weeks till you manage to get it to your needs"
From an RF performance standpoint as a phone, the iPhone has always been lousy. They drop more calls than other phones, they go into no service worse than a lot of the other phones. The 4 that I have is pretty buggy with apps as well. I have apps that will work one time and the next time they won't and it will either take power cycling or a reset and reload to get them to work properly. Personally, if I'm going to have a device that doubles as a web browser or a media device, I'd rather have more display real estate like the Atrix with the 4.3" display vs. the iPhone's 3.5" display. My 41 year old eyes aren't what they used to be.

I think one of the biggest disappointments with the new iPhone will be that it's not compatible with the latest 4G wireless technologies LTE or WIMAX.